


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……


在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……



汉语拼音:míng shèng







  1. 有名望的才俊之士。

    《晋书·王导传》:“会三月上巳,帝亲观禊,乘肩轝,具威仪, 敦导 及诸名胜皆骑从。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“ 宣武 集诸名胜讲《易》,日説一卦。” 宋 刘克庄 《满江红·傅相生日甲子》词:“筹边外,招徠名胜,登崇勋旧。”

  2. 有古迹或优美风景的著名的地方。

    《北齐书·韩晋明传》:“朝庭处之贵要之地,必以疾辞。告人云:‘废人饮美酒,对名胜,安能作刀笔吏返披故纸乎?’” 清 王鹏运 《<彊村词>序》:“南方名胜富亟游,以便北首。” 孙犁 《烈士陵园》:“这一地区之所以称为名胜,并不在于……山上有奇松,山中间有怪石,山下有泉水。”



  1. The addition of the STED doughnut reduced the spot area by ninefold, but, owing to its cylindrical shape, did not squeeze the spot axially.


  2. It is often known as one of the most beautiful cities in China. It has been ranked as one of the ten most scenic cities in China.


  3. It was interesting to see so many places of interest from all over the world.


  4. Try to give the tourist all the information about an attraction or cultural site that you know.


  5. And the city managed to turn this titanic flop into a brilliant museum and one of Scandinavia's great sightseeing attractions.


  6. In the arguments of national scenic area system, the basic concept is the key, and when it is laid out, the details are easy to deal with.


  7. Perhaps you could soak up the sun on the sand beaches or view some beautiful landscapes.


  8. I'm afraid a week doesn't give enough time to see all the places of interest.


  9. As a double entry on the list of UNESCO's Heritage of Culture and Nature, Mt. Huangshan is one of the top ten national spots.


  1. 北京风景名胜


  2. 台阁名胜记

    proses about the Tai Ge of interest.

  3. 来看看伦敦的名胜。

    Come and see the sights of London.

  4. 这个州有何名胜?

    Are there any places of renown in this state ?

  5. 给参观者介绍名胜

    to show the sights to visitors

  6. 我游览了许多名胜。

    I have visited a lot of famous places.

  7. 我们参观了许多名胜。

    We visited a lot of places of interest.

  8. 长城是世界名胜之一。

    The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world.

  9. 有关当地名胜的小册子

    a leaflet on local places of interest

  10. 她游览了大部分名胜。

    She saw most of the sights.

  11. 这儿有什么风景名胜吗

    Are There Any Scenic Spots Here

  12. 你喜欢参观历史名胜吗

    Do you like visiting historical spots.

  13. 这些名胜特别招人喜爱。

    These scenic spots are especially pleasing.

  14. 访问风景名胜的旅游者。

    a tourist who is visiting sights of interest.

  15. 有许多名胜和历史遗物。

    There are many beauty spots and historical relics.

  16. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

    The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world.

  17. 故宫是北京的名胜之一。

    The Forbidden City is one of the sights of Beijing.

  18. 我明天带您逛逛名胜。

    I can show you some of the sights tomorrow.

  19. 我想看遍美国的名胜。

    I want to see all places of high renown in America.

  20. 他们陪外宾游览杭州名胜。

    They escorted the foreign guests round the sights of Hongchow.

  21. 能介绍一下这儿得名胜吗?

    Can you tell me some of the attractions here?

  22. 我想游览伦敦的一些名胜。

    I want to see some famous places in London.

  23. 我想游览伦敦的所有名胜。

    I want to see all places of renown in London.

  24. 能介绍一下这儿的名胜吗?

    Can you tell me some of the attractions here?

  25. 你知道这儿有什么名胜吗?

    Do you know any places of renown around here.

  26. 你知道有什么名胜的地方?

    Do you hnow any places of renown around here.

  27. 我想游览北京所有的名胜。

    I want to see all places of renown in Beijing.

  28. 我们游览了巴黎的风景名胜。

    We'd toured the sights of Paris.

  29. 我想看遍苏州的名胜。

    B I want to see all places of renown in Suzhou.

  30. 雁荡山是著名的风景名胜。

    Yandang Mountain is a famous national scenic spot.


  1. 问:名胜拼音怎么拼?名胜的读音是什么?名胜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名胜的读音是míngshèng,名胜翻译成英文是 tourist site

  2. 问:名胜拼音怎么拼?名胜的读音是什么?名胜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名胜的读音是míngshèng,名胜翻译成英文是 place of interest

  3. 问:名胜古迹拼音怎么拼?名胜古迹的读音是什么?名胜古迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名胜古迹的读音是míngshènggǔjì,名胜古迹翻译成英文是 places of historic interest and scenic beauty...

  4. 问:名胜地拼音怎么拼?名胜地的读音是什么?名胜地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名胜地的读音是míng shèng dì,名胜地翻译成英文是 show place

  5. 问:名胜古迹拼音怎么拼?名胜古迹的读音是什么?名胜古迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名胜古迹的读音是míngshèng gǔjī,名胜古迹翻译成英文是 Historic Site and Scenic Site




【拼音】míng shèng基本解释[scenic spots;place famous for its scenery or historic relics] 有著名的古迹或风景的地方饱览名胜详细解释1.有名望的才俊之士。《晋书·王导传》:“会三月上巳,帝亲观禊,乘肩轝,具威仪, 敦导 及诸 名胜名胜皆骑从。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“ 宣武 集诸名胜讲《易》,日说一卦。” 宋 刘克庄 《满江红·傅相生日甲子》词:“筹边外,招徕名胜,登崇勋旧。”