







汉语拼音:mí huò






  1. 见“ 迷惑 ”。



  1. Drunken: Delirious with or as if with strong drink; intoxicated.


  1. 如果你给这出有任何空间迷之行,他或她将永远爱你。

    If you give this trip to any space aficionado out there, he or she will love you forever.

  2. 就是影迷啦, 某电影或影集的迷。

    Fandom Fans of a serie, movie, etc.

  3. 迷走神经的属于或有关迷走神经的

    Of or relating to the vagus nerve.

  4. 与血管和迷走神经有关的,或含有血管和迷走神经的

    relating to or involving blood vessels and the vagus nerve

  5. 醉的因狂迷或饮酒过度导致神志不清

    Drunken Delirious with or as if with strong drink intoxicated.

  6. 切断迷走神经和减压神经可以阻断或减轻上述变化。

    It can block and relieve forenamed variety by disbranching vagus nerve and depressor nerve.

  7. 被工作迷了心窍的人和酒鬼, 吸毒者或惯赌都一样瘾头很大。

    The man who is obsessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler.

  8. 被工作迷了心窍的人和酒鬼,吸毒者或惯赌一样瘾头都很大。

    The man who is obssessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler.

  9. 爵士乐演奏者或乐迷

    A player or devotee of jazz music.

  10. 具有着迷特征或持续着迷的。

    characterized by or constituting an obsession.

  11. 厨房迷迭香或香水天竺葵。

    Kitchen Rosemary or perfume geranium.

  12. 别让自己沉迷或执迷于其中。

    Dont allow yourself to dwell or obsess.

  13. 只迷迭香或九层塔, 用来固定

    Rosemary sprigs or bay leaf sticks, to secure

  14. 科幻电影迷可以科幻电影或书籍中的情节聚会。

    Fans can go to conventions based on the movies and books.

  15. 奥比巫术使用的物品, 符咒或迷信物。

    An object, a charm, or a fetish used in the practice of this religion.

  16. 迷住或欺骗一个不警觉的人的计谋

    a stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person

  17. 入迷, 着魔被魔鬼或妄想控制了的状态

    The state of being dominated by or AS if by evil spirits or by an obsession.

  18. 恍惚一种催眠的,昏厥的或心醉神迷的状态

    A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.

  19. 这就是真正得篮球迷可以想要或需要得。

    That's all any true basketball fan can want or need.

  20. 这就是真正的篮球迷可以想要或需要的。

    That's all any true basketball fan can want or need.

  21. 如竹迷, 口腔疾病及口腔手术后或不能张口者。

    After like bamboo fan, oral disease and oral cavity surgery, or cannot the yawn.

  22. 我想他一定是执迷着什么。或他是书呆子中的一员。

    I figured he was really on to something, or he was one of these academic nutcases.

  23. 同样你可以在括号中看到需求高涨或低迷的概率。

    Again you can see in parentheses the probability of high or low demand.

  24. 一个落叶或常绿灌木或小乔木属箭木绵毛荚迷。

    deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees arrowwood wayfaring tree.

  25. 占卜师们用魔法的魅力迷住或催眠动物来帮助它们。

    Diviners use Verses to charm, enthrall or hypnotize creatures to help them.

  26. 穿紧身裤配迷你裙或塞在,你会懂回合可以在街上走。

    Wearing them with short skirts or tight pants tucked in, you will make heads turn when walking on the street.