


1. 答 [dá]2. 答 [dā]答 [dá]回话,回复:回~。对~。~辩。~复。~案。对~如流。受了别人的好处,还(huán )报别人:报~。~报。答 [dā]义同(一),用于“答应”“答理”等词。……


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……



汉语拼音:dá juàn







  1. 解答试卷。如:考生们都在认真地答卷。

  2. 对试题做了解答的卷子。如:标准答卷。



  1. A small test Invigilators she sat on the rostrum , we do not answer back on the number of boys lie on the table, eyes straight to see her.


  2. Another examiner reading the same answer might give it a much higher mark.


  3. Undoubtedly, this has been US President Barack Obama's best economic initiative since he took power.


  4. In their view, Chen handed over at least a decent scripts, agents of yellow also stuck at the planning level.


  5. Today, Argentines also had to pay a fine answer, to respond to.


  6. A long answer, but I think I covered the main reasons and offered my own personal defense.


  7. If he wants a different verdict in two years time, he must deliver a better outcome.


  8. Steve hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper.


  9. Despite these problems, however, these countries have all turned in strong growth performances over the last decade.


  1. 从114个国家收到了答卷。

    Responses were received from114 countries.

  2. 把试卷和答卷传到左边

    Test booklets and answer sheets to your left.

  3. 教务长给他看了两答卷。

    The Dean showed him two answer papers.

  4. 老师正在审阅汤姆的英语答卷。

    The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.

  5. 老师正在审阅汤姆得英语答卷。

    The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.

  6. 用铅笔书写的答卷一律无效。

    The answered test paper written with a pencil shall be cancelled out.

  7. 答卷时, 你应严格按要求做。

    When writing a test you should follow the instructions to the letter.

  8. 这是交出优秀答卷的关键因素

    That's a key element of making that report card.

  9. 我很高兴见到打满勾的答卷。

    I was pleased to see a page of ticks.

  10. 你们边听边在答卷上标出正确答案。

    While listening mark your answer sheet.

  11. 为补充数据, 还访谈了重要的答卷人。

    To supplement the data, interviews were conducted with key informants.

  12. 肯特,我得谢谢你交了一份一流得答卷。

    Kent. I want to thank you for a first rate job.

  13. 大多数答卷者认为目前没有一致的理解。

    A majority of respondents did not believe that such a common understanding currently exists.

  14. 考生可以利用考试系统进行答卷并对成绩进行查询。

    Examinees can use the test system to do test and query grade.

  15. 肯特,我得谢谢你交了一份一流的答卷。

    Kent. I want to thank you for a first rate job.

  16. 大多数答卷人指出, 他们受到一种以上的歧视。

    Most respondents indicated that they had experienced more than one type of discrimination.

  17. 从见习前考试答卷分析传染病学见习教学的重点

    Emphasis of Internship Teaching in Infectious Diseases Based on the Analysis of Test Papers.

  18. 各种情况考虑以后,她的答卷比你的更有价值。

    All things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours.

  19. 许多答卷觉得儿童基金会信息和通信服务不够。

    Many respondents felt that UNICEF information and communication services were insufficient.

  20. 提交答卷的发达国家则优先考虑住房和居住条件。

    Developed country respondents gave priority to housing and living conditions.

  21. 问卷的最后一部分了解每个答卷人的基本情况。

    The last part of the questionnaire solicits basic information on each respondent.

  22. 答卷人还提到人们的观念和行为有了变化。

    Respondents also mentioned a change in mentalities and behaviour.

  23. 截止目前,他已向世人递交了一份满意的答卷。

    So far, he's delivered impressive results.

  24. 预先测试在正式测试答卷, 产品或观点之前进行的考试

    The advance testing of something, such as a questionnaire, a product, or an idea.

  25. 史蒂夫很快完成了测验, 并且第一个交上了答卷。

    Steve hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper.

  26. 你要我交一份洋洋洒洒的答卷, 恐怕还得等上一百年。

    I'll be able to give you the real answer in a century probably.

  27. 国家统计局有没有系统地致力减少答卷人的报告负担?

    Does the national statistical office systematically work on reducing the reporting burden on respondents?

  28. 监督厅还注意到,保持答卷人匿名的作法也多有不同。

    OIOS also noted that practices for maintaining respondent anonymity vary.

  29. 对这三个问题, 耐克确实给出了一份完美的答卷。

    To these three questions, bore the gram truly to produce a perfect answer paper.

  30. 也许一点遗憾, 一丝伤感, 会让这份答卷更隽永, 也更久远。

    Perhaps a regret, moved, can let this answer paper be more meaningful, also is remote.


  1. 问:答卷拼音怎么拼?答卷的读音是什么?答卷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:答卷的读音是dájuàn,答卷翻译成英文是 answer sheet; answer exam questions




拼音:dá juàn英文:do exam. paper