






1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……



汉语拼音:huàn bìng lǜ



[疾病、传染媒介等的] 传播程度。有时指对在某一时间内受某种疾病发病人口的百分比的研究。





  1. Two-week and NCD prevalence rate of 65-age group was the highest, and there was no difference between female and male.

  2. These findings could, therefore, partly explain why a woman cannot be more like a man when it comes to BP control.

  3. Diabetes is one of the most serious diseases that affect human health with a high prevalence of morbidity and complication at present.

  4. Conclusion There was a close relationship between the prevalence rate of fatty liver and the sex, age and body weight index.

  5. As countries become more industrialized, the percentage of population afflicted tends to grow higher.

  6. This point is perhaps most clearly driven home by the new prevalence studies published by the CDC this year.

  7. There is an urgent need to understand what factors could be accounting for a true increase in prevalence.

  8. Within 50 years the prevalence of HIV would drop below 1%, compared with up to 30% at the moment in the worst-affected areas.

  9. Among the general population of New York metro area, the rate was about 6 percent.


  1. 时点患病率

    point prevalence.

  2. 贫血患病率

    Anemia prevalence.

  3. 时期患病率

    Period prevalence.

  4. 期间患病率

    period prevalence.

  5. 患病率调查

    prevalence survey.

  6. 终生患病率

    lifetime prevalence.

  7. 异常患病率

    abnormality prevalence rate.

  8. 精神病患病率

    psychiatric morbidity

  9. 结核病患病率

    prevalence rate of tuberculosis.

  10. 慢性病患病率

    Prevalence rale of chronic disease.

  11. 肺结核患病率

    pulmonary tuberculosis morbidity rate

  12. 患病率, 现患率

    prevalence rate

  13. 骨质疏松患病率

    prevalence rate of osteoporosis

  14. 患病率不断下降。

    declining rates of disease.

  15. 那儿的患病率很高。

    There's a high incidence of disease there.

  16. 那儿得患病率很高。

    There's a high incidence of disease there.

  17. 其并发症的患病率也高。

    Complication rates are high.

  18. 每周患病率与死亡率报道

    Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report MMWR

  19. 男性教职工患病率高于女性。

    The prevalence of male was higher than that of female.

  20. 儿童营养不良患病率显著下降。

    The malnutrition prevalence among the children was significantly decreased.

  21. 贫血患病率高温组低于对照组

    The prevalence of anaemia in exposed group was significantly lower than that in control group.

  22. 因病缺席率及发烧患病率偏高

    High rates of absenteeism and fever

  23. 结果该地农民两周患病率为12。

    Results The two week prevalence rate is 12.

  24. 体质对大学生患病率影响的研究

    Effects of body constitution on the case rate for the university students

  25. 东帝汶低视力患病率及原因调查

    Morbidity and causes of low vision in East Timor

  26. 大学生运动损伤患病率的调查研究

    The Research on the Rate of Sports of Trauma in College Students

  27. 吸烟、饮酒与高血压患病率的关系

    Relationship between cigarette and alchohol consumption and hypertension prevalence rates.

  28. 某油田石油工人脂肪肝患病率调查

    Investigation of the Morbidity of Fatty Liver among the Workers in a Oil Field

  29. 南海海域航海人员高血压患病率调查

    A survey of the prevalence rate of hypertension of seamen in the South China Sea

  30. 体重指数的大小与患病率成正比。

    That body mass index was positively associated with the prevalence rate of ISH.


  1. 问:患病率拼音怎么拼?患病率的读音是什么?患病率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:患病率的读音是huànbìnglǜ,患病率翻译成英文是 prevalence rate