




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:fēng zhǎng






  1. 农作物茎叶发育过旺,不结果实。

    刘绍棠 《小荷才露尖尖角》六:“哪料到麦收过后,比往年雨水勤,瓜秧子疯长,生瓜就放炮。”《人民日报》1973.3.1:“去年棉花现蕾期,出现了疯长现象,有的人看了摇头,说‘试验田垮下去了’。”



  1. As this year's crop of internet-security breaches shows, virtual pastures are just as prone to it as the grassy sort.


  2. The cells from her tumour, in the words of the laboratory assistant who prepared them for culture, grew "like crabgrass" .


  3. While Ross was striding over the damp, uncut grass in the direction of his car, dodging the pricking grasp of wild, unkempt japonicas.


  4. White bud, the petals of a multi-level, the small green core, layer upon layer soaring among the branches.


  5. But its prediction that this hesitant trot will break into a gallop of 3. 25% in 2011 looks over-optimistic.


  6. My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


  7. After four years of infuriatingly strong markets, they finally have wads of discounted bonds and loans to feed on.


  8. shrub, put my ashes inside, and plant a bunting, put in a corner of the office. It'll grow fast and tall for sure.


  9. Alice: how about leaves? If it grow wildly out of control?


  1. 野草疯长。

    The weeds are out of control.

  2. 现时房价疯长。

    Housing prices are skyrocketing these days.

  3. 癌细胞已经开始疯长。

    and cancer cells are growing like wild.

  4. 沿河两岸植物疯长。

    The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.

  5. 常春藤一个劲地疯长。

    The ivy had run wild.

  6. 我们的欲望在哪儿渐渐疯长

    And our desires are running wild

  7. 一个关键问题就是防止疯长。

    One of the key problems is to prevent excess growth.

  8. 关键问题之一就是要防止疯长。

    One of the key problems is to prevent excess growth.

  9. 田野里和荒地上会疯长蓍草。

    Yarrow can be found growing wild in fields and on waste ground.

  10. 如果不加以遏制,杂草就会疯长。

    If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.

  11. 两个人正试图割掉疯长的草。

    Two men were attempting to scythe the long grass.

  12. 是要远离那钢筋水泥,逐日疯长的土地?

    Far from the sprawl of concrete that keeps crawling its way about 1,000 miles a day?

  13. 从佛罗里达来的,杜鹃果实疯长的地方。

    Direct from florida, where the cuckoo nuts grow.

  14. 是要远离那钢筋水泥,逐日疯长得土地?

    Far from the sprawl of concrete that keeps crawling its way about 1, 000 miles a day?

  15. 由于我们的后院朝北,所以苔藓总是疯长。

    Our backyard is facing the north, so there is always moss growing madly.

  16. 顶着干渴积极生长得麦苗如鱼得水, 开始疯长。

    Positive growth under thirst like a duck to water and started soaring.

  17. 顶着干渴积极生长的麦苗如鱼得水,开始疯长。

    Positive growth under thirst like a duck to water and started soaring.

  18. 凡是能长的都因为缺乏照管而疯长一气。

    Everything that could grow was running wild for lack of attention.

  19. 珊瑚白化以后,海草便不受控制的疯长起来。

    When coral bleaches, seaweed can grow out of control, stifling reef recovery.

  20. 我们只会看到贫瘠的土地,野草疯长,荆棘丛生。

    We should see nothing but barren fields, overrun with weeds and biers.

  21. 印加之邦既衰,山城遭弃,荒草疯长,风雨飘摇400年。

    After the Incan civilization collapsed, the site was abandoned and the rainforest overgrew it for 400 years.

  22. 由于兔子被挡在外面, 灌木篱笆得新芽一个劲儿地疯长。

    With the rabbits fenced out, seeds from hedgerow trees were growing unmolested.

  23. 由于兔子被挡在外面,灌木篱笆的新芽一个劲儿地疯长。

    With the rabbits fenced out, seeds from hedgerow trees were growing unmolested.

  24. 由于兔子被挡在外面,灌木篱笆的新芽一个劲儿地疯长。

    With the rabbits fenced out,seeds from hedgerow trees were growing unmolested.

  25. 是感情的废墟上成长的一种石头, 是太阳下疯长的一粒珍珠。

    Emotional growth of the ruins of a stone is soaring under the sun of a pearl.

  26. 这些营养物质造成水藻疯长, 这些藻类然死后被细菌分解掉。

    They trigger blooms of algae that then die are eaten by bacteria.

  27. 当热带稀树草原上的草疯长,挤了仙人掌,他们就拼命除草。

    When the savanna grass shouldered out cactus, they weeded fiercely.


  1. 问:疯长拼音怎么拼?疯长的读音是什么?疯长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疯长的读音是fēngzhǎng,疯长翻译成英文是 overgrowing; grow over but not bloom

  2. 问:疯长病拼音怎么拼?疯长病的读音是什么?疯长病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疯长病的读音是fēng cháng bìng,疯长病翻译成英文是 superelongation disease