







汉语拼音:zhuāng jù








  1. 妆具,妇女梳妆时所用的镜匣等物。


  2. 盛物的器具。

    《后汉书·灵帝纪》“一切结为党人” 李贤 注引 晋 司马彪 《续汉志》:“ 建寧 中,京都长者皆以苇方笥为装具,时有识者窃言,苇笥郡国讞篋也。”

  3. 指行装,出远门用的衣服。

    清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异六·尤生》:“ 江 南 尤生 者,忘其郡县,将赴乡试,而苦贫无装具。”



  1. A piece of waist Dao. Other fittings is copper, but only the head is iron. Everybody please take a look whether it's the original or not?


  2. These pics given, are not clear enough to see the body. There's only the pic of fittings which is clear, and I only judge by the fittings.


  3. I'm sure you noticed that the harness will work only for a single project, unless you were to modify the source before running it.


  4. Blade is quite straight! Shape and length are good! Fitting is heavy and used for actual combat!


  5. It seems to be the fitting forged by sand, and surely, there's not only one.


  6. Quaere that what does the other copper fitting on this scabbard look, and please post the pics and see whether it matches well or not.


  7. Now that you have a solid understanding of how the test harness works, you're probably eager to try it out yourself.


  8. But even if there was such a sword in Ming dynasty, there's something doubtable.


  9. "This harness and life preserver combination is designed for higher ejection speeds than those used in other aircraft, " Merrill notes.


  1. 金城遮阳用品装具公司。

    Golden City Sunshade Accesories Co.

  2. 竞技装备扫雷防护装具的研制

    Development of the mine sweeping protective outfit

  3. 装具的龙和卷草图案的意义?

    Meaning of the dragon and cured grass on the guard?

  4. 在开发环境中安装测试装具模块

    Install the test harness in your development environment

  5. 装具挺完整, 不知那里感觉有些怪。

    Intact fittings, wonder where I feel a bit strange.

  6. 现在,添加代码以完成测试装具模块。

    Now, you will add the code to finish the test harness.

  7. 新征召得军人刚配备好个人装具。

    The new intake of soldiers has just been kitted out.

  8. 新征召的军人刚配备好个人装具。

    The new intake of soldiers has just been kitted out.

  9. 穿戴防毒装具时热负荷限度的研究

    Limit of Heat Load When Wearing Gas Protection Equipment.

  10. 条子挺拔!姿型长度好!装具厚重属于实战!

    Blade is quite straight! Shape and length are good! Fitting is heavy and used for actual combat!

  11. 好像是翻砂磨造的装具, 一定不止一把。

    It seems to be the fitting forged by sand, and surely, theres not only one.

  12. 潜水装具用高压活塞式空气压缩机技术条件

    Technical specification for high pressure reciprocating air diving apparatus

  13. 谢谢金兄。我猜对啦。应当也是铆接装具的。

    Thanks brother Jin. Bingo. It should be the riveted fittings.

  14. 装具好像有问题, 剑首, 剑格可能是后配的。

    The fittings seem doubtful, and Jian head and case might be matched afterwards.

  15. 潜水装具用高压空压机的技术要求与试验

    Technical Requirements and Testing of High Pressure Compressor for Submarine Breathing Apparatus

  16. 京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次整饬装具运动。

    The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes.

  17. 第一次见, 谢谢分享!装具感觉有点像藏刀啊。

    I see it first time. Thanks for share! The fittings like Tibetan saber to some extent.

  18. 可以容易地扩展这个装具模块让它支持多个项目。

    You could easily extend the harness to support multiple projects.

  19. 穿戴防毒装具热适应锻炼提高热负荷限度的初步研究

    Preliminary Study of Heat Adaptive Training with Wearing Gas Protection Equipment to Improve Limit of Heat Load.

  20. 从装具铜质及包浆上看感觉年代不会太长。

    From the wrapped slurry and the copper stuff of fittings it feels not so old.

  21. 品种也从单一的鞋底,发展到装具革、轮带革等多种。

    Breed also from onefold sole, development arrives apparel change, annulus take change to wait variety of.

  22. 作为世界上军费开支最高的国家,他们的单兵装具都价格不菲。

    As the country with the largest military expenses in the world, even a single soldier's uniform is rather expensive.


  1. 问:装具拼音怎么拼?装具的读音是什么?装具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:装具的读音是zhuāngjù,装具翻译成英文是 Supplies and gear of an army.

  2. 问:装具缩减比率拼音怎么拼?装具缩减比率的读音是什么?装具缩减比率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:装具缩减比率的读音是zhuāng jù suō jiǎn bǐ lǜ,装具缩减比率翻译成英文是 Gear Reduction Ratio