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1. 恫 [dòng]恫 [dòng]〔~吓(hè)〕恐吓,吓(xià )唬。……
1. 吓 [xià]2. 吓 [hè]吓 [xià]使害怕:~唬(“唬”读轻声)。挺~人的。吓 [hè]义同(一),用于复合词:恐~。恫~。叹词,表示不满:~,太欺负人了!……
汉语拼音:dòng hè
茅盾 《动摇》六:“这才把 林不平 恫吓的退席问题无形中搁下了。” 朱自清 《海行杂记》:“他们的职务本是照料旅客;但事实正好相反,旅客从他们得着的只是侮辱、恫吓与欺侮罢了。”
First get rid of his own thorn in the side, and the second is interested in joining the police force to intimidate the ordinary civilians.
其一除掉自己的眼中钉,其二就是恫吓有意加入警察队伍的普通平民。Between countries, trade is often a great bludgeon.
在国家之间,贸易经常是达的恫吓手段。True leadership will not be measured by the ability to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass political opponents at home.
衡量真正领导能力的尺度不是压制异己或恫吓骚扰国内政治反对派的力量。They jostled, browbeat, and threatened one another, but they did not come to actual hostilities.
它们彼此冲撞、威逼、恫吓,但是没有达到真正的战争状态。Finally, the phenomenon known as intimidation also involves this over-valuation that the subject always tries to attain in his appearance.
最后,众所周知的恫吓的现象,也牵涉到主体总是高估自己的外表。He did not shrink in Cairo from calling on rulers to govern by consent, not coercion, and to respect the rights of women and minorities.
在开罗,他号召统治者顺从民意,不使用恫吓,尊重女人和少数群体的权利。Don't let yourself to be browbeaten or cornered into making concessions with which you are not comfortable.
不要让您自己因为受到恫吓或者逼至绝境而做出让自己不悦的妥协。Mr Obama's supporters seem to believe that all they need to do is huff and puff and the old order in Washington will come tumbling down.
奥巴马的支持者想当然的以为只要他们威胁恫吓一番,华盛顿的旧秩序就能土崩瓦解。That means we have a stake in working together to solve common problems, rather than trying to browbeat or intimidate the other into action.