







汉语拼音:zī shēn









  1. 蓄积深厚。语出《孟子·离娄下》:“君子深造之以道,欲其自得之也。自得之则居之安,居之安则资之深,资之深则取之左右逢其原,故君子欲其自得之也。” 明 李东阳 《邃庵解》:“彼居安以资深,亦引伸而触类者也。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下附《朱子晚年定论》:“从事於 朱子 之训餘三十年,非不专且篤,而竟亦未有居安资深之地,则犹以为知之未详,而览之未博也。”

  2. 阅历丰富,资格老。

    宋 叶梦得 《石林燕语》卷九:“但选材堪此选,资深者入三院,资浅者为里行。”《醒世姻缘传》第八三回:“他守制的时候,正是守选点卯之时,点到起復,倒成个资深年久,头一个便该选他。”



  1. M: Because, Peter, our senior is going to help and train you until the end of the month. We usually do this with our new staff.


  2. "I'm a senior citizen, " she said. "I missed out on all those things like joining a sorority. "


  3. But they were astonished at the pervasiveness of such language and the apparent relish with which even senior physicians participated.


  4. Consequently, the classpath has been a thorn in the side of both new users and experienced Java programmers for years.


  5. Yet, at last, senior people say that Brown has acknowledged the problem, and that he accepts that it begins with him.


  6. Several officials in their 60s with experience as technocrats and in the military and intelligence services also seem to be in the running.


  7. Except in the case of a few highfliers and a somewhat larger number of inveterate slackers, college is a stressful experience.


  8. "The risk is disseminated, but trying to re-aggregate it becomes an almost impossible task, " says one senior investment banker.


  9. Bill Cash, the veteran Eurosceptic MP, said: "The entire European Union project is unravelling as the euro itself unravels. "


  1. 资深工程师

    senior engineer.

  2. 资深合伙人

    senior partner.

  3. 资深专栏作家

    Senior columnist

  4. 塔罗资深大师

    Certified Tarot Grand Master , CTGM

  5. 资深会员签字证明


  6. 许多资深儿科医生

    A lot of senior peds surgeons.

  7. 公司资深副总裁,

    Philippa Norman Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Genentech IN BUSINESS FOR LIFE

  8. 公司资深副总裁,。

    Philippa Norman Vice President, Global Supply Chain, Genentech IN BUSINESS FOR LIFE.

  9. 长寿杂志特约资深编辑

    Longevity Magazine Appointed Senior Medical Editor

  10. 资深副总裁兼财务长

    Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer

  11. 媒体, 领馆资深项目官

    Senior Program Officer for Media and Consular Inquiries

  12. 他是委员会中的资深委员。

    He is a senior member of the committee.

  13. 具有绘图资格资深喷漆员

    Experienced painter with plotter qualification

  14. 他是一名资深的委员。

    He is a senior member of the committee.

  15. 他冒充成资深心理学家。

    He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.

  16. 现在是一名资深英语教师。

    He is currently a senior teacher of English.

  17. 他是这个俱乐部的资深会员。

    He is a senior member of the club.

  18. 一些资深警察被指控收受贿赂。

    Senior policemen were accused of taking bribes.

  19. 身为资深教育家,你赞同吗?

    As a ranking4 educator, do you agree?

  20. 我想做到公司的资深经理。

    I hope to become a senior manager of this company.

  21. 丘纳德航运公司的资深船长。

    the commodore of the Cunard Line

  22. 据悉,那位资深记者心脏病发作。

    It is understood that the veteran reporter had a heart attack.

  23. 由大会聘请资深裁判担任裁判工作。

    Experienced referees will be invited to render referee services.

  24. 一位资深证券分析师一语中的。

    A senior securities analyst in the phrase.

  25. 资深地产人士钟吉煌如此说。

    Senior real estate figure Zhong Jihuang so said.

  26. 资深得革命者冷静地对付局势。

    The senior revolutionary can play the situation coldly.

  27. 资深的革命者冷静地对付局势。

    The senior revolutionary can play the situation coldly.

  28. 我是这支探险队的资深成员。

    I am a senior member of this expedition.

  29. 也不是一个资深的社会工作者。

    Neither am I a veteran social worker.

  30. 资深副总裁, 财务长, 主计长, 会计长

    Patrick T. Doyle, Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer


  1. 问:资深拼音怎么拼?资深的读音是什么?资深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资深的读音是zīshēn,资深翻译成英文是 Seasoned, senior.

  2. 问:资深准尉拼音怎么拼?资深准尉的读音是什么?资深准尉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资深准尉的读音是zī shēn zhǔn wèi,资深准尉翻译成英文是 Senior Warrant Officer

  3. 问:资深律师拼音怎么拼?资深律师的读音是什么?资深律师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资深律师的读音是zī shēn lǜ shī,资深律师翻译成英文是 ancients

  4. 问:资深检察官拼音怎么拼?资深检察官的读音是什么?资深检察官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资深检察官的读音是zī shēn jiǎn chá guān,资深检察官翻译成英文是 senior procurator

  5. 问:资深海军少尉拼音怎么拼?资深海军少尉的读音是什么?资深海军少尉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资深海军少尉的读音是zī shēn hǎi jūn shào wèi,资深海军少尉翻译成英文是 Bull Ensign