







汉语拼音:qián fēng









  1. 先锋;先头部队。

    《史记·黥布列传》:“大王宜悉 淮南 之众,身自将之,为 楚 军前锋。”《南史·檀道济传》:“ 义熙 十二年, 武帝 北伐, 道济 为前锋,所至望风降服。” 茅盾 《我所走过的道路·一九二七年大革命》:“这时国民革命军的前锋在 湖北 、 河南 交界一带,正从 广东 、 湖南 调兵,主力则已指向东南,解决 孙传芳 部队。”

  2. 今多比喻起先锋作用的人或事。

    陈毅 《示丹淮并告昊苏小鲁小珊》诗:“祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。” 吴伯箫 《攀金顶》:“﹝ 郭老 ﹞灼见卓识,崇高品德,哪一件不是时代的前锋、人事的顶端呢?”

  3. 篮球、足球等球类比赛中主要担任进攻的队员。

  4. 清 代守卫皇城的满蒙旗人,称“前锋”。见《清会典事例·侍卫处·仪制》。



  1. It also means that us strikers need to be ready to receive the ball at any moment.

  2. Norway striker John Carew was unlucky not to have been awarded a second half penalty, but it would have been more than they deserved.

  3. "With Wayne as well, we have four strikers so I am not looking at a situation where I have to add to that number, " he said.

  4. My future depends on Livorno, but obviously I welcome the interest of a great club like the Viola, " the forward declared. "

  5. Italy striker Luca Toni, again linked with Bayern Munich this week, is still out for Fiorentina with a foot problem.

  6. It's difficult for a striker unless you get a run of games to establish yourself but none of them have done it at the top level.

  7. At the start of the transfer window the Arsenal manager said he wanted to bring in a front man to cover a couple of key injuries.

  8. Now formation wise it's not so much of a problem as we only play with one up front now anyway, but it's still a little step backwards.

  9. I told Bob to block the kid to the right too, then run hard left, and I'd throw the ball to him right before the rusher got to me.


  1. 前锋射门。

    The striker hadtook a shot at goal, ie tried to score.

  2. 他是前锋。

    He is a forward.

  3. 他是前锋。

    He was in the forefront.

  4. 前锋犯规了。

    The forward fouled.

  5. 篮球前锋队员

    forward players.

  6. 雪梨前锋晨报

    Sydney Morning Herald, The

  7. 处于前锋位置。

    positioned in the van

  8. 纽约前锋报

    New York Herald.

  9. 玄武岩前锋带

    basalt zone of surging

  10. 前锋前锋的集合体

    The linemen considered as a group.

  11. 前锋都越位了。

    The forwards are all offside.

  12. 他适于打前锋。

    He is suitable of playing forward.

  13. 迈阿密前锋报

    Miami Herald, The.

  14. 前锋正留隙角

    normal end clearance angle

  15. 给前锋的长传。

    a long pass to the striker

  16. 给前锋得长传。

    a long pass to the striker

  17. 前锋正余隙角

    normal end clearance angle valve

  18. 左前锋,是防守

    Left scorer dude. Defensive end.

  19. 先锋。前锋。先头部队

    person or group that begins or leads an attack

  20. 他预计会踢前锋。

    He's expected to play up front.

  21. 杭州前锋无线电器材厂

    Hangzhou Qianfeng Radio Equipment Factory

  22. 前锋部队昨晚已经出发。

    The vanguard units started off last night.

  23. 部队前锋昨晚已经出发。

    The vanguard units started off last night.

  24. 部队前锋已到达目的地。

    The vanguard units have reached the destination.

  25. 吉尔暗示前锋的到来

    Gill hints at striker move

  26. 小凌很适合做前锋。

    Xiao Ling is quite suited to is a forward.

  27. 你们六个当前锋

    You six are going to be the forwards.

  28. 给前锋的传球真灵巧!

    A clever pass to the forward!

  29. 你们的任务是阻挡前锋

    Your job is to stop the forwards.

  30. 印度板块岩石圈地幔前锋

    The frontier of lithospheric mantle of India Plate


  1. 问:前锋拼音怎么拼?前锋的读音是什么?前锋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前锋的读音是qiánfēng,前锋翻译成英文是 forward

  2. 问:前锋打法拼音怎么拼?前锋打法的读音是什么?前锋打法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前锋打法的读音是qián fēng dǎ fǎ,前锋打法翻译成英文是 forward play

  3. 问:前锋猛冲拼音怎么拼?前锋猛冲的读音是什么?前锋猛冲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前锋猛冲的读音是qián fēng měng chōng,前锋猛冲翻译成英文是 forward rush

  4. 问:前锋 (足球)拼音怎么拼?前锋 (足球)的读音是什么?前锋 (足球)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前锋 (足球)的读音是,前锋 (足球)翻译成英文是 Forward



“前锋”是个多义词,它可以指前锋(篮球运动位置名称), 前锋(大革命时期中国共产党的政治性机关刊物), 前锋(前锋镇), 前锋(足球运动位置名称), 前锋(汉语词汇), 前锋(成都前锋电子电器集团股份有限公司), 前锋(四川省广安市前锋区)。