







汉语拼音:qián wèi










  1. 元 代的侍卫亲军之一。

    《续文献通考·兵五》:“ 至元 八年七月以侍卫亲军改立左右中三卫亲军…… 至元 十六年以侍卫亲军创置前后卫,制如上三卫。”

  2. 军队行军时派在前方担任警戒的部队。

    碧野 《我们的力量是无敌的》第一章五:“部队开始出发,第一、二营战士一个紧接一个上了路,一千一二百支闪动的刺刀担任了前卫的任务。”

  3. 指前线。

    刘白羽 《记左权同志》:“他的热血在沸腾,立在民族的阶级的前卫上战斗着。”

  4. 体育用语。足球、手球等球类比赛中担任助攻与助守的队员,位置在前锋与后卫之间。



  1. "It's a bit avantgarde and the song list - most of it - is actually is more tailored towards the concept, " she said.


  2. It was one of the first avant-garde works to appeal to a wide audience.


  3. An identification by having this avantgarde art around the place with progress and change and with a spirit of the new.


  4. As distinctive features, rich avantgarde sense, the appearance of a project that was a loving art, a sense of the modern life and pursued.


  5. Frontier watches in Peshawar, NWFP's edgy capital, speculate that the army may be trying to re-enlist the support of these brigands .


  6. I felt as if I had stepped into an avantgarde theatre production.


  7. His own early commitment to the avant-garde, he says, came from a "sense of duty to a chronically under-represented aspect of culture" .


  8. Following her mother's advice, xu changed her fashioned dress with a more generous and polite one, winning the interviewers' high praise.


  9. There was the swinger, who had decided that if she was going to do it anyway, she might as well get paid for it.


  1. 前卫, 先头部队

    advance guard

  2. 前卫受到攻击。

    The vanguard isunder attack.

  3. 还挺前卫的。


  4. 行啊,挺前卫的

    Okay. It's a little avantgarde.

  5. 就是这样,很前卫的。

    And this is where it is, it's sort of evolving.

  6. 你妈妈还挺前卫的。

    Wow, your mom is so cool.

  7. 他们需要一名中前卫!

    They need a central midfielder!

  8. 澳洲年度前卫发型师大奖

    Australian Avant Garde Hairdresser of the Year

  9. 那可是一句很前卫的话。

    That was a forward remark.

  10. 穿那件裙子感觉很前卫。

    Looking chic in that dress!

  11. 前卫正以全速向前挺进。

    The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed.

  12. 那可是一句很前卫得话。

    That was a forward remark.

  13. 让这种协作分享更前卫。

    I'm on a mission to make sharing hip.

  14. 这是一个十分前卫的家。

    This is very the home of halfback.

  15. 它是一个前卫的象征符号。

    It is an edgy symbol.

  16. 现在, 他们得右前卫正在盘球。

    Now, their inside right forward's dribbling.

  17. 这样得鞋后跟未免太前卫了。

    This, by Candela Cort for Pedro Miralles, redefines the heel.

  18. 这样的鞋后跟未免太前卫了。

    This, by Candela Cort for Pedro Miralles, redefines the heel.

  19. 从前卫艺术看新世纪的美育

    Looking from the Vanguard Art into the New Centenary Aesthetic Education

  20. 前卫必须是一个很好的清道夫。

    guards must be good blockers.

  21. 即使当时,迈克尔是很前卫的。

    And even back then, Michael was on the cutting edge.

  22. 你知道我的, 我不是一个前卫的人。

    You know me. I am not a new age kind of guy.

  23. 中前卫, 英格兰学生代表队成员。

    Centrehalf and an England schoolboy international.

  24. 但在巴塞罗那还是相当前卫的。

    But in Barcelona it is fairly new.

  25. 在这种情况下,设置为7 这意味着前卫。

    In this case, it is set to 7, which means Skirmisher.

  26. 这左前卫正越过对方得后卫线。

    The inside left is passing the opposing side's fullback line.

  27. 这左前卫正越过对方的后卫线。

    The inside left is passing the opposing side's fullback line.

  28. 他们极端前卫的行动使他们富有传奇色彩。

    Their rabidly nonformist deportment has made them legendary.

  29. 制服很干净, 但远谈不上前卫。

    You might be sent to a country with an autocrat for a ruler.

  30. 融合古典与前卫, 现代与经典的家私精品。

    Integration of classical and avantgarde, modern and classic furniture products.


  1. 问:前卫拼音怎么拼?前卫的读音是什么?前卫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫的读音是qiánwèi,前卫翻译成英文是 forward; fashionable

  2. 问:前卫战拼音怎么拼?前卫战的读音是什么?前卫战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫战的读音是qián wèi zhàn,前卫战翻译成英文是 Vanguard Action

  3. 问:前卫传球拼音怎么拼?前卫传球的读音是什么?前卫传球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫传球的读音是qián wèi chuán qiú,前卫传球翻译成英文是 each one man pass

  4. 问:前卫尖兵拼音怎么拼?前卫尖兵的读音是什么?前卫尖兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫尖兵的读音是qián wèi jiān bīng,前卫尖兵翻译成英文是 Point of Advance Guard

  5. 问:前卫战斗拼音怎么拼?前卫战斗的读音是什么?前卫战斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫战斗的读音是qián wèi zhàn dòu,前卫战斗翻译成英文是 Advance Guard Action

  6. 问:前卫摇滚拼音怎么拼?前卫摇滚的读音是什么?前卫摇滚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫摇滚的读音是,前卫摇滚翻译成英文是 Progressive rock

  7. 问:前卫本队拼音怎么拼?前卫本队的读音是什么?前卫本队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫本队的读音是qián wèi běn duì,前卫本队翻译成英文是 Advance Reserve

  8. 问:前卫金属拼音怎么拼?前卫金属的读音是什么?前卫金属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫金属的读音是,前卫金属翻译成英文是 Progressive metal

  9. 问:前卫骑兵拼音怎么拼?前卫骑兵的读音是什么?前卫骑兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫骑兵的读音是qián wèi qí bīng,前卫骑兵翻译成英文是 Advance Guard Cavalry

  10. 问:前卫分遣队拼音怎么拼?前卫分遣队的读音是什么?前卫分遣队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫分遣队的读音是qián wèi fēn qiǎn duì,前卫分遣队翻译成英文是 Advanced Detachment

  11. 问:前卫后备队拼音怎么拼?前卫后备队的读音是什么?前卫后备队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫后备队的读音是qián wèi hòu bèi duì,前卫后备队翻译成英文是 Reserve of Advance Guard

  12. 问:前卫级核潜艇拼音怎么拼?前卫级核潜艇的读音是什么?前卫级核潜艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫级核潜艇的读音是,前卫级核潜艇翻译成英文是 Vanguard class submarine

  13. 问:前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部拼音怎么拼?前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部的读音是什么?前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部的读音是,前卫湖北警官学院足球俱乐部翻译成英文是 Vanguard Hubei Police Academy FC



“前卫”是个多义词,它可以指前卫(汉语词语), 前卫(艺术形式), 前卫(足球运动球员位置), 前卫(金属乐种类), 前卫(摇滚乐分支)。