




1. 椅 [yǐ]2. 椅 [yī]椅 [yǐ]有靠背的坐具:~子。坐~。木~。躺~。椅 [yī]落叶乔木,木材可以制器物。亦称“山桐子”。……



汉语拼音:yáo yǐ






  1. 一种能前后摇晃的椅子。

    韩北屏 《非洲夜会·酋长的故事》:“他和我们握手之后,坐在摇椅上。”



  1. Years went by, and the giant became very old and weak. He sat in his armchair and watched the children play in the garden.


  2. Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows.


  3. A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch.


  4. She sat down in one of the rocking-chairs, while Hurstwood waited for the boy, who soon knocked.


  5. I retired to the back porch with my two brothers and brother-in-law, and sat down in a rocking chair with a sigh.


  6. He was perched uncomfortably on the canted edge of a rocker and his eyes couldn't seem to find my face.


  7. He sat down in a rocking-chair to think the better, drawing up one leg on his knee and frowning mightily. His mind ran on at a great rate.


  8. There was no sound save that of Gerhardt rocking nervously to and fro in the kitchen.


  9. That young woman invariably put one of the rocking-chairs in the corner, and Carrie as regularly moved it out.


  1. 我坐着摇椅

    Seating in a rocking chair.

  2. 一种讲究的摇椅

    Boston rocker

  3. 我们听见摇椅吱吱响。

    We heard the squeaks of the rocking chair.

  4. 杰米坐上了摇椅。

    Jamie sat in the rocking chair.

  5. 他坐在摇椅上摇动着。

    He was rocking himself in a rocking chair.

  6. 我的卧室里有一张摇椅。

    There is a rocking chair in my bedroom.

  7. 所有的人都注视那把摇椅。

    They all look at the rocker.

  8. 嘉莉只是坐在摇椅里摇着。

    Carrie only rocked back and forth in her chair.

  9. 他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。

    He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

  10. 她坐在摇椅上前后摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.

  11. 在一个固定底基上的摇椅。

    rocking chair on a stationary base.

  12. 有天你会坐上属于你的摇椅

    Someday youll meet your rocking chair

  13. 鱼是一种典型的摇椅未来的解释。

    Stingray is a future interpretation of the classic rocking chair.

  14. 魟鱼是一种典型的摇椅未来的解释。

    Stingray is a future interpretation of the classic rocking chair.

  15. 我洗手回来时,母亲坐在摇椅上。

    When I went back after cleaning my hands, Mother was sitting in her rocker.

  16. 她母亲坐在炉边暗处的摇椅里。

    Her mother was sitting in the dark by the stove in her rocking chair.

  17. 砰一声,她坐的摇椅变成纯金打造的。

    Phut, the rocking chair that she takes becomes bullion to make.

  18. 然后她走到摇椅边,坐下来思索。

    Then she went back to the rocker to think.

  19. 你记得我做给奶奶的那把摇椅吗??

    You remember that rocking chair l made for Grandma ?

  20. 突然间, 摇椅那边传来巨大的一声叹息。

    There was a loud gasp from the rocking chair.

  21. 突然间,摇椅那边传来巨大得一声叹息。

    There was a loud gasp from the rocking chair.

  22. 摇椅形方弓深度与弓丝转矩度的关系

    The relationship between the depth and the torque of rectangular rocking chair archwire

  23. 嘉莉就是这样注视着,追求着,一边摇着摇椅,哼着曲子。

    So watched Carrie, so followed, rocking and singing.

  24. 祖父慢慢地从摇椅上站起来,径直走进屋子。

    Grandpa slowly got up from his rocker and headed into the house.

  25. 随着云彩慢慢变厚,他将头又靠向了摇椅。

    As they thickened, he leaned his head back against the rocking chair.

  26. 半夜了,他还坐在摇椅里摇着,盯着地板发呆。

    At midnight he was still rocking, staring at the floor.

  27. 是可以一起坐在阳台,躺在摇椅里摇摆的那种。

    Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with.

  28. 我们要在摇椅上铺软垫,那么就会更舒适了。

    We are going to cushion the rocking chair so that it is more comfortable.

  29. 晚上,哈利。杜鲁门喜欢坐在一张旧摇椅上。

    Harry truman love to sit in an old rocker in the evening.

  30. 她在一张摇椅上坐下, 茫然向阳光里望着。

    She seated herself in a porch rocker and stared blindly into the sun.


  1. 问:摇椅拼音怎么拼?摇椅的读音是什么?摇椅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摇椅的读音是yáoyǐ,摇椅翻译成英文是 rocking chair

  2. 问:摇椅底足拼音怎么拼?摇椅底足的读音是什么?摇椅底足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摇椅底足的读音是yáoyǐdǐzú,摇椅底足翻译成英文是 rocker-bottom foot; 18-trisomysyndrome, also c...

  3. 问:摇椅底状脚拼音怎么拼?摇椅底状脚的读音是什么?摇椅底状脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摇椅底状脚的读音是,摇椅底状脚翻译成英文是 Rocker bottom foot