




1. 溅 [jiàn]2. 溅 [jiān]溅 [jiàn]液体受冲击向四外飞射:水花飞~。溅 [jiān]见“浅2”。……



汉语拼音:sì jiàn









  1. This time, instead of a popping noise there was a dull explosion, followed by a series of crackling noises and a shower of sparks.


  2. Most people would have been knocked over, China is all over the place, pots in the kitchen are on the floor, boiling water everywhere.


  3. They were ducking one another, running to and fro with many cries, and plashing in the mud, a fine picture of youthful movement.


  4. Welders worked on the pavement, sending sparks flying in all directions, but there was not a pair of safety goggles in sight.


  5. Even in death the memories in visions will not fade, for how could he forget splitting the blood of his own family.


  6. She was shot and then the baby in her arms. His brains splattered all around, also over my leather overcoat.


  7. As the two splashed in the cool, green water, whoops rose from the bank.


  8. For the next two hours there were up-turned faces and gasps of astonishment, roars of laughter as water splashed about and balloons popped.


  9. The food is bad in this cafe, but there is plenty of fruit, especially peaches, whose juice drips down your chin as you bite into them.


  1. 浪花四溅。

    The waves combed.

  2. 水花四溅。

    The water splashes about.

  3. 焊条火星四溅。

    The welding rod threw off a shower of sparks.

  4. 游泳池水花四溅

    splashed about in the swimming pool.

  5. 说时唾沫四溅

    boil forth.

  6. 随时准备火花四溅?

    Ready to explode like a bomb.

  7. 船头下浪花四溅,

    With the water churned to foam beneath her bow

  8. 船头下浪花四溅,。

    With the water churned to foam beneath her bow.

  9. 铁锤一落,火星四溅。

    Down came the hammer and out flew the spark.

  10. 她怒气冲冲,唾沫星子四溅。

    She was spluttering with rage.

  11. 玛丽喊叫时唾沫四溅。

    Mary's spit flew as she shouted.

  12. 别踩得水坑水花四溅。

    Stop splashing your feet in the puddles.

  13. 他听见妇女们使水四溅。

    He heard the women splashing water about.

  14. 他听见妇女们使水四溅。

    He heard the women splashing water about.

  15. 气得唾沫四溅。大发雷庭

    foam with rage

  16. 罗达大喊大叫,唾沫四溅。

    Rhoda's spit flew as she shouted.

  17. 她说话时经常口涎四溅。

    She often boils forth when speaking.

  18. 浪花四溅, 海滩上满是泡沫。

    The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam.

  19. 我真不想看到精液四溅!

    I really don't want to see that money shot!

  20. 我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。

    I fell into the water with a splash.

  21. 你可是错过了火花四溅的场面哦

    Well, you missed all the fireworks.

  22. 蜜蜂和花在这一击下碎片四溅。

    Bee and flower splattered in one hit.

  23. 萨姆又露面了,不停地咳嗽,唾星四溅。

    Sam resurfaced, coughing and spluttering.

  24. 现在我们到了瀑布下游处,水花四溅。

    Now we arrived the lower reach of the waterfall, too much water splashed on us.

  25. 他一着急,说起话来就唾沫星子四溅。

    He splutters terribly when excited.

  26. 目击者称空中石块和玻璃碎片四溅。

    Eyewitnesses spoke of rocks and shards of glass flying in the air.

  27. 我喜欢咱们扔石头时水花四溅的样子。

    I like the way the water splashes when we throw in the rocks.

  28. 跺着脚走过水坑, 一时间泥水四溅。

    Filled with a mixture of fascination and glee, he stomped through the puddle, mud and water flying.

  29. 轻轻扣响扳机, 你的头颅就四溅横飞。

    When I pull the trigger and your greasy head explodes.

  30. 他因为掉了门牙,说起话来唾沫四溅。

    He sprayed because of the missing teeth.


  1. 问:四溅拼音怎么拼?四溅的读音是什么?四溅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四溅的读音是sìjiàn,四溅翻译成英文是 To spray.