


支着,支持:~竿跳。支~。~持(勉强支持)。~腰(喻给予有力支持)。~拒。~门面。用篙使船前进:~船。使张开:~伞。~口袋。使保持张开状态的器物:~子。~圈(quān )。饱胀到容不下的程度:吃~着了。口袋~破了。……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……


1. 慌 [huāng]慌 [huāng]急忙,不沉着:~张。~忙。~乱。~急。恐惧,不安:惊~。~恐。心~意乱。表示难以忍受:累得~。……



汉语拼音:chēng de huāng






  1. Even till now I am still too full!


  1. 心里憋得慌

    feel very much oppressed.

  2. 我冻得慌。

    I am freezing.

  3. 心里闷得慌

    be bored beyond endurance.

  4. 这里晒得慌。

    There's too much sun here.

  5. 这孩子饿得慌。

    The child was rare and hungry.

  6. 但是他肚子饿得慌。

    But the craving for food was growing upon him.

  7. 总呆在屋里憋得慌。

    Staying indoors all day will make you feel absolutely suffocated.

  8. 总呆在屋里憋得慌。

    Staying indoors all day will make you feel absolutely suffocated.

  9. 肚子饿得慌,体面顾不上。

    Sharp stomachs make short graces.

  10. 你确信她能撑得住么?

    Are you sure she's up for this?

  11. 贝壳把口袋撑得鼓鼓的

    With pockets bulging with shells

  12. 背包带太紧,勒得慌。

    The pack straps are too tight. They cut into the flesh.

  13. 看见下棋他就馋得慌。

    His fingers itch at the sight of a game of chess.

  14. 这件毛衣给撑得变形了。

    This sweater has stretched.

  15. 碘酒擦在伤口上蜇得慌。

    Iodine smarts when it is put on a cut.

  16. 别为我担心。我还撑得住。

    Don't you worry none about me. I can hold me gin.

  17. 没关系,我想我还能撑得住。

    It doesn't matter, I can go through this.

  18. 没关系,我想我还能撑得住。

    It doesn't matter, I can go through this.

  19. 他感觉闷得慌, 就出去遛遛。

    As he felt bored, he went outside to take a stroll.

  20. 无事可做, 我感到闷得慌。

    There is nothing to do, I am bored.

  21. 碘酒涂在伤口上真杀得慌。

    Iodine smarts when it is put on a cut.

  22. 你能撑得住吗?, 实习生?还好吗?

    How are you holding up there, intern? Doing ok?

  23. 那一大块肉把我撑得饱饱得。

    I'm fed up with that piece of junk.

  24. 事情没办好,心里老觉得窝憋得慌。

    I feel really frustrated about having botched the job.

  25. 我不相信那把梯子能撑得住我。

    I trust his judgment on legal issues.

  26. 他马上就会上来,我可以撑得住。

    He'll be up soon and I can last.

  27. 他吃呀吃呀直到撑得几乎不能动。

    He ate and ate until he was almost too full to move.

  28. 那一大块肉把我撑得饱饱的。

    I'm fed up with that piece of junk.

  29. 天啊,肚子撑得都没办法动弹了。

    Oh, man I’m so stuffed that I can barely move.

  30. 但你已经撑得什么也喝不下了。

    But you're just so stuffed you won't be able to drink anything.