







汉语拼音:gōng yǎn







  1. 公开演出。

    沙汀 《困兽记》第七章:“你究竟要演好多戏哇?总不会蠢到再来一回巡回公演吧!” 丁玲 《西安杂谈》:“这次公演,大部分都靠了我们的新朋友易俗社的社长 高培支 先生的帮助。”



  1. There was quite a crush of people at the polling station, as if it was the premier of some movie.


  2. The Broadway musical My Fair Lady has opened for its first night in London, to a rapturous reception.


  3. I consider the hero's acting is inferior to that of the heroine's. don't you agree?


  4. They already hate me enough. They don't hate you, At least not after I sent them all invites to your premiere tomorrow.


  5. One of Ellington's first professional gigs was a party where he played so long that his hand bled.


  6. Balding came out in 2003 when she invited her partner, fellow BBC employee Alice Arnold, to the London premiere of Seabiscuit.


  7. Through earphones, they listened to a prerecorded jazz quartet accompaniment, to simulate a real gig.


  8. The production of his Wilderness Men in 1985 was a real polyphony .


  9. Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity.


  1. 最棒的公演

    It was the best performance

  2. 融入戏剧,开始公演。

    and I put them out in front of other people.

  3. 此剧首次在巴黎公演。

    The play was first performed in Paris.

  4. 他给我们展示的最佳的公演。

    He brought his A game.

  5. 一群影星参加了首次公演。

    A galaxy of film stars attended the premiere.

  6. 该剧将于本周末首次公演。

    The show will be premiered this weekend.

  7. 这部歌剧一个月后将公演。

    The opera will be performed a month from now.

  8. 这部歌剧一个月后将公演。

    The opera will be performed a month from now.

  9. 演出没有成功,将于下月停止公演。

    The performance is not successful and will come off next month.

  10. 班长带头推销学校戏剧公演的门票。

    The monitor set the pace in selling tickets for the school play.

  11. 这场话剧正预演,下个月公演。

    The drama is being previewed and is going to open to public next month.

  12. 但这出戏这出戏要公演,这是我的事。

    And it's my business to put on a play.

  13. 金龙马戏团只在伦敦公演一天

    Yellow Dragon Circus, in London for one day.

  14. 下周, 皇家歌剧院的拜访森林将公演。

    A Royal Opera House production of Into The Woods opens next week.

  15. 这次公演,他们放映了最新的影片。

    On this show they played the latest release.

  16. 在公演现场,真正的出租车被放置在活动现场。

    At the premiere, real taxi was placed on stage.

  17. 提醒他今晚可都是来看他的公演。

    And remind him that they're doing his play this evening.

  18. 太晚了,而且我的节目很快就公演了。

    It's late, and my show is opening soon.

  19. 包括本剧的排练、公演及对自己的影响。

    Including the opera Aida rehearsals, performances, and their influence.

  20. 我知道有一台新剧这星期开始公演。

    I see that a new play opened this week.

  21. 他们今年必是要办个特出的圣诞公演。

    They must be having a special christmas show this year.

  22. 初次公演前的那几天我们疯狂地排练。

    We rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere.

  23. 初次公演前的那几天我们疯狂地排练。

    We rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere.

  24. 为什么她是初次公演上唯一带有保镖的人?

    Why is she the only one with a bodyguard at premieres?

  25. 在就要首次公演的前3天,她却退出了。

    She walked out three days before the show was due to open.

  26. 公演前的那几天我们热火朝天地进行训练。

    we rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere.

  27. 那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。

    The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.

  28. 在近几年中,乐队参加了许多国际性公演。

    The band took part in numerous public and internal performances over these few years.

  29. 这出戏公演时, 当地报纸对它评价不佳。

    When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.

  30. 据报道, 这部音乐剧将在今年年底之前公演。

    It'said the play would open before the end of the year.


  1. 问:公演拼音怎么拼?公演的读音是什么?公演翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公演的读音是gōngyǎn,公演翻译成英文是 perform



公演 ɡōnɡ yǎn 释义:公开演出: 例句:这出新戏将于近期~。