




1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……


包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……





汉语拼音:tán hé róng yì





《汉书·东方朔传》:“吴王曰:‘可以谈矣,寡人将竦意而览焉。’先生曰:‘於戏!可乎哉,可乎哉,谈何容易?!’” 意思是谈(指向君主进言)怎么容易(即不容易)。后指事情做起来并非像嘴上讲的那么容易、简单。



  • 【解释】:原指臣下向君主进言很不容易。后指事情做起来并不象说的那样简单。
  • 【出自】:汉·东方朔《非有先生论》:“於戏!可乎哉?可乎哉?谈何容易。”《汉书·东方朔传》:“於戏!可乎哉?可乎哉?谈何容易。”
  • 【示例】:说的,~,他肯由你要回,方才不带他们去了。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语;形容问题复杂


  1. However, as anyone who has wrestled with a persistent case of athlete's foot knows, it's not easy to root out a fungus once it's taken hold.


  2. It isn't easy to please each person but teasing the teacher won't please the teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases.


  3. If it is not so easy to change yourself when you want to, it is not going to be so easy to change the people around you.


  4. It was difficult to live in London like a gentleman on three hundred a year.


  5. It is not easy to cut deal with that big international company!


  6. Do you think it easy to get your most accidental and suitable meeting in the boundless huge crowds?


  7. Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.


  8. But it was hard enough to negotiate a compromise when the autocrats were in charge. Finding one the masses accept will be harder still.


  9. The boss is a stubborn man; it's not easy to make him dance to another tune.


  1. 谈何容易?

    Could it be that easy?

  2. 取悦各方, 谈何容易

    It is hard to please all parties

  3. 但是想脱身, 谈何容易。

    But there is no easy way out.

  4. 我们说要减少成本, 可谈何容易!

    We talk about reducing costs, but it's easier said than done.

  5. 在这种情况下, 有效的管制谈何容易。

    In such cases, effective control is easier said than done.

  6. 要在这样的条件下做实验谈何容易。

    Testing in such conditions was no easy matter.

  7. 而要像安娜那样两者兼而有之,谈何容易。

    To be both, as Anna is, can be hard.

  8. 和那么大的国际公司做交易谈何容易!

    It is not easy to cut deal with that big international company!

  9. 要在这个选举中打败刘德华谈何容易。

    To beat Andy Lau in this poll is next to impossible.

  10. 啊!好家伙,你真是野心勃勃。当个大法官谈何容易。

    Ah! my boy,you are flying high. It is difficult to become a Lord Chancellor.

  11. 然而, 除了小孩子, 成年人欲消除语言障碍谈何容易?

    However, execept children, it's difficult for adults to eliminate the language barrier?

  12. 但是要将富豪的钱财乾坤大挪移过来, 谈何容易?

    But how easy will it be to get hold of their money?

  13. 一只小鸟想用这种办法填平大海, 真是谈何容易!

    It is so hard for a little bird to fill the sea up in such a way!

  14. 老板是个很倔的人,想让他改变态度谈何容易。

    The boss is a stubborn man; it's not easy to make him dance to another tune.

  15. 经过了这麽多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。

    It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.

  16. 幸福?谈何容易,假如幸福廉价,对于我来说,却是昂贵得要命!

    Happiness? Not easy, if happiness cheap, to me, is expensive!

  17. 在伦敦,要过得象个绅士,一年只有三百镑谈何容易。

    It was difficult to live in London like a gentleman on three hundred a year.

  18. 说忘记谈何容易, 你可以转身遗忘, 我却不能一笑而过。

    Forget that easier said than done, you can turn to forget, but I can smile.

  19. 茫人海, 人生如露, 要找到最合适自己的那一个谈何容易?

    Vast human sea life such as Ruth, to find the most suitable one is easier said than done their own?

  20. 开始思考搬过来的可能性。可是又不是单身寡佬, 谈何容易呢

    Start thinking of moving already, but action is not as easy a family, isn't it?

  21. 而没有地图谈何容易, 我意识到偷这辆车是做了件蠢事。

    It was not easy without a map, and I realized that I had been stupid to steal the car.

  22. 对我来说这谈何容易, 既是凡人, 又是超人, 还要保守这些秘密。

    It's not easy for me to live my life, being who I am, keeping secrets.


  1. 问:谈何容易拼音怎么拼?谈何容易的读音是什么?谈何容易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谈何容易的读音是tánhéróngyì,谈何容易翻译成英文是 easier said than done



“谈何容易”是个多义词,它可以指谈何容易(2013年韩红新歌), 谈何容易(汉语词语), 谈何容易(2009年鲍鹏山编著图书)。