







汉语拼音:gǔ jī








  1. 见“ 古迹 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 古跡 ”。亦作“ 古蹟 ”。古代遗迹。多指建筑物或其残迹。

    唐 李白 《登金陵冶城西北谢安墩》诗:“ 冶城 访古迹,犹有 谢安墩 。”迹,一本作“ 跡 ”。《武王伐纣平话》卷中:“ 姬昌 望西北寨山偷路日夜而走不止。今古迹在 黄河 南岸上是 姬昌庙 。” 明 徐渭 《礼书总论》:“志古跡,以不忘其贤有德者也。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致黎烈文》:“我们要保存 清 故宫,不过不将它当作皇宫,却是作为历史上的古迹看。”

  3. 指古人的法书墨迹。

    《南齐书·王僧虔传》:“﹝ 太祖 ﹞示 僧虔 古迹十一袠,就求能书人名。”《隋书·经籍志一》:“又聚 魏 已来古跡名画,於殿后起二臺,东曰 妙楷臺 ,藏古跡;西曰 寳蹟臺 ,藏古画。” 元 陆友仁 《砚北杂志》卷上:“ 唐 人临模古迹,得其形似,而失其气韵。” 清 周亮工 《与倪闇公》书:“﹝书家﹞得数行古蹟,如行师佩 玄女 兵符。”



  1. Clemmons found a strange hieroglyph on the wall of an Egyptian monument.

  2. I'm out of the country almost half a year. I'm a Chinese antiquities consultant and advisor. Our company has an office in Zurich.

  3. The city also hopes historic districts will foster a sense of community, which can be lacking in such a young, fast-growing place.

  4. No doubt many Westerners have left Chinese museum or cultural site tours asking questions out of equal bafflement.

  5. It would be useful to know what criteria a building or site needs to possess before our government will consider it a heritage building.

  6. The dark flip side of this openness to the new is a deplorable indifference to preserving the old.

  7. Thousands of years of history. Archaeologists say there's likely more out there lying right under our feet. Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London.

  8. The heritage business is riding the coat-tails of a general boom in domestic tourism, a result of the recession and a weaker pound.

  9. Italy's antiquities , the remains of thousands of years of history, are literally strewn throughout the country.


  1. 古迹保护政策

    Policy on conservation of monuments.

  2. 亨比古迹群

    Group of Monuments at Hampi.

  3. 古物古迹办事处

    The Antiquities and Monuments Office

  4. 文物古迹之旅

    Tour of Culture Relics and Historic Sites.

  5. 法定古迹位置图

    Location Map on Declared Monuments

  6. 内战的战场古迹

    Classic battlefields of the Civil War

  7. 金色道钉国家古迹

    Golden Spike National Historic Site

  8. 希腊和罗马的古迹

    Greek and Roman antiquities

  9. 这就是古迹的力量!

    This was the strength of historic site!

  10. 元朗文物古迹概览。

    Yuen Long historical relics and monuments.

  11. 其他文物古迹的命运

    heritage sites all over the world.

  12. 美国内战的战场古迹

    classic battlefields of the Civil War.

  13. 这些古迹至今犹存。

    Both the pavilion and the tablet have been preserved to this day.

  14. 历史文化古迹旅游资源

    traveling resources of historic cultural monuments

  15. 韶关历史悠久,古迹遍布。

    Shaoguan has a long history and numerous cultural sites.

  16. 文物古迹受国家保护。

    Cultural relics and historic sites are under the protection of the state.

  17. 巴黎有很多文化古迹。

    There are many cultural attractions in Paris.

  18. 巴黎有很多文化古迹。

    There are many cultural attractions in Paris.

  19. 塞伦海洋国家历史古迹

    Salem Maritime National Historic Site

  20. 保护古迹并不那么容易

    Its not that easy to preserve places of historic interest.

  21. 途中有没有什么历史古迹

    But are there any places of historic interest on the way.

  22. 在近东有许多古迹圣地。

    There are many sacred shrines in the Near East.

  23. 最著名得西安古迹是什么?

    What is the most famous historic site in Xian?

  24. 最著名的西安古迹是什么?

    What is the most famous historic site in Xian?

  25. 挽救努比亚古迹国际运动。

    International campaign to save the monuments of nubia.

  26. 我如何购买法定古迹的照片?

    How can I order pictures of declared monuments?

  27. 踏寻通州古迹感悟厚重历史

    Historic site in Tong Zhou

  28. 秘鲁闻名的印加文化古迹。

    Remains of the worldrenowned Inca culture of Peru.

  29. 他们被好奇心驱使去看古迹。

    They were lured by a curiosity to see the historic spot.

  30. 我对参观历史古迹有浓厚兴趣。

    I have strong interest in visiting historical relics.


  1. 问:古迹拼音怎么拼?古迹的读音是什么?古迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古迹的读音是gǔjì,古迹翻译成英文是 historic spot

  2. 问:古迹拼音怎么拼?古迹的读音是什么?古迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古迹的读音是gǔjì,古迹翻译成英文是 historic site

  3. 问:古迹拼音怎么拼?古迹的读音是什么?古迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古迹的读音是gǔ jī,古迹翻译成英文是 Historic Site

  4. 问:古迹公园拼音怎么拼?古迹公园的读音是什么?古迹公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古迹公园的读音是gǔ jì gōng yuán,古迹公园翻译成英文是 historic site park

  5. 问:古迹条例拼音怎么拼?古迹条例的读音是什么?古迹条例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古迹条例的读音是gǔ jì tiáo lì,古迹条例翻译成英文是 Ancient Monuments Acts


