










  1. "Meals will be brought to you, " Deleta said. "Do not wander the ship alone. If you wish a tour, one will be arranged for you shortly. "


  2. My daughter eat three meals a day too slowly. It's annoyed for me to see her to eat that looks like the meal is too distasteful to eat.


  3. In return he gave me a room, he gave me three meals a day and a little pocket money.


  4. Hamburg United States because not used to french fries do not know where the restaurants, cereal with milk, live, nothing to eat.


  5. Then came a three meals a day is not following the poor, he prayed to Jesus to help it tide over the difficulties of life.


  6. You need more calories during the day than sedentary people, so it's better to spread them out with a small meal every three to four hours.


  7. In his own way he also wanted Culture, or at least the concrete evidence of it. He wanted the right china.


  8. A fine ship for a home. Three meals a day without charge . . .


  9. Instant noodles. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Three meals a day, seven days a week. I'll save a fortune.


  1. 三餐三点。

    Three meals and three snacks each day.

  2. 一日吃三餐

    Take three meals a day.

  3. 我一日食三餐。

    I eat three meals a day.

  4. 我们一日三餐。

    We have three meals a day.

  5. 三餐一概不加冠词。

    I do not like mathematics. He hates geometry.

  6. 我每天吃三餐。

    I take three meals a day.

  7. 你的三餐是谁负责的?

    Who prepares your meals?

  8. 你的三餐是谁负责的?

    Who prepares your meals?

  9. 我们一天吃三餐。

    We have meals three times a day.

  10. 住宿费包括三餐膳食费。

    The room rate includes three full meals.

  11. 三餐饭前吃一颗胶囊。

    Take one capsule before each meal.

  12. 三餐都包含在费用内吗

    Are all meals included in the price

  13. 我们一天总是吃三餐饭。

    We always have three meals a day.

  14. 有些人却一日三餐不济。

    Yet many are too poor to have three meals a day.

  15. 一日三餐还得吃窝头呢。

    And eat steamed corn bread per meal.

  16. 三餐老是在外,人人叫我老外。

    People call me an outsider because I eat outthe time.

  17. 抽水桶吞下了人类的三餐。

    The toilets gobble down human meals.

  18. 它包括机票, 旅馆住宿和三餐。

    It includes your air fare, your hotel accommodations and the meals.

  19. 他很少一天三餐能够吃饱。

    He seldom got three square meals a day.

  20. 他很少一天三餐能够吃饱。

    He seldom got three square meals a day.

  21. 我一日三餐都吃得很丰盛。

    Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard.

  22. 等待财富从天而降得人三餐不继。

    He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner.

  23. 等待财富从天而降的人三餐不继。

    He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner.

  24. 每天费用包括三餐, 酒店和汽车费用。

    Daily rate inclusive of Per Diem, Hotel and Auto Expense.

  25. 鱼鲜不过三餐,客好不留三天。

    Fish and guests smell at three days old.

  26. 母亲每天为家人烹制美味的三餐。

    Mother provides palatable meals for our family every day.

  27. 你需要一心一意坐下来吃一日三餐

    Sit down to regular meals without distractions.

  28. 我们一天三餐实际上是一天三次化疗。

    And what we eat is really our chemotherapy three times a day.

  29. 我们得学校食堂供应我们得一曰三餐。

    Our school canteen provides us with three meals a day.

  30. 我们的学校食堂供应我们的一曰三餐。

    Our school canteen provides us with three meals a day.


  1. 问:三餐拼音怎么拼?三餐的读音是什么?三餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三餐的读音是sāncān,三餐翻译成英文是 The three meals; breakfast, lunch and supper....