




不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。责怪,反对:~难(nàn……



汉语拼音:què fēi








  1. 亦作“却非”。见“ 却非冠 ”。



  1. Motivation is the key, but it's not always easy, day in and day out, to find that motivation.


  2. He lured me on a walk one cold February afternoon with a promise of a drink at my favorite fancy hotel bar afterward.


  3. The Bank of England may have lost some credibility of late, but it has not lost the argument about spare capacity.


  4. The party establishment dares not ignore this interference, but is not always glad of it.


  5. and you saw, this morning, that if I told him to keep quiet, he was sure to begin kicking about.


  6. Although the move smacks of desperation, GM is not the only firm hoping that discounting can help it weather a sluggish global economy.


  7. Of all the essays, why did he like this one best? Not a single word of it was true.


  8. This would not be a problem if the minimum wage was a living wage, but in many Chinese cities it is anything but.


  9. However, the most systematic and deepest statements about this theory, undoubtedly, belongs to Habermas.


  1. 然而,激光却非如此。

    Now a laser is different.

  2. 对我而言,却非如此

    For me, it was different.

  3. 令人遗憾的是,英国却非如此。

    Things are sadly different in Britain.

  4. 但拉垂尔却非其外表所像。

    But Latrell is also not what he seems.

  5. 他是个爱国者,却非民族主义分子。

    He was a patriot, but not a nationalist.

  6. 段子很有趣,但交易本身却非笑料。

    Amusing as this is, the deal itself is no laughing matter.

  7. 含糊和混沌是一切的起始, 却非结束。

    Vague and nebulous is the beginning of all things, but not their end

  8. 我们被鼓励自由却非无理的接近上帝。

    We are encouraged to come freely to God but not flippantly.

  9. 她是个左嗓子, 却非要参加歌唱比赛。

    She is a person who sings out of key, but she insisted on taking part in the singing contest.

  10. 她是个左嗓子,却非要参加歌唱比赛。

    She is a person who sings out of key, but she insisted on taking part in the singing contest.

  11. 每一次起飞都可有可无,每一次着陆却非要不可。

    Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatary.

  12. 我的老婆的美非笔墨所可形容,但却非无可争论。

    My wife is too beautiful for word, but not for arguments.

  13. 我得老婆得美非笔墨所可形容,但却非无可争论。

    My wife was too beautiful for words, but not for arguments.

  14. 我们所学得只涉及在读和写得方面却非聆听方面得。

    We learn how to read and write but not how to listen.

  15. 我们所学的只涉及在读和写的方面却非聆听方面的。

    We learn how to read and write but not how to listen.

  16. 知识是衡量灵命成熟的准则之一,但却非全部。

    While knowledge is one measurement of maturity, it isn't the whole story.

  17. 因此,你这困苦却非因酒而醉的,要听我言。

    Therefore hear this, you afflicted one, made drunk, but not with wine.

  18. 共和党对此干预岂敢忽视,却非总是乐见其成。

    The party establishment dares not ignore this interference, but is not always glad of it.

  19. 我认为计划是开展想象的一种工具, 反之却非亦然。

    I see planning as a tool for visualization instead of vice versa.

  20. 动机是关键,但要每天都有动力却非一件易事。

    Motivation is the key, but its not always easy, day in and day out, to find that motivation.

  21. 肌纤维损坏又修补是再正常不过了, 关节及肌腱却非如此。

    Muscular breakdown and repair is a normal process. Joint or tendon breakdown and repair are not.