







汉语拼音:xià tíng






  1. 星相迷信之说,面部及身体各分为三停。面上以人中至地阁为下停,身上以足为下停。见《麻衣相法全编·麻衣先生石室神异赋》注。绘画及书法中亦有下停之说,下停犹言下部。



  1. Harry stopped under the Cloak, peering around, listening, and his mother and father, Lupin and Sirius stopped too.


  2. There may be more services that you would like to stop, like system-database, in case your applications don't use Derby.


  3. Her dad drove them over to the high school and stopped under a bright light in the parking lot.


  4. I pass the museum on my way. I stop at the traffic lights.


  5. so he stopped in the shade of a big tree.


  6. The campus of a large banyan tree, stopped the car, call her, so she came out.


  7. In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood an open coffin;


  1. 整个早上雪下下停停。

    It'snowed off and on all morning.

  2. 魁梧的士兵在堡垒下停了下来。

    The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse.

  3. 魁梧得士兵在堡垒下停了下来。

    The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse.

  4. 钟表引信高转速下停摆的计算机仿真

    Computer simulation of the failure of clockwork mechanism under high speed rotation.

  5. 她披上斗篷下了楼,先是在楼梯下停了停。

    She put on her cloak and went downstairs. She paused at the foot of the stairs.

  6. 这雨下下停停到现在已经有一个星期了。

    It has been raining on and off for a whole week now.

  7. 明亮,头颅高昂,他在一根绿色的树枝下停下来

    brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough.

  8. 朱莉娅在橙树下停住, 随便折断一条很长得嫩枝。

    Under the limes Julia paused and idly snapped off one of the long shoots.

  9. 朱莉娅在橙树下停住,随便折断一条很长的嫩枝。

    Under the limes Julia paused and idly snapped off one of the long shoots.

  10. 雪刚开始下就停了。

    The snow had no sooner started but it stopped.

  11. 卡车晃动了几下便停下来了。

    The truck jerked to a stop.

  12. 他请求船长在下个停靠岸让他下船。

    He asked the captain to let him off at the next port of call.

  13. 那辆旧公共汽车晃动了几下就停住了。

    The old bus jerked to a stop.

  14. 我的暗号是敲三下后停一停,然后再敲两下。

    My signal will be three knocks, a pause, then two more.

  15. 如果你离开了我,我的世界将会雨下不停。

    If you left me, my world would be raining all day long.

  16. 色球层在光球层气体的搅拌下不停地翻腾。

    The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere.

  17. 于是那个男的在他朋友劝说下才停住了这个举动!

    And then that male friend persuades under just stop live this action at him!

  18. 他一看表,刚好一点,但是大钟敲了十三下才停。

    Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.

  19. 耶稣看见天主圣神,好像一只白鸽降下,停在他上面。

    At once, the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God come down like a dove and rest upon him.

  20. 雨忽而下,忽而停。

    It rains off and on.

  21. 雨下个不停。

    It rained without letup.

  22. 雨一直下个不停。

    It keeps on raining.

  23. 雨一直下个不停。

    It rained all the time.

  24. 雨整天下个不停。

    It has been raining the whole day.

  25. 蒙蒙细雨下个不停。

    A fine drizzle is falling.

  26. 绵绵细雨下个不停。

    A gentle rain fell steadily.

  27. 在雨季中雨下个不停。

    There was no break in the rains.

  28. 沥沥的小雨下个不停。

    The flurry is trickling ceaselessly.

  29. 沥沥的小雨下个不停。

    The flurry is trickling ceaselessly.

  30. 整个下午冰雹下个不停。

    It hailed the whole afternoon.