







汉语拼音:shì jī








  1. 事情的迹象。

    《南史·何尚之传》:“ 曄 ( 范曄 )事跡未彰、便豫相黜斥,万姓将谓卿等不能容才。”

  2. 同“ 事迹 ”。

    唐 李白 《金陵歌送别范宣》:“四十餘帝三百秋,功名事跡随东流。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷三:“其书略録一代事跡耳,未见歷朝实録。”

  3. 同“ 事迹 ”。 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·徵圣》:“ 郑伯 入 陈 ,以文辞为功; 宋 置折俎,以多文举礼。此事蹟贵文之徵也。” 王闿运 《衡阳彭公行状》:“其平生战功事蹟,宣付国史馆立传。”

  4. 事情经过的痕迹;过去所做的重要事情。

    《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“本原事迹,追首高明。” 宋 张齐贤 《洛阳缙绅旧闻记·梁太祖优待文士》:“昔时之事迹谁见?今日之功名目覩。” 明 马愈 《马氏日抄·水火称毒》:“时亏国宪谋危君上,事迹彰明者,幽於囹圄,无所刑戮,任其生死。” 丁玲 《母亲》四:“ 敏芝 津津有味的传述着她家里的许多事迹。”



  1. Famously, he used a small donkey to carry men down from the front line, often exposing himself to fire.


  2. As usual, if you know of other fascinating people that would suit a similar follow up list, be sure to tell us in the comments.


  3. The new lads will have heard so much about him but they havent had the chance to train with him yet.


  4. Carol Willis organized a busload of black Arkansans to come to New York City to talk about what I had done as governor for and with blacks.


  5. "He was a king during the Age of Heroes. " She recalled that much about him, but little else. "What of him? "


  6. Characteristically, he never spoke of these years or his bravery in his letters.


  7. Every time during the pastor and his wife's visit, I would be moved by some of the stories they told me.


  8. Reporters often wrote stories about her, some of which were more true than others. Missus Gardner did not seem to mind.


  9. The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body.


  1. 动人的事迹

    stirring deeds.

  2. 提到英雄事迹

    to make references to the heroic deeds

  3. 夸大的英勇事迹

    A tall order to fill

  4. 英雄事迹的故事

    a tale of heroic deeds

  5. 动人的英勇事迹

    compellent example of heroism

  6. 歌颂伟大的事迹。

    The ones that really mattered.

  7. 六朝事迹编类

    Liu chao shi fi bian lei.

  8. 英雄事迹的具体内容。

    On the story of a hero.

  9. 英雄事迹的具体内容。

    On the story of a hero.

  10. 他们歌颂英雄们的事迹。

    They sang the deeds of heroes.

  11. 她的事迹鼓舞了我。

    Her good deeds encourage me.

  12. 戴笠, 陈明德事迹考

    A Study of The Deeds of Dai Li and Chen Mingde

  13. 王维若干事迹考辨

    A Research on Some Deeds Of Wang Wei

  14. 克南的事迹被传颂。

    The story about Kernan was sounded.

  15. 红帮人物事迹述略

    Brief Account of the Deeds of Hong Band Characters

  16. 曹松若干事迹补正

    Supplements and Corrections of Some Historical Events about CAO Song

  17. 近世无匹的辉煌事迹

    A brilliant career without parallel in modern times

  18. 为了表彰他生前的事迹

    in recognition of his deeds in his lifetime

  19. 他的先进事迹十分感人。

    His meritorious deeds are very moving.

  20. 事迹和要求被证据证实。

    The stories and claims were born out by the evidence.

  21. 好的事迹永不会消失。

    A good deed is never lost.

  22. 甚至不屑于了解她们的事迹。

    or even wish to.

  23. 他有过很多英勇事迹。

    He performed many daring exploits.

  24. 人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。

    The heroic deeds of the people's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.

  25. 他勇敢的事迹是人所共知的。

    His brave deeds are known to everybody.

  26. 他在圣地的事迹很多。

    Many were his exploits in the Holy Land.

  27. 他的事迹真令人感佩!

    His story is appreciated and admired by us.

  28. 她迫切想写他们的事迹。

    She felt a deep urge to write about them.

  29. 他们的英雄事迹将永垂不朽。

    They will go down in history for their bravery deeds.

  30. 我们都知道他的英雄事迹。

    We all know about his heroic deed.


  1. 问:事迹拼音怎么拼?事迹的读音是什么?事迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:事迹的读音是shìjì,事迹翻译成英文是 achievement




【读音】shì jì


【出处】《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“本原事迹,追首高明。” 宋·张齐贤《洛阳缙绅旧闻记·梁太祖优待文士》:“昔时之事迹谁见?今日之功名目覩。”

【示例】丁玲《母亲》四:“ 敏芝津津有味的传述着她家里的许多事迹。”

【用处】多用于指相对有意义的事情!如:雷锋生平事迹! 造句:雷锋有很多感人的事迹。