







汉语拼音:shù dí








  1. 树立仇敌。

    明 陈子龙 《晋论》:“ 武帝 开疆拓境,几侔 秦 汉 ,天下岂有为 晋 敌者,而使诸王擅兵于外,以自树敌哉?” 清 薛福成 《与英外部商定派员会立坎巨提头目疏》:“幸而窥彼隐情,颇以 俄 燄方张,亟思联络 中国 ,不欲敛怨树敌,臣得就此设法磋磨。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致李秉中》:“从去年以来,我因为喜欢在报上毫无顾忌地发议论,就树敌很多。”



  1. Therefore, I advise you to be polite to every one, avoid disobeying the principles of etiquette in case of offence and hostility.


  2. Because he had many enemies, it was unclear who it might have been.


  3. Ask yourself: how much difference the problem really makes. Is it worth making an enemy? Do I have a realistic chance of winning?


  4. Unfortunately, this attitude earns the company enemies as well as revenues.


  5. By hanging out on the fringe of galactic society, Solo not only made useful allies, but powerful enemies.


  6. He made her many enemies.


  7. However, she also becomes a woman with few true friends at her side, even after she is rid of all her enemies.


  8. Poe was a master at making enemies but he also craved praise and female companionship, though not necessarily sex.


  9. They do not always procure a friend, but are certain of creating many enemies.


  1. 讨债能树敌。

    If youwill making an enemy, lend a man money and ask it of him again.

  2. 不树敌,难交友。

    He makes no friend who never makes a foe.

  3. 不要和她树敌

    someone you want as an enemy.

  4. 不要树敌太多。

    Dont antagonize too many people.

  5. 权大树敌多。

    Mickle power makes many enemies.

  6. 权高树敌多。

    Mickle power makes many enemies.

  7. 人不树敌世上无。

    There exist no man who have not an enemy.

  8. 树敌比树友容易。

    It is easier to make enemies than to make friends.

  9. 交友要快,树敌要谨。

    Slow to make enemies. Quick to make friends.

  10. 我是否值得为此树敌?

    Is it worth making an enemy ?

  11. 政治家往往树敌很多。

    A politician often has many enemies.

  12. 谄言交友,直言树敌。

    Flattery bring friend, but the truth beget enmity.

  13. 他妄自尊大, 树敌很多。

    His arrogance made him many enemies, ie made many people hate him.

  14. 他们难得交友, 但树敌不少。

    They do not always procure a friend, but are certain of creating many enemies.

  15. 尖刻的评论使她四处树敌。

    Her acrid remarks make her many enemies.

  16. 她独断专横, 因而树敌甚多。

    Her arbitrariness made her many enemies.

  17. 我在执法部门已经树敌无数。

    I've been making enemies with law enforcement.

  18. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  19. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  20. 他们很快发现,此人树敌众多。

    And they soon learned this man had enemies.

  21. 我们的生意使我们与好多人树敌。

    Our business has made us a lot of enemies.

  22. 在恐怖统治下, 他树敌越来越多。

    There was a reign of terror, and he made more and more enemies.

  23. 我可不想同我孩子的母亲树敌。

    And I don't wanna be at war with the mother of my child.

  24. 我可不想同我孩子的母亲树敌。

    And I don't wanna be at war with the mother of my child.

  25. 我可不想同我孩子的母亲树敌。

    And I don't wanna be at war with the mother of my child.

  26. 它们能让人交朋友或者与人树敌。

    They can make a friend or make an enemy.

  27. 在狱吏中树敌是毫无道理的。

    There was no point in having a permanent enemy among the warders.

  28. 他因树敌太多,终在1993年与其决裂。

    When he had made enough enemies there,he stormed out in 1993.

  29. 肿痛之处容易磨破,骄矜之人容易树敌。

    As sore places meet most rubs, proud folks meet most affronts.

  30. 在银河系漫游一年后,昆兰四面树敌。

    After a year of journeying throughout the galaxy, Quinlan had made scores of enemies.


  1. 问:树敌拼音怎么拼?树敌的读音是什么?树敌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树敌的读音是shùdí,树敌翻译成英文是 antagonize



树敌,拼音为shù dí ,是指使别人成为自己仇敌,同时树敌过多是不明智的。