


1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dǐ zi









  1. 基础。

    谢觉哉 《要永远同人民群众同甘共苦》:“国家在经济建设上有了很大的进步,但物质条件还是困难,因为以前底子太坏。”

  2. 犹底细。

    沈从文 《新湘西行》:“她重重盯了我一眼,似乎把我底子全估计出来了。”参见“ 底细 ”。

  3. 底本;草稿。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致孟十还》:“通讯处的底子失掉了,便中希再见示。” 刘宾雁 《在桥梁工地上》:“每逢作计划,我只是打个底子,叫工人补充。”

  4. 花纹图案的衬托面。如:她穿着一件白底子小红花的衬衫。



  1. As for the mother, age had not withered her, and designer clothes -- including massive white platform shoes -- added to her look.


  2. Let me offer you another building block to try to understand China, maybe it's not such a comfortable one.


  3. This unit is entirely devoted to this sort of background knowledge. You won't create your first Blender model until the next unit.


  4. "Obviously I have played with a few of the boys with England and you get to know their game there, " he said.


  5. After all, this country is at its core inclusive, crazy about sports and eager to win.


  6. has a huge population and a poor economic foundation, nothing can be accomplished without good public order, political stability and unity.


  7. Of course, it's easy to look natural if your skin is great.


  8. China, with a large population, a weak economic foundation and unbalanced development, is still the largest developing country in the world.


  9. But we are also keenly aware that China is still a developing country with a huge population and faces many complex challenges.


  1. 老底子新花样。

    Rotten Cloth with New Pattern.

  2. 他的英文底子好。

    He has a good grounding in english.

  3. 他的数学底子好。

    He has a good grounding in maths (UK)/ math (US).

  4. 壁画下面的白色底子

    A ground of white paint under the mural.

  5. 我的鞋底子破了。

    I have a hole in the sole of my shoe.

  6. 我的鞋底子破了。

    I have a hole in the sole of my shoe.

  7. 我的鞋底子破了。

    I have a hole in the sole of my shoe.

  8. 好的。看你的底子怎么样。

    To see how good your basic skills are.

  9. 她化妆底子颜色不好看。

    Her foundation is the wrong colour.

  10. 画画儿要先打个底子。

    When drawing a picture, first make a rough sketch.

  11. 画设计图前要打底子。

    Before you draw a design you must make a draft.

  12. 发出的文件要留个底子。

    Keep a copy of each document sent out.

  13. 但是他们仍旧有工业底子。

    These principles form the bedrock of our foreign policy, and are not to be strayed from.

  14. 我的班底子还住在那儿。

    My staff is still living there.

  15. 罐子有铝制成,当然底子厚。

    Its made of aluminium, of course, and its thicker at the bottom.

  16. 你跟她练练,看看你的底子怎么样。

    Spar with her and well see what kind of level youre at.

  17. 墙壁先抹上一层石灰打底子。

    The wall was first pricked up with a coat lime.

  18. 中式教育底子打得好,基础牢固。

    The Chinese type education background hits well, the foundation is reliable.

  19. 她的衣服白底子上有粉红花朵。

    Her dress has pink flowers on a white background.

  20. 学英语应该在小学就打好底子。

    Learners of English should be given a good grounding in primary school.

  21. 有了这个底子, 他也敢开口要价了。

    Had this background, he also dared to open the mouth to ask a price.

  22. 我知道他的底子, 所以他就从来骗不了我。

    I know his average, so he never deceives me.

  23. 文化是艺术的底子, 同时也是陷阱和障碍。

    Culture is a base of art, but also a trap and a blockage at the same time.

  24. 你替我买把小阳伞行吗 要素底子的。

    Will you get me a quite plain parasol

  25. 这是一栽暗黄, 与桔黄附近, 底子不是赤色。

    This is a yellowish tonefirm, and orange yellow similar, is simply not green.

  26. 这篇文章我先打个底子,再请你修改。

    I'll make a draft of the essay and then ask you to revise it.

  27. 我在本身的时间里干什么底子不关他人的事。

    What I do on my own time is none elses comp much.

  28. 不黑白复制的底子法规在于还原草稿洋的灰色。

    The fundamental principles of color reproduction is to restore the original manuscript of gray.

  29. 人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡是我们的基本国情。

    These are the basic national conditions China has to face.

  30. 曾任采购经理的他,有十分深厚的商业英文底子。

    He was a Purchasing Manager, and very familiar with Business English.


  1. 问:底子拼音怎么拼?底子的读音是什么?底子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:底子的读音是dǐzi,底子翻译成英文是 inside information; foundation; draft



dǐ zi ㄉㄧˇ ˙ㄗㄧ 底子