







汉语拼音:xiǎo bīng








  1. 小规模的战乱。


  2. 军队里的兵。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“我的职业是医生,在我看来,小兵身上的伤和军长身上的伤根本就没有什么两样。” 王西彦 《人的世界·第五家邻居》:“他说他是一个老军人,从小兵升到排长。”



  1. As you might expect, the approach Evans takes onto the pitch is dictated by his central defensive partner.


  2. And the officer said, you, you rascal, you are just a private, what makes you think you are a Captain.


  3. Many types of enemies, Xiaobing is relatively easy to deal with the problem.


  4. Locke speaks a bit Cantonese, not Mandarin. But he'll just be another pawn for Hilary Clinton to play. Nothing to see here.


  5. I had no interest in the Soldier if it were in his stocking.


  6. Majestic Roar: Volibear lets out a powerful roar that damages and slows enemies. Minions and monsters are feared as well.


  7. The company looks forward to "sustainable, rapid, and healthy growth, " Chairman Xiaobing Chang said in a Sept. 28 press release.


  8. Diabolic Edict is one of the most powerful spells for destroying buildings. Eliminate the creeps first so that you only have one target.


  9. Most people assume the U. S. Marine Corps is a rank-and-file organization where officers have power and soldiers obey orders.


  1. 我们只是小兵小卒,莎拉

    We're all just pawns, Sara.

  2. 是的,我是一个小兵。

    Yes, I am a dogface.

  3. 你难道想一直做小兵?

    But, do you really want to be just a pawn..

  4. 看指纹如何小兵立大功?

    Why Do We Have Fingerprints?

  5. 噢, 轰掉雪山的那个小兵!

    The soldier from the mountains!

  6. 十个小兵人,外出去吃饭。

    Ten Jigaboo boys went out to dine.

  7. 五个小兵人,喜欢学法律。

    Five little Jigaboo going in for law.

  8. 四个小兵人,出海去逞能。

    Four little Jigaboo boys going out to sea.

  9. 六个小兵人,无聊玩蜂箱。

    Six little Jigaboo boys playing with a hive.

  10. 三个小兵人,去进动物园。

    Three little Jigaboo boys walking in the zoo.

  11. 小兵做自动化行业的守望者。

    Xiaobing automation industry to do the Rye.

  12. 两个小兵人,坐着晒太阳。

    Two Little Jigaboo boys sitting in the sun.

  13. 八个小兵人,动身去德文。

    Eight little Jigaboo boys traveling in Devon.

  14. 这群赤脚小兵每小时赚3。5美金。

    The hourly wage the foot soldiers were earning was 3. 48 in an hour.

  15. 见过小孩在洗澡时玩小兵打仗么?

    You know how kids play toy soldiers in the bath ?

  16. 你可以将小兵拉到树林做侦察兵

    You can make your creeps scout in the bushes

  17. 巫医第一个技能对小兵会造成伤害。

    Paralyzing casks now deals damage to creeps.

  18. 挺直腰杆, 咬紧牙关, 做个象样的小兵。

    Straighten up little soldier. Stiffen up that upper lip.

  19. 一旦决定扩充,小兵就会变成军士,军士就会变成军官。

    Once the decision to expand was taken, the privates could become sergeants, the sergeants officers.

  20. 少数坚持到最后的小兵会变得威力无比

    A few makes it to the end and becomes powerful

  21. 我知道我不是你的女王,我只是你眼里不起眼的小兵。

    I know I am not your queen, I just your insignificant dogface.

  22. 年轻的小兵就得想当将军,得树立远大理想!

    Young soldier should dream to be a general, and should be ambitious.

  23. 霍华德士官因为违抗命令而被降为小兵。

    Sergeant Howard was reduced to the ranks for disregard of orders.

  24. 这些赤脚小兵,正如在麦当劳为你点餐的服务员。

    So in some sense, the foot soldiers are a lot like the people who are taking your order at McDonald's.

  25. 是呀!年轻的小兵就得想当将军,得树立远大理想!

    Yes! Young soldier should dream to be a general, and should be ambitious.

  26. 爸爸一定又在打小兵了,响鞭的声音老远就能听见。

    Xiao Bing's father must be beating his son again, as one can hear the sound of the whip from afar.

  27. 当时基辛格19岁,是美国步兵中一名新入伍的小兵。

    Kissinger was then nineteen and a buck private in the U.S. Infantry.

  28. 你能猜到,埃文斯在场上还只是搭档手下的小兵。

    As you might expect, the approach Evans takes onto the pitch is dictated by his central defensive partner.

  29. 我是说,在黑帮混战时,他们支付那些小兵两倍的报酬。

    It turns out, in the gang, when there's a war going on, that they actually pay the foot soldiers twice as much money.


  1. 问:小兵拼音怎么拼?小兵的读音是什么?小兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小兵的读音是,小兵翻译成英文是 batman

  2. 问:小兵卫拼音怎么拼?小兵卫的读音是什么?小兵卫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小兵卫的读音是Xiǎobīngwèi,小兵卫翻译成英文是 Kohee

  3. 问:小兵张嘎拼音怎么拼?小兵张嘎的读音是什么?小兵张嘎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小兵张嘎的读音是Xiǎo bīng Zhāng Gǎ,小兵张嘎翻译成英文是 Zhang Ga the Soldier Boy