


人脸头发以下、眉毛以上的部分,或某些动物头部大致与此相当的部位(俗称“脑门子”):~头。~角(jiǎo )。牌匾:门~。匾~。规定数量:~数。~外。定~。余~。超~。空~。……


1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:é dù






  1. 规定的数量或范围。

    《新民晚报》1992.7.7:“鉴于今年 上海 股票额度已基本发完,除少量余额外,下一步股票发行将采取什么办法,市证券管理委员会在听取各方面意见。”



  1. Employees in DC schemes can be at a loss when deciding how much to invest, where to put their money and what kind of pension to expect.


  2. Wachovia was able to line up a second bank to help on the deal, and the credit line has not been threatened, according to Mr. Derrick.


  3. As the money is in the form of a credit line, the budgetary impact has been calculated at just $5bn.


  4. Enterprises should value assets of the project plot immediately after accessing the land- use rights, get the bank credit line .


  5. Had the bank fessed up that it was reining in its lending commitments, I would have shrugged.


  6. but this fact does not seem to have helped him to increase the level of business with Ken's bank.


  7. She then used the money from richer customers to temporarily disguise the loans during the bank's monthly audit of overdrafts.


  8. Heavy selling triggered Beijing's limit on how much yuan banks can officially buy from or sell back to the mainland.


  9. The collateral is often set against credit lines the companies have with banks or is offset against assets.


  1. 现款透支额度

    cash allowance

  2. 外汇留成额度

    foreign exchange quota

  3. 拥挤收费额度

    congestion charge consumption

  4. 授予透支额度

    facilities for an overdraft are granted.

  5. 配额额度限制

    Limits on Tariff Quota Shares per Allocation

  6. 分配前额度帐余额

    Balance of Total Account before Distributed

  7. 对其额度要非常肯定。

    Be definite as to the amount.

  8. 国家将增加退税额度

    Nation to increase tax rebate quota

  9. 分配后积分额度帐余额

    Balance of Total Mark Account after Distributed

  10. 住宅贷款和股本信贷额度

    Home equity loans and equity lines of credit

  11. 我得信用额度可以提高吗?

    Can my credit limit be increased?

  12. 我的信用额度可以提高吗?

    Can my credit limit be increased?

  13. 本信贷额度将签订贷款协议。

    This credit line is to be evidenced by a loan agreement.

  14. 信用卡月账单复印件及信用额度

    Copy of Bank Statement of Credit Cards, including Credit Limit

  15. 也就可以增加自备款的额度。

    And be able to put more money down.

  16. 最高额保证的保证责任额度分析

    Analysis on Guarantee Liability Amount of the Maximum Payable Amount Guarantee

  17. 额度仅此于位居第一的香港。

    Most goes in the first place to Hong Kong.

  18. 我的信用卡有很高的透支额度。

    I have a very high limit on my credit card.

  19. 享有高达4倍月薪的信用额度!

    Enjoy Credit Limit of up to 4 X your monthly income!

  20. 借款额度不得在行际间调剂。

    The borrowing amount may not be adjusted between banks.

  21. 信贷在范围和额度上受到限制。

    Credit was limited in coverage and amount.

  22. 超过以上额度将支付逾重费

    Baggage in excess of the above allowances will be subject to Excess Baggage Char ges

  23. 更灵活的家居股本贷款信贷额度

    A more flexible line of credit home equity loans

  24. 从atm机取款是有额度限制的。

    There is a limit on the amount of money you can withdraw from the ATM.

  25. 对高校贷款额度测定模型的改进

    Improvement of the Model of Measuring Loan Volume for Universities and Colleges

  26. 通过关于申请贷款授信额度得议案。

    Third, apply for loans through the credit limits on the motion.

  27. 通过关于申请贷款授信额度的议案。

    Third, apply for loans through the credit limits on the motion.

  28. 但得视教育部之补助款额度调整之。

    But stipend may be adjusted based upon the subvention of the Ministry of Education.

  29. 其中贷款贴息额度更是提高了一倍。

    One discount loan amount is doubled.

  30. 上述互换额度都将在2009年1月30日到期。

    All the swap lines expire on January 30, 2009.


  1. 问:额度拼音怎么拼?额度的读音是什么?额度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:额度的读音是édù,额度翻译成英文是 amount

  2. 问:额度分割拼音怎么拼?额度分割的读音是什么?额度分割翻译成英文是什么?

    答:额度分割的读音是é dù fēn gē,额度分割翻译成英文是 quota fragmentation

  3. 问:额度限制拼音怎么拼?额度限制的读音是什么?额度限制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:额度限制的读音是édù xiànzhì,额度限制翻译成英文是 amount limit