







汉语拼音:sōng jǐn







  1. 松或紧的程度。如:宽严松紧要适可而止。



  1. Love is like an elastic band that must stretch apart before it pulls you back close to one another.


  2. All rig personnel should not attempt to tighten or loosen unions or other connections of pipe under pressure.


  3. I found it very difficult to adjust the tension of the laces near the front of the foot without first loosening the ones up top.


  4. Usage: adjust the length of waist belt and crotch for your comfort. This series is either red and silver, black for your choice.


  5. For the anodized and compactness can usually be by scrub or transparent sticky on the surface of its viscosity.


  6. Featuring elasticated cuffs and an easy to use ring pull zip.


  7. He wears a white Adidas sleeveless shirt, the elastic band inside looses its flexibility, so it must be an old one.


  8. Then, we also think of belt compactness is not fit to lead this phenomenon, but several adjustments cannot be eradicated.


  9. Another type of facemask is pre-molded, adheres to the head with a single elastic band , and has a flexible adjustment for the nose bridge.


  1. 调小提琴弦, 网球拍等的松紧

    adjust the tension of a violin string, a tennis racket, etc

  2. 其他母音特徵圆滑性,鼻音,松紧。

    Other Vowel Features Rounding, Nasalization, Tenselax.

  3. 定时检查皮带松紧, 以防止皮带太松打滑。

    Inspect the belt loose or tighten on time, it avoid skid.

  4. 腰部系松紧带, 可简易调整腰围大小与松紧

    Elasticated waist with side waist adjustment.

  5. 大多数胸罩都设置了几个钩和扣子,以方便你调节松紧。

    Most bras have a few sets of adjustable hooks and eyes, so you can adjust the tightness.

  6. 工作要赶不要急,身心要松不要紧。

    Work swiftly, but do not tense up; relax your body and mind and never tighten up.

  7. 有曲杆与滑车, 还有皮带或紧或松

    There are cranks and pulleys, beltings tight or slack

  8. 高帮松紧鞋两帮有松紧布且高至脚踝的鞋

    An anklehigh shoe with elastic sides.

  9. 从金属卡子和安全带带扣上拧松紧固螺钉。

    Unscrew fastening screw from metal clip and belt buckle.

  10. 侧骨车线太紧或太松。

    Too tight or too loose at side seam.

  11. 都不是。要不紧也不松,要刚刚好。

    Neither. When they had just the right tension, neither too taut nor too slack.

  12. 制动器太松了,需要调紧。

    There's too much travel on the brake, it needs tightening.

  13. 这根线松了。请拧紧。你能测量电动机得绝缘吗

    This wire is loose.please tight it.could you measure the insulation of the motor

  14. 这根线松了。请拧紧。你能测量电动机的绝缘吗?

    This wire is loose. please tight it. could you measure the insulation of the motor

  15. 我的腰带太紧, 我必须松一下。

    My belt is too tight I must loosen it.

  16. 如果你的腰带太紧了, 就松一松。

    If your belt is too tight, loosen it.

  17. 船长叫我们拉紧绳索, 因为帆太松了。

    The captain asked us to set up those ropes there, for the sail was too loose.

  18. 咱们拿线绳把书捆起来。把绳子捆紧,别让它松了。

    Let's tie the books with string. Bind the rope fast, we don't want it to come loose.

  19. 一松一紧, 一刚一柔,

    This both solid and loose structure

  20. 填料压盖过紧或过松

    Stuffing gland too tight or too loose

  21. 我的腰带松了, 我没扣紧。

    My belt is loose I didnt buckle it up tightly enough.

  22. 螺丝钉松了, 需紧一下。

    These screw are loose. They should be tighted.

  23. 这些螺钉松了,要拧紧。

    These screws areloose. They should betightened.

  24. 你的皮带松了,把它扣紧。

    Your strap is too loose, just fasten it.

  25. 你的皮带松了,把它扣紧。

    Your strap is too loose, just fasten it.

  26. 把握紧得把手松开了。

    Unloosed my grip on the handlebars.

  27. 你不把它系紧它会松的。

    It will loose if you don't bind it fast.

  28. 他松开了紧抓把手的手。

    He loosened his grip on the handle.

  29. 一个螺丝松了,把它拧紧。

    A screw has started.Tighten it.

  30. 肘接近身体两侧,不松也不紧。

    Elbows fitting closely to sides, neither loose nor tied.


  1. 问:松紧拼音怎么拼?松紧的读音是什么?松紧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧的读音是sōngjǐn,松紧翻译成英文是 degree of tightness; resilience

  2. 问:松紧带拼音怎么拼?松紧带的读音是什么?松紧带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧带的读音是sōngjǐndài,松紧带翻译成英文是 elastic cord; elastic; easily stretched fabric...

  3. 问:松紧器拼音怎么拼?松紧器的读音是什么?松紧器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧器的读音是sōng jǐn qì,松紧器翻译成英文是 tightener

  4. 问:松紧服拼音怎么拼?松紧服的读音是什么?松紧服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧服的读音是sōng jǐn fú,松紧服翻译成英文是 stretch suit

  5. 问:松紧楔拼音怎么拼?松紧楔的读音是什么?松紧楔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧楔的读音是sōng jǐn xiē,松紧楔翻译成英文是 folding wedges

  6. 问:松紧装置拼音怎么拼?松紧装置的读音是什么?松紧装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:松紧装置的读音是sōngjǐn zhuāng zhì,松紧装置翻译成英文是 take up




拼音:sōng jǐn 基本解释 1. [degree of tightness]∶松或紧 2. [elasticity]∶灵活性,伸缩性 详细解释 松或紧的程度。如:宽严松紧要适可而止。