







汉语拼音:shǒu wèi








  1. 防守;保卫。

    《诗·小雅·采薇序》:“以天子之命将率,遣戍役以守卫中国,故歌《采薇》以遣之。”《墨子·号令》:“以富人重室之亲,舍之官府。谨令信人守卫之。”《史记·匈奴列传》:“ 匈奴 明以战攻为事,其老弱不能鬭,故以其肥美饮食壮健者,盖以自为守卫,如此父子各得久相保,何以言 匈奴 轻老也?” 宋 司马光 《殿前都指挥使节度使加宣徽南院使制》:“国家选果毅之材以守卫中禁,委谨信之士以敷扬大猷。” 沙汀 《闯关》:“敌人一直便把 平 汉 线当成一道险关守卫着的。”

  2. 担任守卫的人。

    《汉书·吾丘寿王传》:“安居则以制猛兽而备非常,有事则以设守卫而施行阵。” 茅盾 《锻炼》二:“守卫不让我走。” 袁鹰 《仙杖在哪里》诗:“风雨连天的日子,我们就轮流去当守卫。”



  1. Cleopatra could have put a few of her guards at my disposal! I have to do everything myself; I'm not Gilgamesh here!


  2. The i tinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him.


  3. After he escaped and was caught for the second time, the warden and guards were determined not to let Luke make fools of them a third time.


  4. They often find themselves trying to get past bored, poorly paid guards and officials to see someone or something more important.


  5. Most of the victims appear to be Afghan civilians and security guards. NATO officials said the attacker did not breach the airport defenses.


  6. That was my excuse to myself , although I knew it was wrong of me to leave only two unwounded men to guard the stockade .


  7. "He says that it is good luck to rub the head of a dwarf, " Haldon said after an exchange with the guard in his own tongue.


  8. The owners kept cows and buffalo in an adjoining yard on the south side of the compound, where they had a deep well and a small guard house.


  9. and of men to guard this Heaven_favored land against the mischiefs which without His guidance might arise from an unwise public policy.


  1. 守卫海岸线。

    guard a coastline.

  2. 守卫莱茵河

    Watch On The Rhine.

  3. 守卫领袖报

    Argus Leader.

  4. 为什么没有守卫?

    Why are there no guards?

  5. 为什么没有守卫?

    Why are there no guards?

  6. 守卫一个目标

    guarding a target.

  7. 守卫作为警卫,

    To stay awake at night while serving as a guard, sentinel, or watcher.

  8. 守卫性攻击

    territorial aggression.

  9. 我们守卫着您。

    We stand on guard for thee.

  10. 守卫让她通过。

    The guard permitted her to pass.

  11. 派士兵守卫兵营

    picket soldiers around a camp

  12. 注意陷阱和守卫。

    Look out for traps and wards.

  13. 分散守卫的注意力。

    Distract the guards.

  14. 士兵们守卫这个城堡。

    The soldiers kept watch and ward over the castle.

  15. 接班的守卫姗姗来迟。

    The relief for the guard was late in coming.

  16. 守卫被骗离岗位。

    The guard was feinted out of position.

  17. 士兵们守卫着大桥。

    The soldiers were guarding the bridge.

  18. 开始量产机械守卫。

    Omega sentinel production begins.

  19. 守卫让狗攻击逃犯

    Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.

  20. 守卫将在半夜换班。

    The guard will be relieved at midnight.

  21. 四个士兵守卫灵柩。

    Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin.

  22. 狗守卫主人得房子。

    The dog mounted guard over his master's house.

  23. 狗守卫主人的房子。

    The dog mounted guard over his master's house.

  24. 在工厂正门站岗守卫

    to sentry the front door of a factory

  25. 他是个煤厂守卫。

    He's a guard at the coal plant.

  26. 法院门口有士兵守卫。

    There are soldiers on guard at the gate of the court.

  27. 他们站岗守卫那些伤员。

    They stood sentry over the wounded.

  28. 我们穿了守卫的装束

    We're dressed as guards.

  29. 我爱我的守卫天使了!

    I fell in love with my guardian angel!

  30. 派守卫于防御带周围

    set guards around the perimeter.


  1. 问:守卫拼音怎么拼?守卫的读音是什么?守卫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守卫的读音是shǒuwèi,守卫翻译成英文是 guard

  2. 问:守卫室拼音怎么拼?守卫室的读音是什么?守卫室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守卫室的读音是shǒu wèi shì,守卫室翻译成英文是 clock house

  3. 问:守卫船拼音怎么拼?守卫船的读音是什么?守卫船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守卫船的读音是,守卫船翻译成英文是 guardship

  4. 问:守卫部队拼音怎么拼?守卫部队的读音是什么?守卫部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:守卫部队的读音是shǒu wèi bù duì,守卫部队翻译成英文是 Custodial Unit



防守护卫。 担任守卫的人。-------------《诗·小雅·采薇序》和《汉书·吾丘寿王传》