




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:yí ràng






  1. 转让。如:移让权利。



  1. While this is only happening at slow and small increments right now, the shift caused it to happen at a much accelerated rate.


  1. 也许你可以把它们都移开让事情变得更好。

    Maybe you can remove them altogether to make that better.

  2. 熏制完成之后, 将鱼移开并让其冷却。

    After you finish smoking the fish, remove them and let them cool.

  3. 让我们移到院子吧。

    Lets adjourn to the patio.

  4. 让我们移到大厅吧。

    Let's adjourn to the hall.

  5. 她一直站在门口, 但现在移到一边让他们通过。

    She had been standing in the doorway, but now she stepped aside to let them pass.

  6. 如果出现过度加热现象, 则将吹焰器移开, 让融合合金凝固。

    If this condition is encountered, take the heat away and allow the alloy to set.

  7. 当然可以。让我移一下座位底下的背包。

    Certainly, let me move my backpack under the seat.

  8. 让我们移开那袋子大米,否则的话,会出事故的。

    Let us move that bag, or there may be an accident.

  9. 乔伊斯当然可以。让我移一下座位底下的背包。

    Joyce Certainly, let me move my backpack under the seat.

  10. 移开烧瓶, 让它冷却。

    Remove the flask. Allow it to cool.

  11. 移开烧瓶,让它冷却。

    Remove the flask .Allow it to cool .

  12. 让开, 挪开把移到一边以让地儿

    Scoots her chair over to Rachel scoot To move to the side to make room

  13. 移去这些堆积物让表面重新暴露, 腐蚀会继续进行。

    Removing these deposits reexposes the surface, and corrosion continues.

  14. 首先将它移到关,让它复位然后按一下开就好了。

    So, first you move it to off'to reset, then you press it to on.

  15. 但是,让我们再移到又一个十倍遥远的距离

    But let's move yet again ten times further away.

  16. 得把这辆坏了的货车移至支线上好让客车通过。

    The damaged goods train will have to be shunted onto a side line to make way for the passenger train.

  17. 让我们接下来移入颈部和头部。

    Let us move next to the neck and head region.

  18. 现在让我们把它移到十倍遥远的地方。

    Now let's move ten times further away.

  19. 老威你丫敢让我再多移一张牌出去吗?

    May I please remove one more card ?

  20. 让我们把洋葱幼苗移出来。

    Let's prick the onion plant out.

  21. 她笑了笑,但我的表情让她又把目光移开了。

    She smiled, but my expression made her look away.

  22. 奥勃良俯在他的头上, 有意让他久经沧桑的脸移得更近一些。

    O'Brien leaned over him, deliberately bringing the worn face nearer.

  23. 让我们移步消防控制中心。

    Let's move to central fire control room.

  24. 让我们从前景的左边移到右边。

    Let us move across the foreground from left to right.

  25. 让降到一低水平, 带到或移到低方位

    to let, bring, or move down to a lower level

  26. 我说服了他让他把我的手移开。

    I persuaded him to let me move his hand away.

  27. 降下让降到一低水平,带到或移到低方位

    To let, bring, or move down to a lower level.

  28. 移去餐具,围巾等物品,让长者舒服地休息。

    Remove the utensils, apron and serviettes. Let the elder rest comfortably.

  29. 她突然将手移开, 不愿让他碰着。

    She whipped her hand away, unwilling to let him touch it.

  30. 移工会付钱给仲介,让他们幫忙介绍工作。

    fees that migrants pay, migrant workers pay to laborers who found them the job.