




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……



汉语拼音:jì ér







  1. 时间副词。犹不久。

    《左传·僖公十五年》:“ 晋侯 许赂中大夫,既而皆背之。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《舞鹤赋》:“既而氛昏夜歇,景物澄廓,星翻汉迴,晓月将落。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·余德》:“既而鼓歇,渊然一声,蒂鬚顿落,即为一蝶,飞落尹衣。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“既而又愤怒地想定:这幽灵似的门庭必须步出,一个女人,该谋寻自己的生路。”



  1. Suddenly he took shorter steps, and began to steal along as though tracking game.

  2. The technique generates a magnetic field on a small part of the skull which creates weak electric currents in the brain.

  3. The accompanying book, In China, went on to be published in many versions around the world.

  4. And then, introduces the implementation of significant circuits, including data acquisition circuit and precision step delay circuit.

  5. He also wants to overhaul international financial institutions and to set up a G20 secretariat.

  6. Because she could not bear the pain and give it up, both not believe it, it is irresponsible for their feelings.

  7. Strong expression is first observed in prechordal plate at the stage of 50% epiboly, l the stained cells then migrate to the proctodeum .

  8. Next year, big yuan between, WanLiYin CaoYe soldiers crossing, which hold ride for swimming, big Gou hooks, desire, then take off to return.

  9. The stone became suddenly warm, then hot, forcing Simon to lean away.


  1. 既而雨霁, 欣然登山。

    It stopped raining afterwards, and we started climbing up the mountain with pleasure.

  2. 既而雨霁,欣然登山。

    It stopped raining afterwards, and we started climbing up the mountain with pleasure.

  3. 男宾呓语, 既而翻身, 上床。

    Raving gentlemen, and subsequently turn over, go to bed.

  4. 他刚出门不久,既而又回来了。

    He came back soon after leaving.

  5. 他刚出门不久,既而又回来了。

    He came back soon after leaving.

  6. 既而得以再次完整地了解这个世界。

    To know the world as whole again.

  7. 既而讨论了交往行为理论的理论基础。

    And then theoretical foundation of Theory of Communicative Action is probed into.

  8. 红球闪了一下红色得光, 既而消失了。

    The Red Sphere glows red and then disappears.

  9. 红球闪了一下红色的光,既而消失了。

    The Red Sphere glows red and then disappears.

  10. 因此, 如果我们都可以, 我们才能既而穿着超短裙?

    So if we can be both, can we be both while wearing a miniskirt?

  11. 我先是一愣,既而低头望了望鞋,没有哇!

    First, I as soon as gawk, then looked down at shoes, no wow!

  12. 既而,愚人节发展成一个国际性的娱乐节日。

    April Fool? s Day has thus developed into an international fun fest.

  13. 既而, 分析我国义务教育教科书制度改革的方向。

    And the direction of reforming the system of our coursebooks is analyzed.

  14. 突然他开始迈着小步, 既而蹑手蹑脚地, 象是在追踪猎物。

    Suddenly he took shorter steps, and began to steal along as though tracking game.

  15. 这个故事既好而又有趣。

    This story is both good and interesting.

  16. 我对此事既痛心而又愤恨。

    I was both grieved and vexed at this.

  17. 评论得范围既广泛而又严肃。

    The comments were numerous and serious.

  18. 评论的范围既广泛而又严肃。

    The comments were numerous and serious.

  19. 这一点, 我们既佩服而又惊奇。

    This has filled us with wonder and admiration.

  20. 他使她感到自己既年青而又温顺。

    He made her feel young and soft.

  21. 你不能既批准而又摈弃同一文件。

    You cannot approbate and reprobate the same instrument.

  22. 她仿佛觉得她很不好看, 既虚伪而冷淡。

    she seemed to her very ugly , affected , and frigid.

  23. 既情同而相惜兮何妨以尽一哭。

    Since our feelings are the same, so's our compassion, ho, why not cry our hearts out?

  24. 当地的鳄梨既大而饱满,又润滑美味。

    The local avocados are large and rich and buttery as well as tasty.

  25. 内河航运是既古老而又生气无限的运输方式。

    Inland river shipping is already old and the carriage means with infinite opportunity of survival.

  26. 美国大学既贪婪而又负责,你同意这一观点吗

    Do you agree with the American colleges are greedy and accountable

  27. 求职面试在美国可是一件既冗长而又烦琐的事。

    Interviewing for a job in the U.S.can be a very long and complicated procedure.

  28. 求职面试在美国可是一件既冗长而又烦琐得事。

    Interviewing for a job in the U.S. can be a very long and complicated procedure.

  29. 有鉴于此, 核能看起来既危险而不受欢迎, 又昂贵且存在风险。

    Nuclear power thus looks dangerous, unpopular, expensive and risky.

  30. 复变函数是数学中既经典而又充满活力的一个分支。

    Complex analysis is a classical and active branch of mathematics.


  1. 问:既而拼音怎么拼?既而的读音是什么?既而翻译成英文是什么?

    答:既而的读音是jì'ér,既而翻译成英文是 Something happened not long ago.



既而 jì’ér [soon;after a while;afterwards;later;subsequently] 不久,一会儿,副词,表转折。指上件事情发生后不久