




1. 溅 [jiàn]2. 溅 [jiān]溅 [jiàn]液体受冲击向四外飞射:水花飞~。溅 [jiān]见“浅2”。……



汉语拼音:fēi jiàn







  1. 向外四溅。

    清 夏锡祚 《自紫蜺涧至旋螺顶》诗:“迴磴或阨之,怒歕亦飞溅。” 刘大白 《五一运动歌》:“五一运动,五一运动,劳动者第一成功。虽则成功,也难免几回飞溅血花红!” 冰心 《寄小读者》二八:“看着船旁烨然飞溅的浪花,这一星星都迸碎了我远游之梦!”



  1. Hopefully by the end of the article, you'll be able to put all these items into practice to capture some beautiful watery splashes!


  2. Huge amounts of ice particles from his skate blades fly high into the air and float back down on the entire rink, resembling a snow fall.


  3. So as you shiver in the cold and the dark, Look into the fire and see in its spark -- My eye Watching over you.


  4. Bottlenose dolphins have been observed to breach up to 16 feet (4. 9 meters) out of the water, landing with a splash on their back or side.


  5. As the column splashed across the shallow waters, the sun was setting behind a pair of grassy hills.


  6. Two types of lubricating systems have been used on four-cycle automotive engines, splash and combination splash and pressure feed.


  7. The experiments showed that the welder was with stable welding process and small spatter and easy to use.


  8. Walking alone on a remote beach in southwest Florida, I was startled to hear splashes and a deep sigh coming from the water just offshore.


  9. One onlooker, Li Jian, said he saw smoke rise from the hotel roof shortly after a huge burst of fireworks showered it with sparks.


  1. 火花飞溅。

    Sparks flew about.

  2. 飞溅冷凝器

    splash condenser

  3. 飞溅冷却器

    splash cooler

  4. 飞溅式填料

    splash packing

  5. 飞溅润滑法

    splash lubrication

  6. 飞溅带腐蚀

    splash zone corrosion

  7. 飞溅式润滑

    splash system lubrication

  8. 飞溅的液体。

    A flying mass of fluid.

  9. 飞溅润滑系统

    splash system

  10. 飞溅带涂装

    splash zone painting

  11. 深褐色的飞溅

    Splash of puce.

  12. 焊接易飞溅液

    welders spatter ease

  13. 水肯定会飞溅。

    The water will surely splash.

  14. 压力和飞溅润滑

    force and splash lubricating

  15. 限制式飞溅润滑

    restricted splash lubrication

  16. 压力飞溅混合式

    Combined Splash and Pressure Type

  17. 您可见清泉飞溅。

    You may see clear springwater running and splashing.

  18. 使飞溅使四处飞溅溅水

    To spatter about splash.

  19. 开始添加飞溅创造性。

    Start adding the splatter creatively.

  20. 浪花飞溅到船上。

    The waves splashed on the ship.

  21. 浪花飞溅到甲板上。

    The waves splashed on the deck.

  22. 飞溅你修理了喷泉。

    Splish, splashYou fixed the birdbath.

  23. 闪光,炫耀,经典的飞溅

    flash, dash, classic splash

  24. 锤子落下,火花飞溅。

    Gladys Claffern. Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.

  25. 热油飞溅出了油锅。

    The hot oil splashed out of the pot.

  26. 追逐着飞溅的水泡

    And chase the frothy bubbles

  27. 定油面飞溅润滑系

    constant level splash system

  28. 瀑布飞溅着越过岩石。

    The waterfall splashed over the rock.

  29. 精液飞溅得到处都是。

    Semen is splattered all over the place.

  30. 无拘无束的泪花飞溅神州,

    Freely were tears of joy shed throughout the country


  1. 问:飞溅拼音怎么拼?飞溅的读音是什么?飞溅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅的读音是fēijiàn,飞溅翻译成英文是 to splash

  2. 问:飞溅带拼音怎么拼?飞溅带的读音是什么?飞溅带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅带的读音是fēi jiàn dài,飞溅带翻译成英文是 splash zone

  3. 问:飞溅损失拼音怎么拼?飞溅损失的读音是什么?飞溅损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅损失的读音是fēi jiàn sǔn shī,飞溅损失翻译成英文是 spatter loss

  4. 问:飞溅润滑拼音怎么拼?飞溅润滑的读音是什么?飞溅润滑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅润滑的读音是fēi jiàn rùn huá,飞溅润滑翻译成英文是 splash lubrication

  5. 问:飞溅冷凝器拼音怎么拼?飞溅冷凝器的读音是什么?飞溅冷凝器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅冷凝器的读音是fēi jiàn lěng níng qì,飞溅冷凝器翻译成英文是 splash condenser

  6. 问:飞溅式润滑齿轮拼音怎么拼?飞溅式润滑齿轮的读音是什么?飞溅式润滑齿轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅式润滑齿轮的读音是fēi jiàn shì rùn huá chǐ lún,飞溅式润滑齿轮翻译成英文是 oil splash gear

  7. 问:飞溅润滑集油盘拼音怎么拼?飞溅润滑集油盘的读音是什么?飞溅润滑集油盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞溅润滑集油盘的读音是fēi jiàn rùn huá jí yóu pán,飞溅润滑集油盘翻译成英文是 oil splash pan




【拼音】fēi jiàn



【例句】这腰鼓,使冰冷的空气立即变得燥热了,使恬静的阳光立即变得飞溅了,使困倦的世界立即变得亢奋了。(苏教版, 六年级上, 第14课《安塞腰鼓》 刘成章)(人教版,七年级下,第十七课,《 安塞腰鼓》)(冀教版六年级上 第29课 《 安塞腰鼓》|)
