







汉语拼音:yè jì







  1. 完成的事业和建立的功劳;重大的成就。

    鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第八篇:“ 乘 ( 枚乘 )於文林,业绩之伟,乃在略依《楚辞》、《七諫》之法,并取《招魂》、《大招》之意,自造《七发》。” 周恩来 《在中华全国文学艺术工作者代表大会上的政治报告》:“欢迎没有到过农村的、没有习惯于农村生活的文艺工作者,去学习农民,与农民做朋友,以便写下他们的艰苦卓絶、英勇奋斗的业绩。” 马国征 《瞻仰梅园新村周总理故居》诗之一:“人去楼空业绩存,折衝樽俎倍劳辛。”



  1. To leave any sort of legacy, he needs to build a credible system of economic governance for the euro.


  2. Rising sales are coming at the cost of lower profitability, at least if fourth quarter results released on Tuesday are any indication.


  3. Refusing to go with an irrational flow hurts performance for a while, and could prove durably stupid if the terrible event actually happens.


  4. The general manager is so frustrated for the poor performance of his company.


  5. So at least in these non-scientific studies, pheromones did not help to increase sales, but they just might increase sex appeal.


  6. financing activities, however, do not seem to have improved the corporate operational performance.


  7. Yesterday was no different: just minutes after its first-quarter release, Nokia had lost about a seventh of its market value.


  8. Mr. Buffett said the company's results show the global economy is showing significant signs of recovery for the first time.


  9. A few days after the video store chain warned it may have to file for bankruptcy, smartphone maker Palm announced 'disappointing' sales.


  1. 骄人的业绩

    impressive performance

  2. 成长与业绩

    experience and achievements.

  3. 歌颂英雄业绩

    celebrate heroic feats.

  4. 运营业绩衡量

    operational performance measures

  5. 业绩非凡的律师

    a hotshot lawyer

  6. 吹嘘自己的业绩

    peddle fish stories

  7. 滚动业绩障碍法

    Rolling Performance Barrier Method

  8. 这个公司业绩良好

    the firm is doing well

  9. 全年业绩直线下降。

    Performance went down over the course of the year.

  10. 这是划时代的业绩。

    This is an epochmaking achievement.

  11. 红帽子二季业绩强劲

    Red Hat Thrives In Second Quarter

  12. 提升根据资历和业绩。

    Promotion goes by seniority and by merit.

  13. 烈士的英雄业绩永存。

    The heroic deeds of the martyr live for ever.

  14. 烈士得英雄业绩永存。

    The heroic deeds of the martyr live for ever.

  15. 这是我的业绩奖金。

    This is my performance bonus.

  16. 企业道德与企业经营业绩

    Business Morality and Business Management Achievements

  17. 将增加她声誉的业绩

    An exploit that will add to her reputation.

  18. 他的业绩为他本领的明证。

    His work attest his ability.

  19. 成功的主要证明是业绩。

    The key evidence of success is the financial results.

  20. 他做出了惊人的业绩。

    He did a marvellous feat.

  21. 我的业绩评定得了甲等。

    I got an Alevel ration in the performance evaluations.

  22. 我得业绩评定得了甲等。

    I got an Alevel ration in the performance evaluations.

  23. 提高车间生产能力及业绩

    To improve the workshop ability and performance.

  24. 老板责令我提高销售业绩。

    My boss screamed at me to generatemore sales.

  25. 如果没有骄人业绩怎么办?

    What If You Have No Outstanding Accomplishments?

  26. 水手们赞颂船长英勇的业绩。

    The sailors sang the gallant captain exploit.

  27. 最近,公司的业绩一路蹿升。

    The performance of the company recently has been excellent.

  28. 讴歌光辉业绩,礼赞伟大成就。

    Eulogizing great achievement, celebration.

  29. 你过去都做过什么业绩。

    What efforts have you made in the past.

  30. 能谈谈您得工作业绩吗

    Would you like to talk about your outstanding achievements


  1. 问:业绩拼音怎么拼?业绩的读音是什么?业绩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩的读音是yèjì,业绩翻译成英文是 achievement

  2. 问:业绩审查拼音怎么拼?业绩审查的读音是什么?业绩审查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩审查的读音是yè jì shěn chá,业绩审查翻译成英文是 performance review

  3. 问:业绩审计拼音怎么拼?业绩审计的读音是什么?业绩审计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩审计的读音是yè jì shěn jì,业绩审计翻译成英文是 performance auditing

  4. 问:业绩指标拼音怎么拼?业绩指标的读音是什么?业绩指标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩指标的读音是yè jì zhǐ biāo,业绩指标翻译成英文是 performance index

  5. 问:业绩水平拼音怎么拼?业绩水平的读音是什么?业绩水平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩水平的读音是yè jì shuǐ píng,业绩水平翻译成英文是 performance levels

  6. 问:业绩目标拼音怎么拼?业绩目标的读音是什么?业绩目标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩目标的读音是yè jì mù biāo,业绩目标翻译成英文是 performance objectives

  7. 问:业绩考核拼音怎么拼?业绩考核的读音是什么?业绩考核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩考核的读音是yè jì kǎo hé,业绩考核翻译成英文是 feedback on performance

  8. 问:业绩评价拼音怎么拼?业绩评价的读音是什么?业绩评价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩评价的读音是yè jì píng jià,业绩评价翻译成英文是 measurement of performance

  9. 问:业绩评估拼音怎么拼?业绩评估的读音是什么?业绩评估翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩评估的读音是yè jì píng gū,业绩评估翻译成英文是 performance valuation

  10. 问:业绩路演拼音怎么拼?业绩路演的读音是什么?业绩路演翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩路演的读音是yèjì lùyǎn,业绩路演翻译成英文是 Non-deal roadshow

  11. 问:业绩评价会计拼音怎么拼?业绩评价会计的读音是什么?业绩评价会计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:业绩评价会计的读音是yè jì píng jià kuài jì,业绩评价会计翻译成英文是 performance accounting


