







汉语拼音:huì àn








  1. 亦作“ 晦闇 ”。亦作“ 晦黯 ”。昏暗;阴沉。

    《后汉书·桓帝纪》:“閒者,日食毁缺,阳光晦暗,朕祇惧潜思,匪遑启处。” 元 李文蔚 《蒋神灵应》第二折:“霎时间云遮白昼,雾障堦衢,雨施晦暗,风起吹嘘。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·杨疤眼》:“我将往望 杨疤眼 。前见其气色晦黯,多罹不吉。”《花城》1981年第3期:“虽然灯光晦暗,可他还是看见了 芮娅 长长的眼睫毛在颤动。”

  2. 晦涩,不易懂。

    《镜花缘》第八十回:“那难猜的,不是失之浮泛,就是失之晦闇。” 孙犁 《秀露集·进修二题》:“在文学创作里面,主题当然要很明朗,不能使要表达的思想晦暗。”

  3. 比喻(社会政治状况)腐败黑暗。

    郭沫若 《李白与杜甫·李白在政治活动中的第一次大失败》:“‘日没鸟雀喧’,是说世道晦暗,群小喧嚣。”



  1. If you've never been through a deep depression, I can tell you that it's a very dark place I never want to visit again.


  2. future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face.


  3. future is a dark mirror . anyone who look into it will see nothing but a old and worried face.


  4. then those who turn back the sun, inside the keep, and dull, and down, and cold, then it is overcast.


  5. Although Andromeda Galaxy is faint for the naked eye, it is one of the farthest objects which can be seen with the unaided eye.


  6. Well common sense should tell you to avoid cosy romantic places with dim lighting.


  7. It had brewed in the obscurities of being where no eye pierces, his surroundings had thickened it.


  8. Love unexpressed is sacred . It shines like gems in the gloom of the hidden heart . In the light of the curious day it looks pitifully dark.


  9. Next year is also beginning to look increasingly gloomy, he added.


  1. 晦暗抑制剂

    tarnish inhibitor.

  2. 小屋非常晦暗。

    It is dark and gloomy in the small room.

  3. 邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。

    The stamp was a dull blue colour.

  4. 伯莎望着窗外晦暗的天色。

    Bertha was looking out of the window at the bleakness of the day.

  5. 晦暗, 覆盖着倒悬得诗句得藤蔓。

    Darkened and overhung by the running vine of the verses.

  6. 晦暗,覆盖着倒悬的诗句的藤蔓。

    Darkened and overhung by the running vine of the verses.

  7. 消除黑眼圈, 晦暗, 创造明亮的眼眸。

    Valuably diminishes dark circle and discoloration for clear eyes.

  8. 温和滋养,迅速改善晦暗,减淡色素沉着。

    The geniality nourishes, quidk improvement dark, reduce, the thin dye calm and steady.

  9. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。

    The absence of coloration in that drawing makes it dull.

  10. 对于伯特莱尔一家,前途依旧晦暗。

    As for the Baudelaires, what lay ahead for them was unclear.

  11. 那幅画因没有著色而显得晦暗。

    The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull.

  12. 东方暗云笼罩之处,晦暗不明的黑色大地。

    Fern im Westen stehen dunkle Wolken.

  13. 大河的对岸在蓝色的烟雾中显得晦暗模糊。

    The opposite shore of the great river looked dull in a blue haze.

  14. 这些废钢颜色晦暗, 而不锈钢却银光闪闪。

    The scrap is so dull look while stainless steel is so shiny and silvery.

  15. 让圣诞精神的阳光驱走冬日的阴霾晦暗。

    Let the spirit of Christmas take away the gloomy and dark.

  16. 天气极其恶劣。寒风凛冽,天色晦暗,能见度极低。

    The weather was at its worst; bitterly cold, with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility.

  17. 伴面色晦暗,舌紫或有瘀斑,瘀点,脉细涩。

    With looking gloomy, tongue or purple bruises, the blockage point, pulse fine tart.

  18. 目前的时代,真理是那样晦暗不明,谎言又是那样根深蒂固。

    Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established.

  19. 你的爱情,不过是泡沫里最晦暗的那一小圈。

    Your love, but the most gloomy of a bubble that small circle.

  20. 我凝视着他,发现他的眼睛看去晦暗呆滞。

    I looked steadfastly at him, and perceived that this eyes looked dull and glazed.

  21. 喷泉如一枝纤细的水晶般悬在晦暗的空气里。

    Like a slim reed of crystal a fountain hung in the dusky air.

  22. 馆里阴冷、晦暗,沿四面墙都是明亮的玻璃窗。

    It was cool and dark in there, with lit windows all along the walls.

  23. 去除皮肤表层导致皮肤干燥,粗糙和晦暗的死皮细胞。

    Then, it removes dead surface skin that can dry, roughen and dull your complexion.

  24. 容器里的水熠熠生辉,大海里的水却晦暗莫测。

    The water in a vessel is sparkling; the water in the sea is dark.

  25. 因此,这个计划在晦暗不明的战争时期就搁起来了。

    Therefore, the project slumbered during the twilight war.

  26. 他并补充称,明年的前景也开始显得益发晦暗。

    Next year is also beginning to look increasingly gloomy, he added.

  27. 霍桑好男儿布朗中晦暗,神秘意象的双重解读

    Double Interpretation of the Ambiguous and Mysterious Images in YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN

  28. 天空的色彩时刻变幻着,将光明和晦暗投射在大地上。

    The heavens change every moment, and reflect their glory or gloom on the plains beneath.

  29. 藉由运用她的晦暗本质,死魇能淡入影中并变得无形。

    By using her tarnished nature, Deathmare can fade in shadow and become invisible.

  30. 它可以代表绝对愚妄的晦暗与人人都有的不得满足的思想。

    They represent the stark twilight and unsatisfied thoughts which all have.


  1. 问:晦暗拼音怎么拼?晦暗的读音是什么?晦暗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晦暗的读音是huì'àn,晦暗翻译成英文是 dark; gloomy

  2. 问:晦暗性拼音怎么拼?晦暗性的读音是什么?晦暗性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晦暗性的读音是huì àn xìng,晦暗性翻译成英文是 opacity




【拼音】huì àn

【解释】昏暗,不明亮。晦暗:指人的面色昏暗、不明亮,精神迷茫、迷糊。 神情晦暗:泛指人的面色昏暗、身体疲惫、精神恍惚。