







汉语拼音:chōu huí








  1. He took his arm from Sonny's shoulder and slapped him, lightly, affectionately, with the back of his hand.


  2. Did not catch up, not urgent but not dry, but steadily from the water or slow or illness to withdraw fishing rod, and then the next bait.


  3. At some point when the economy recovers from recession, the Fed is going to have to withdraw this money and raise interest rates.


  4. Just when the company was coming into profit the principal backers withdrew their support and left the firm in the lurch.


  5. By last Thursday, investors started withdrawing their money. This put more pressure on the bank to sell assets that no one wanted to buy.


  6. Article 34 A shareholder may not withdraw its capital contribution after registration of the company.


  7. Due to frequent anti-dumping on Chinese products, many investors have to withdraw their funds into other countries.


  8. a speck of eager fire from his fox eyes thanked him. he withdrew his gaze after an instant.


  9. It has other approaches for both draining cash from the financial system and pushing up interest rates as needed.


  1. 资本的抽回

    revulsion of capital.

  2. 抽回工作箱

    Drain to the work tank.

  3. 但她很快就抽回了她的手。

    But she pulled her hand away quickly.

  4. 他猛地把手抽回,痛得叫起来。

    He snatched his hand away with a cry of pain.

  5. 股东在公司登记后, 不得抽回出资。

    Shareholders may not withdraw their capital contributions after the registration of a company.

  6. 跟着他把他的手由她的手里完全抽回。

    Then he drew his hand quite away from hers.

  7. 一碰到热东西, 他立刻抽回了手。

    When touching something hot, he whipped his hand away at once.

  8. 公司股东很失望, 抽回了他们的资金。

    The members of the company were disappointed, and they took their money back.

  9. 公司经核准登记注册后,不得抽回出资。

    Shall not withdraw contributed capital after the Company is approved and registered.

  10. 玛丽抽回她得手,跑进屋子里去了。

    Mary pulled away her hand and ran into the house.

  11. 跟着他把他得手由她得手里完全抽回。

    Then he drew his hand quite away from hers.

  12. 玛丽抽回她的手, 跑进屋子里去了。

    Mary pulled away her hand and ran into the house.

  13. 这家公司决定鲁莽行动,我已抽回了投资。

    The company has decided to take a ride for a fall, I have taken my investment back.

  14. 这家公司决定鲁莽行动,我已抽回了投资。

    The company has decided to take a ride for a fall, I have taken my investment back.

  15. 这只狗发出低沉吠声,于是我连忙把手抽回。

    The dog gave a low snarl so I quickly drew my hand back.

  16. 但我感觉到你在悄悄抽回你的手指你改变了主意

    And I felt your slipping fingers And I saw you change your mind

  17. 申报后, 不得擅自调整申报的数据或抽回有关的凭证资料。

    After declaration, any change in data or withdrawal of supporting data is prohibited.

  18. 第三十四条股东在公司登记后, 不得抽回出资。

    Article Shareholders are not allowed to withdraw their investment after the registration of the company.

  19. 我朝他皱了眉头, 他连忙抽回了搭在我肩上的手臂。

    I gave him a dirty look, and he took his arm off my shoulder.

  20. 他偶然摸着了烫金属,疼的大叫一声抽回了手。

    By accident he touched the hot metal, and yanked his hand away with a cry of pain.

  21. 活塞泵还可将多余的机油抽回,因此可防止布料受到污染。

    The piston pump can draw back excessive oil to prevent stains on materials.

  22. 杜丝小姐抽回她那裹在缎袖里的胳膊,半嗔半喜。

    it snapped. jingle into dorset street. miss douce withdrew her satiny arm, reproachful, pleased.

  23. 我抽回锄头时, 清楚地看见蛇的毒液顺着锄头片往下滴。

    As I pulled back my weapon, I could see the venom dripping down the blade.

  24. 在轻轻回抽注射器的同时缓慢进针。

    G. Slowly advance the needle while gently withdrawing plunger of the syringe.

  25. 在决赛中, 他们以稳健回抽, 击败了外国运动员。

    In the finals, they completely upset the foreign players with steady chop returns.

  26. 上证指数在突破2700之后并没有完成回抽确认的过程。

    Stock Index in 2700 after the break and did not complete the process of confirmation.

  27. 医生让他在医院里再呆几天, 他却抽冷子跑回了工地。

    The doctor had told him to stay in hospital a few more days, but he slipped back to the worksite.

  28. 乔戈斯用力把刀抽了出来, 插回刀鞘。

    Georgos retrieved the knife and returned it to the sheath.

  29. 回漩共振抽运

    cyclotron resonance pumping

  30. 抽气止回阀的设计

    Design of extraction check valve.


  1. 问:抽回资本拼音怎么拼?抽回资本的读音是什么?抽回资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抽回资本的读音是chōu huí zī běn,抽回资本翻译成英文是 revulsion of capital