







汉语拼音:qǔ huí








  1. When Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite to take back the pledge from the woman's hand, he did not find her.


  2. Please get back to me with your acceptance of these terms.


  3. As he regained his strength and was patched back up by the denizens of the plane, he prepared for his assault on Azeroth.


  4. Today I could not log into my account and when I tried to retrieve my password the system told me that my email was not in the database.


  5. Meanwhile Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite in order to get his pledge back from the woman, but he did not find her.


  6. And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand; but he did not find her.


  7. Five days later, when he had finished decorating the offices, he retrieved the map and smuggled it out of the building in an old paint tin.


  8. Any attempt to get the money back HAS to pass through the obstacle course of the British legal system.


  9. I thank them for being honest and opening my eyes and engaging me in a discussion that eventually earned back their trust.


  1. 派人去取回。

    Send a detachment down to retrieve them.

  2. 取回干洗的衣服。

    I ran my errands.

  3. 从洗衣店取回衣服。

    Collect a suit from the cleaners.

  4. 从钱行取回存款

    withdraw money from a bank

  5. 取回我们的旧垃圾

    to get any of our old junk.

  6. 我可否取回销售税?

    Could I claim the GST?

  7. 我可否取回款项呢?

    Could I have my refund instead ?

  8. 我坚持取回我的退款。

    I will insist on getting my refund.

  9. 以及显示取回的数据。

    And displaying the retrieved data.

  10. 他们取回了他的钱包。

    They got back his wallet.

  11. 第二次调用取回名称。

    The second call retrieves the name.

  12. 我们将只能取回维修。

    We'll have to take it in for repair.

  13. 从行李寄存处取回衣箱

    Retrieve one's suitcase from the left luggage office

  14. 那么你取回了多少卵细胞?

    So, how many eggs did you retrieve?

  15. 我什么时候能把它取回?

    When can I have it back?

  16. 我取回了潘多拉之盒。

    I retrieved Pandora's box.

  17. 我取回了潘多拉之盒。

    I retrieved Pandora's box.

  18. 你失去了取回钱的机会。

    You have forfeited your chance of getting your money back.

  19. 要多久我才能取回我的衣服?

    How long I can get back my clothes?

  20. 当玩家企图重新取回。

    Players attemmpting to redeem an Upper Deck code while their inventory is full will receive the item in their mailbox instead.

  21. 取回正在播放的音轨的位置。

    Retrieves a playing channel's position.

  22. 他们取回旧币使不再流通。

    They withdrew wornout money from circulation.

  23. 我坚持要立刻取回我的退款。

    I will insist upon getting my refund soon.

  24. 取回出站响应的当前时间。

    Retakes the current time on the outbound response.

  25. 请您接受这些条款, 我取回。

    Please get back to me with your acceptance of these terms.

  26. 请帮我从邮局取回包囊。

    Please fetch me the parcel from office.

  27. 旅行结束时, 我们取回了行李。

    At the end of the trip we reclaimed our luggage.

  28. 有否提醒顾客取回付款收据

    Are customers reminded to collect a sales memo after payment

  29. 取回那笔钱的希很渺茫。

    There is an offchance of getting the money back.

  30. 早上从附近的小溪取回淡水。

    In the morning fresh water is fetched from a nearby stream.


  1. 问:取回拼音怎么拼?取回的读音是什么?取回翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取回的读音是,取回翻译成英文是 reassumption

  2. 问:取回权拼音怎么拼?取回权的读音是什么?取回权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取回权的读音是qǔhuíquán,取回权翻译成英文是 recall right

  3. 问:取回的人拼音怎么拼?取回的人的读音是什么?取回的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:取回的人的读音是,取回的人翻译成英文是 retriever



【拼音】qǔ huí

【注音】ㄑㄩˇ ㄏㄨㄟˊ


【解释】[reception] 以和平手段从已夺走和非法扣押者手里收回自己的人和财产。