


替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……





汉语拼音:dài bǐ








  1. 指科举时代顶替考生入场代写文章。又称枪替。

    宋 袁燮 《论国家宜明政刑札子》:“场屋代笔之罚,先朝之所甚严,罪至鞭背,终身不齿。”《元史·选举志一》:“诸冒名就试,别立姓名,及受财为人怀挟、代笔、传义者,并许人告。”

  2. 替人书写信函或其他文件。

    清 程趾祥 《此中人语·守节》:“余偶心动,遂托书函事至书舘中,嘱师代笔,戏言挑之。”《人民日报》1981.6.9:“过去无论多么繁忙,对外复信,总由他自己办理,现在一反前例,改由他的女儿代笔,使我心头不免蒙上了一层阴云。”

  3. 代作字画。亦指代作字画的人。

    清 李渔 《意中缘·捲帘》:“有几箇尖酸少年,要看他面貌,故意造出一段流言,説他平日的画,是隔着帘子画的,有箇男人在裡面代笔,定要他捲一日帘子,好面试一试。” 清 梁绍壬 《两般秋雨盦随笔·代笔》:“古书名家,皆有代笔: 苏子瞻 ( 苏軾 )代笔, 丹阳 人 高述 ; 赵松雪 ( 赵孟頫 )代笔, 京口 人 郭天锡 ; 董华亭 ( 董其昌 )代笔,门下士 吴楚侯 。”



  1. Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.


  2. For your generous help me, on behalf of all the classmates and I say thanks for you!


  3. My English very poor, these are written by others were written, I had a chat while talking, while Richard, or I do not know what you say.


  4. The industry has grown despite its prominent involvement in a succession of medical ghostwriting scandals.


  5. " The soldier was too weak to continue, so Lincoln signed the letter for him and added, " Written for your son by Abraham Lincoln.


  6. It was he who ghosted the general's memoirs.


  7. An amendment offered by Representative Mike Pence, Republican of Indiana, would bar any financing of Planned Parenthood.


  8. Our proofreading , editing and copywriting language service for English documents.


  9. So, too, can a "hired gun" test taker who will assume the student's identity for the grueling two-day college entrance exam.


  1. 替某人代笔

    Play ghost to sb.

  2. 没有代笔,难以置信

    No ghostwriter!Can you believe that?

  3. 替人代笔, 充当捉刀

    To engage in ghostwriting.

  4. 替人代笔,充当捉刀。

    To engage in ghostwriting.

  5. 代写作为代笔人而写

    To work as a ghostwriter.

  6. 代笔财富。能力是穷人的财富。

    W is for wealth. Ability is a poor man's wealth.

  7. 我为他代笔写申请信。

    I wrote the application on his behalf.

  8. 我为他代笔写申请信。

    I wrote the application on his behalf.

  9. 我正为一富豪代笔。

    I am ghosting for a millionaire.

  10. 她那由别人代笔的回忆录

    Her ghosted memoirs, ie written by someone else

  11. 他们也可以为你代笔。

    They can also ghostwrite for you.

  12. 所以引号代笔了人类的声音。

    So all the quotation marks suggest human voice.

  13. 我代笔替他写了那个剧本。

    I played ghost to him in the production of the play.

  14. 那位将军的回忆录是他代笔的。

    It was he who ghosted the general's memoirs.

  15. 为那位名人代笔写这本书。

    Paul is ghostwriting the book for the celebrity.

  16. 那名董事的演讲辞是别人代笔的。

    The speech of the director was ghosted.

  17. 山水似其师,并多为其代笔。

    Landscape seems his teacher, and more than its ghostwrite.

  18. 到现在为止你给多少书代笔。

    How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

  19. 代笔先生来了个意想不到的行动。

    The scholar made a dramatic gesture.

  20. 老太太求我代笔给她儿子写封信。

    The old woman asked me to write a letter for her to her son.

  21. 他从事代笔写作和社论编辑超过30年。

    He has more than30 years of experience in ghostwriting, writing and editorial management.

  22. 我们提供英文文件校对、编辑和代笔服务。

    Our proofreading, editing and copywriting language service for English documents.

  23. 洛杉矶随便一个代笔作家都能教你写

    Any valet parker in L. A. can teach you that.

  24. 聘请代笔 代笔与代劳为何成为一种常态化职业?

    Ghostwriter and see why become a regular occupation?

  25. 代笔人代替另一个人并以他的名义写作的人

    One who writes for and gives credit of authorship to another.

  26. 我这代笔写信的德丢,在主里面问你们安。

    I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.

  27. 哪怕是代笔替人写书信也能够成为一个维持生计的活。

    Even if it is also written to help people write letters to be a subsistence living.

  28. 我听说他甚至不自己谱写旋律。所有他的作品都是找人代笔的。

    I heard he doesn’t even write his own rhymes. All of his stuff is ghostwritten.


  1. 问:代笔拼音怎么拼?代笔的读音是什么?代笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代笔的读音是dàibǐ,代笔翻译成英文是 write on behalf of

  2. 问:代笔人拼音怎么拼?代笔人的读音是什么?代笔人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代笔人的读音是dàibǐrén,代笔人翻译成英文是 ghostwriter

  3. 问:代笔遗嘱拼音怎么拼?代笔遗嘱的读音是什么?代笔遗嘱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:代笔遗嘱的读音是dàibǐ yízhǔ,代笔遗嘱翻译成英文是 dictated testament


