







汉语拼音:gēn jī








  1. 基础。

    《三国志·魏志·邓艾传》:“ 恪 新秉国政,而内无其主,不念抚恤上下以立根基。”《朱子语类》卷六四:“譬如为臺观须是大做根基,方始上面可以高大。” 明 李贽 《六度解》:“有田地方有根基,可以为屋种田。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第二四章:“今日我下狠心停留在 商洛山 中,就为的是替日后的百万大军打个好根基。”

  2. 底细,缘由。


  3. 佛教称道根,根性。




  1. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.


  2. In northern minds, destabilising the south and mucking up the referendum would undermine the legitimacy of any putative new country.


  3. A language devoid of any cultural heritage also might lack the effectiveness of a native language, he said.


  4. The party is an Islamic-rooted movement, and there is nothing Islamists do better than serve ordinary people and mobilise in times of need.


  5. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works.


  6. But it kind of shakes your foundation when you know it's still a bit of a crapshoot and then this stuff happens, " she said. "


  7. Here we have one of the texts in which the great truth of the blessed Trinity is seen to lie at the very root of our spiritual life.


  8. This perception, visible in the UK as well, has obvious racist foundations but does not always represent racism in its purest form.


  9. The firm's roots and most of its profits lay in making memory chips; Intel's microprocessor group was just a small niche.


  1. 事业的根基

    the foundation of a career

  2. 稳固根基。

    Anchoring our Fundamentals.

  3. 建筑物的根基

    the foundations of the building

  4. 雅讣森根基

    jacobson radical

  5. 圣武士的根基

    The Foundation of a Paladin.

  6. 建筑物的基础,根基。

    The substructure or foundation of a building.

  7. 该校现在根基牢固。

    The school is now on a firm basis.

  8. 巴拿赫代数的根基

    radical of Banach algebra

  9. 他的公司根基不稳固。

    His company was built on the sand.

  10. 诚是道德的心灵根基

    Honesty is the Foundation of Virtue in Mind

  11. 诚是道德得心灵根基

    Honesty is the Foundation of Virtue in Mind.

  12. 这是我们池塘的根基。

    That's the base that we used for our pond.

  13. 开始就打下良好的根基

    Foundations Are Created in the Beginning

  14. 地的根基都摇动了。

    They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

  15. 亚洲各国的经济根基稳固。

    The fundamentals of the Asian economies are good.

  16. 资本主义必须以公正为根基。

    Capitalism has to be based on justice.

  17. 我的情感将没有了根基。

    I'd be an emotion without a heart.

  18. 在谈话中是意思的根基。

    It's root one for meaning in conversation.

  19. 诚是德性的心灵根基。

    Honesty is the foundation of virtue in mind.

  20. 先秦法家治道观的思想根基

    On Bie Tingfang and the Autonomy of West Nanyang

  21. 感谢上苍, 这里有伟大的根基。

    Thankfully it has great foundations, this place.

  22. 死刑立法得最终根基在民意。

    The final foundation that death penalty legislates is based on public will.

  23. 死刑立法的最终根基在民意。

    The final foundation that death penalty legislates is based on public will.

  24. 这位出自幽谷的姑娘有根基。

    This daughter of the shadows was thoroughbred.

  25. 根基稳固, 建筑物才坚固, 人生才充实。

    A solid foundation strength to a building and a life.

  26. 这也 为情感智能建立了根基。

    And this creates the foundation for emotion intelligence.

  27. 祷告福音将震动叶门的根基。

    Pray that the Gospel will impact the very foundation of Yemen.

  28. 这5条原则是羽毛球运动的根基。

    I think these five principles are the roots of badminton.

  29. 这5条原则是羽毛球运动得根基。

    I think these five principles are the roots of badminton.

  30. 我无法理解他们行为的理由根基。

    I cannot understand the rationale for their actions.


  1. 问:根基拼音怎么拼?根基的读音是什么?根基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根基的读音是gēnjī,根基翻译成英文是 foundations; foundation

  2. 问:根基水竹叶拼音怎么拼?根基水竹叶的读音是什么?根基水竹叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根基水竹叶的读音是gēnjīshuǐzhúyè,根基水竹叶翻译成英文是 Murdannia hookeri

  3. 问:根基线系统拼音怎么拼?根基线系统的读音是什么?根基线系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根基线系统的读音是gēn jī xiàn xì tǒng,根基线系统翻译成英文是 basic line system

  4. 问:根基官能名称拼音怎么拼?根基官能名称的读音是什么?根基官能名称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根基官能名称的读音是gēn jī guān néng míng chēng,根基官能名称翻译成英文是 radicofunctional name


根基,指基础;品行;佛教称道根为「根基」。见《三国志·魏志·邓艾传》:“ 恪新秉国政,而内无其主,不念抚恤上下以立根基。”