


1. 喷 [pēn]2. 喷 [pèn]喷 [pēn]散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。喷 [pèn]香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜……


1. 溅 [jiàn]2. 溅 [jiān]溅 [jiàn]液体受冲击向四外飞射:水花飞~。溅 [jiān]见“浅2”。……



汉语拼音:pēn jiàn







  1. 喷射飞溅。

    秦牧 《花城·在仙人掌丛生的地方》:“一道道波浪不断涌来,撞击在岩石上,发出了天崩地裂的吼声,喷溅着雪白的泡沫。”



  1. A thin plank fastened to the side of a boat or to the sill of a port to keep out the sea and the spray.


  2. Normal discharge and nuisance spitting are accommodated by the use of a Watts air gap fitting and a fabricated indirect waste line.


  3. Hard wearing and resistant to sunlight , salt water, splashes of mineral oil, aliphatic solvents, and a wide range of chemicals .


  4. Care must be taken to avoid splashing anti-freeze on the vehicle paintwork, since some of the chemicals can soften the paint.


  5. Push as much of the sensing hose as possible into the air gap drain funnel to prevent over spray.


  6. The old Ford lubricated itself by what was amiably described as the "splash system"


  7. With BT maize, he says, he might spray once if maize borers are present in large numbers.


  8. Take the same splashes we've used on the ground and place them on the top of the head and the lamp.


  9. The results indicate that the expulsion identification system has simple construction and high precision.


  1. 阀门定期从排气口喷溅。

    A. Valve spits periodically from the vent.

  2. 利用喷溅血迹判断出血点

    Judging blutpunktc by using splashing stain

  3. 用或好象用液体泼洒, 喷溅。

    Dabble To splash or spatter with or as IF with a liquid

  4. 现在我们再来添加一些喷溅。

    Now we add the splashes again.

  5. 旋弧喷溅侵蚀的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis on Erosion of Metal Droplet Ejection in Rotating Arcing

  6. 血喷溅到他的双手上。

    The blood spouted over his hands.

  7. 血喷溅到他得双手上。

    The blood spouted over his hands.

  8. 屠戮!伪善者的碎骨喷溅四方

    Massacring! hypocrite fragmentized bonesspatter the whole world.

  9. 喷洒用或好象用液体泼洒,喷溅。

    DabbleTo splash or spatter with or as if with a liquid.

  10. 完全与窗户旁的喷溅血迹吻合。

    Is a perfect match to the spatter next to the window.

  11. 水壶把开水喷溅了一火炉。

    The kettle spat boiling water over the stove.

  12. 顶吹转炉喷溅的预报和控制

    LD converter slopping forecast and control

  13. 水从龙头里喷溅着注入水池。

    Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

  14. 从锯条边缘喷溅出红色的细小粉末。

    A fine red dust sprayed out from the edge of the saw.

  15. 关于转炉炼钢过程中喷溅现象的分析

    Analysis on slag slopping during BOF steelmaking

  16. 喷溅的痕迹比你所期望的范围要大。

    The trail of splatter is wider than you'd expect.

  17. 水从龙头里喷溅着注入水桶中。

    Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

  18. 水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中。

    Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

  19. 现在,将喷溅图片拖入我们工作的窗口。

    Now copy the splash into the window we work in.

  20. 之后,复制并粘贴喷溅图片到主合成中。

    After that, copy and paste the spatter in your main file.

  21. 测量辊涂机耐涂料喷溅的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for measuring paint spatter resistance during roller application.

  22. 注意小儿在吃奶时会咳嗽,喷溅或呛噎。

    Be aware that the infant will cough, sputter, and choke during feedings.

  23. 置入一张新的喷溅图片,或者复制之前的那一张。

    Bring in new ones or just duplicate the one from before.

  24. 开始下起了小雨,细细的水墨喷溅划过雾气。

    It began to rain a little, a fine spray slid through the mist.

  25. 基于小波分析的点焊过程喷溅特征信息提取

    Extraction of diagnostic information of expulsion defect in resistance spot welding process by wavelet analysis method

  26. 这种阀门只能应用在水得喷溅不会造成破坏得地方。

    This valve should only be used in areas where spillage of water could not cause damage.

  27. 这种阀门只能应用在水的喷溅不会造成破坏的地方。

    This valve should only be used in areas where spillage of water could not cause damage.

  28. 横磁触头真空灭弧室内的电弧运动与液滴喷溅

    Arc Motion and Droplet Ejection in Vacuum Interrupters with Transverse Magnetic Field Contacts

  29. 使用蒙版来修正喷溅,以使其与模特的靴子相协调。

    I never use the eraser, only the mask. Use the mask to fix with the splash so it fits the boot.

  30. 同时也有足够的空间让猪脑组织喷溅到附近雇员的身上。

    There was also enough space for tissue to splatter nearby employees.


  1. 问:喷溅拼音怎么拼?喷溅的读音是什么?喷溅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喷溅的读音是pēnjiàn,喷溅翻译成英文是 splash; spatter; spray

  2. 问:喷溅水拼音怎么拼?喷溅水的读音是什么?喷溅水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喷溅水的读音是pēn jiàn shuǐ,喷溅水翻译成英文是 splash water

  3. 问:喷溅润滑拼音怎么拼?喷溅润滑的读音是什么?喷溅润滑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喷溅润滑的读音是pēn jiàn rùn huá,喷溅润滑翻译成英文是 splash lubrication

  4. 问:喷溅负荷拼音怎么拼?喷溅负荷的读音是什么?喷溅负荷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喷溅负荷的读音是pēn jiàn fù hè,喷溅负荷翻译成英文是 splashing load




拼音:pēn jìan 基本解释 1. [spurt]∶[汁、液等] 受压力向四外射出 2. [flashing]∶火花对焊接时由电弧引起的小金属颗粒的强烈飞溅