


1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……


1. 害 [hài]害 [hài]有损的,与“益”相对:~虫。~鸟。引起灾难的人或事物,坏处:~处。祸~。灾~。为民除~。使受损伤:~人。损~。伤~。危~。发生疾病:~眼。心理上发生不安定情绪:~羞。~怕。杀死:杀~。遇~。妒忌:“上官大夫……



汉语拼音:dú hài









  1. 祸患,祸害。

    《书·盘庚上》“惟汝自生毒” 孔 传:“喻百官是自生毒害。” 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·质帝纪》:“毒害流布,日夜广远。”《西游记》第二十回:“我却被魔头拿来,遭此毒害,几时再得相见?”

  2. 残害。

    《后汉书·冯豹传》:“后母恶之,尝因 豹 夜寐,欲行毒害, 豹 逃走得免。” 徐迟 《牡丹》七:“你们毒害了整个民族,摧残了多少花朵样的生命!”

  3. 狠毒;厉害。

    唐 张九龄 《敕松模都督涅礼书》:“且 突厥 此来也,其心毒害。” 元 王实甫 《四块玉·金索挂梧桐》套曲:“繁花眼目开,锦被空闲在,劣性冤家误得人忒毒害。” 明 李贽 《复邓在阳书》:“斯言毒害,实刺我心。”



  1. Am I going to allow bitterness to poison and putrefy my soul, or am I going to invite God to empower me to let the anger go?


  2. It had enticed Lyman into its toils to pluck from him his manhood and his honesty, corrupting him and poisoning him beyond redemption.


  3. That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax.


  4. Meanwhile, thousands of children continue to be poisoned by the metal, setting them up for life-threatening problems later in life.


  5. You got to stop listening to these people, they're poisoning your brain. Your hormone things-they're out of whack.


  6. It used to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink.


  7. Two more locations in London are being tested for traces of radiation following the poisoning death of a former Russian spy.


  8. If you feel a relationship can be healed, follow these three steps. Plus, get the words to say to stand up to your toxic friends and family.


  9. Chinese officials have said the purpose of the Green Dam software is to protect children from online pornography.


  1. 镉毒害效应

    toxic effects of cadmium

  2. 毒害有机物

    toxic organic compound.

  3. 凶暴地毒害

    diabolically poison.

  4. 离子毒害效应

    Salt toxicity.

  5. 毒害临界浓度

    Critical concentration of poison.

  6. 毒害女人思想

    Poisoning women's minds with these, like.

  7. 毒害作用机理

    toxicity mechanism.

  8. 毒害性气体

    toxic and harmful gas.

  9. 有机毒害物

    poisonous organic matter.

  10. 毒害艾美球虫

    Eimeria necatrix.

  11. 想想吸烟的毒害吧

    Think about smoking.

  12. 泥土毒害我们的食物

    The earth is poisoning our foods.

  13. 肃清封建残余的毒害

    clean up the poison of surviving feudalism

  14. 散布毒害的,必收毒害。

    As I see it, those who plow evil or those who sow trouble reap the same.

  15. 不允许邪念毒害青年。

    Don't allow evil thoughts to poison young people's minds.

  16. 组织毒害性组织缺氧

    histotoxic hypoxia

  17. 唯一带来的就是毒害。

    The only thing that you brung was poison.

  18. 唯一带来的就是毒害。

    The only thing that you brung was poison.

  19. 他们用和解毒害你

    They poisoned you with compromise

  20. 镉对草莓的毒害及调控

    Poisonous Danger it Conrtol of Cadmium in Strawberry

  21. 南亚地下水砒霜毒害灾难。

    The disaster of arsenic poisoning of groundwater in South Asia.

  22. 免遭嫉妒者嫉妒时的毒害。

    And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

  23. 毒害良知的种族优越论。

    The poisonous doctrine of racialsuperiority

  24. 毒害良知得种族优越论。

    The poisonous doctrine of racialsuperiority.

  25. 都是你下毒害的!

    You poisoned me!

  26. 都是你下毒害的!

    You poisoned me!

  27. 这种毒害人们思想的思潮。

    this banefully poisoned climate.

  28. 重金属对藻类的毒害作用

    Poison Function on the Alga of Heavy Metal

  29. 这个毒根是有毒害的。

    It's filled with poison and is harmful.

  30. 黄色书刊毒害年轻人的心灵。

    Pornography taints the young mind.


  1. 问:毒害拼音怎么拼?毒害的读音是什么?毒害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害的读音是dúhài,毒害翻译成英文是 poison

  2. 问:毒害性拼音怎么拼?毒害性的读音是什么?毒害性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害性的读音是dú hài xìng,毒害性翻译成英文是 toxic properties

  3. 问:毒害者拼音怎么拼?毒害者的读音是什么?毒害者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害者的读音是,毒害者翻译成英文是 poisoner

  4. 问:毒害量拼音怎么拼?毒害量的读音是什么?毒害量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害量的读音是dú hài liàng,毒害量翻译成英文是 toxic dosage

  5. 问:毒害剂量拼音怎么拼?毒害剂量的读音是什么?毒害剂量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害剂量的读音是dú hài jì liàng,毒害剂量翻译成英文是 Poisoning Dose

  6. 问:毒害危险性拼音怎么拼?毒害危险性的读音是什么?毒害危险性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害危险性的读音是dú hài wēi xiǎn xìng,毒害危险性翻译成英文是 toxic risk

  7. 问:毒害植物的拼音怎么拼?毒害植物的的读音是什么?毒害植物的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害植物的的读音是dú hài zhí wù de,毒害植物的翻译成英文是 phytotoxic

  8. 问:毒害犯罪人拼音怎么拼?毒害犯罪人的读音是什么?毒害犯罪人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害犯罪人的读音是dú hài fàn zuì rén,毒害犯罪人翻译成英文是 toxic criminal

  9. 问:毒害真菌的拼音怎么拼?毒害真菌的的读音是什么?毒害真菌的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害真菌的的读音是dú hài zhēn jūn de,毒害真菌的翻译成英文是 fungitoxic

  10. 问:毒害细胞的拼音怎么拼?毒害细胞的的读音是什么?毒害细胞的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害细胞的的读音是dú hài xì bāo de,毒害细胞的翻译成英文是 cytotoxinic

  11. 问:毒害视网膜的拼音怎么拼?毒害视网膜的的读音是什么?毒害视网膜的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒害视网膜的的读音是dú hài shì wǎng mó de,毒害视网膜的翻译成英文是 retinotoxic



“毒害”是个多义词,它可以指毒害(第三人称射击类), 毒害(汉语词语)。