


教人的人:老~。导~。~傅。~生。~徒。~德。良~益友。好(hào )为人~。擅长某种技术的人:工程~。医~。技~。效法:~法古人。榜样:~范。指由师徒或师生关系产生的:~母。~兄。~弟。~妹。对和尚或道士的尊称:法~。禅~。军队:会~。出……


1. 父 [fù]2. 父 [fǔ]父 [fù]爸爸,母亲的丈夫:~母。~辈。~子。~兄。对男性长辈的称呼:~老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯~。舅~。父 [fǔ]老年人:田~。渔~。同“甫”。……



汉语拼音:shī fu









  1. 古时老师的通称。

    宋 王巩 《清虚杂著·补阙》:“ 仁宗 在春宫,乘閒时画马为戏,内臣多乞之。 张文懿 为太子諭德,亦从乞之,上曰:‘师父岂可与马也。’”《红楼梦》第八二回:“这早晚就下学了?师父给你定了工课没有?”

  2. 对有技艺者的尊称。

    南唐 尉迟偓 《中朝故事》:“某乍到京国,未获参拜所有高手,在此致此小术不行,且望纵之,某当拜为师父。”《金瓶梅词话》第十九回:“家中有紧病,请师父就去罢。” 冰心 《南归》:“饭厅桌上,摆着厨师父从早市带来的一筐蜜桔。”

  3. 对出家人的尊称。

    《古今小说·月明和尚度柳翠》:“ 柳翠 被 月明师父 连喝三遍,再不敢开言,慌忙起身。”



  1. He said to them, "Empty it, by all means, but leave an old man his humble bag so that he might gather a coin or two in future. "


  2. "Yes, I remember, " she said. "And I argued with my Master about it, too, except he was the one who said we should never abandon anyone. "


  3. And, teacher, the someone else still loathes to give up to leave you, you are ambitioning to give up I the Tu son of this lovely amiability?


  4. after she had finished her work , she came over to sit with us , talking to us just like an elder sister.


  5. shortly after lunch , master arrived in a new golf cart and soon everyone surrounded her with joy and an outpouring of love for her.


  6. It so happened that Master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers.


  7. When the carriage bringing the Master and a few devotees reached the garden house, the assembly stood up respectfully to receive him.


  8. Lorian cocked his head and smiled at the Jedi. "You haven't forgiven me for what I did to your Master. "


  9. mr . peter boyer , his wife and his mother , talking with master.


  1. 师父讲笑话

    Master Tells Jokes Spoken by.

  2. 师父谈打坐

    Master talked about meditation practice.

  3. 你敢骂你师父?

    You have dared to chide you master

  4. 敬献清海师父

    With reverence to Master Ching Hai.

  5. 师父的及时礼物

    A Timely Gift through Masters Love

  6. 预言师父的名字

    Foretelling the Name of the Master

  7. 钛师父再度出山。

    Alpha Trion emerges from hiding.

  8. 师父带来的爱

    Master Brings Love into My Life.

  9. 师父讲笑话瞒天过海

    Master Tells Jokes The Bait

  10. 爱的清海师父

    My revered and beloved Master Ching Hai.

  11. 师父一句一句地教,

    Teachers taught stanza by stanza and

  12. 敬爱的清海师父

    Dear venerable Master Ching Hai

  13. 祈求师父多加持

    Praying with fervor for the Master power

  14. 师父遍撒菩提种

    Now that Shes sown these spiritual seeds

  15. 全家团圆, 全靠师父

    A Family Reunion Because Of Master

  16. 我有师父, 我师父会保护我。

    I have a master who will protect me.

  17. 是化身师父在教我!

    This was the manifestation form of Master teaching me!

  18. 是化身师父在教我!

    This was the manifestation form of Master teaching me!

  19. 师父就是这么地亲切。

    Master was always warm and affable like this.

  20. 你看看, 师父也饿了!

    You see, master is hungry, too!

  21. 随后师父让大家发问。

    Afterwards, Master let everyone ask questions.

  22. 献上对师父的爱

    Love to our Master from the Johannesburg Center

  23. 你看看,师父也饿了!

    You see, master is hungry, too!

  24. 师父到底属于哪个宗教?

    What Religion Does Master Practice?

  25. 最亲爱的清海师父

    Dearest Most Beloved Master Ching Hai

  26. 瞧, 我师父得手多巧。

    Look at how skillful my teacher is.

  27. 芒果树下师父讲故事

    Master Telling Tales under a Mango Tree

  28. 瞧,我师父得手多巧。

    Look at how skillful my teacher is.

  29. 最最敬爱的清海师父

    Our most beloved and revered Master Ching Hai

  30. 师父讲笑话鞠躬尽税!

    Master Tells Jokes Ashes to Taxes!


  1. 问:师父拼音怎么拼?师父的读音是什么?师父翻译成英文是什么?

    答:师父的读音是shīfu,师父翻译成英文是 master



“师父”的基本含义与“师傅”相同,泛指从事教学工作的老师。区分现代社会通用的“师父”与“师傅”,需要从古说起。“师傅”一词更早出现,本义即老师。但自秦汉时期起,“师傅”一词演变为专指帝王之师,即太师和太傅的统称,所谓“身为师傅,贵极人臣”,“师傅”用法具有一定排他性。南宋之后“师傅”一词开始回归百姓,平民也可使用。“师父”一词或自唐代起流传,基本含义即老师,也可用于对出家人的尊称。“师父”一词在感情色彩上要强烈得多,所谓“一日为师,终生为父”。在古代,师父往往自己收养徒弟,弟子住到师父家里,由师父贴钱教养,把徒弟当成家人。即便没有如此亲近,在传统观念中,父和师也具有同等重要意义,因此旧时也使用“父师”一词。 今天,“师父”一词基本只用于武术、戏剧等传统技艺领域。而“师傅”一词则延伸为对士农商各行各业人的尊称,比如“司机师傅”、“渔农师傅”等。