







汉语拼音:bì hù









  1. 犹保护。

    唐 李公佐 《南柯太守传》:“ 周生 ,贵人也,职为司隶,权势甚盛,吾数蒙庇护。” 宋 欧阳修 《与王深甫论五代张宪帖》:“ 存霸 奔 太原 ……见 符彦超 曰:愿为山僧,望公庇护。” 闻一多 《死水·也许》诗:“无论谁都不能惊醒你,撑一伞松阴庇护你睡。”

  2. 包庇;袒护。

    宋 苏轼 《缴词头奏状六首·沉起》:“先帝始欲戮此二人以谢天下,而 王安石 等曲加庇护。”《儒林外史》第十三回:“他既弄出这样事来,先生们庇护他不得了。” 胡适 《这一周·五十七》:“全国唾骂一个无耻的 彭允彝 ,而 张内阁 始终庇护他。”



  1. Whatever you believe in, if it' s God or Allah, may he watch over you and let' s pray for a peaceful and swift resolution.


  2. It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hooligans and local despots.


  3. Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe.


  4. Fortunately, you seem to be immune to much of the charged atmosphere, caused mainly by Uranus.


  5. Brazil has, in practice, granted diplomatic asylum to Mr Zelaya (although its foreign ministry said he was just a guest).


  6. It was like being in one of those post-apocalyptic science-fiction films where vagrants wander the wasteland looking for food and shelter.


  7. May I, the follower of the great Guru Padmasambhava, be aided by you just as well as you aided Him.


  8. Others have explained our insistence on a fair division by citing the need, for our ancestors, to be sheltered by a strong group.


  9. He got out a map and a list of animal shelters in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana, and began telephoning.


  1. 领土庇护公约

    Convention on Territorial Asylum

  2. 食饵自庇护

    Prey refuge

  3. 庇护问题工作组

    Working Group on Asylum

  4. 政治庇护委员会

    Political Asylum Committee

  5. 政治避难政治庇护

    Political refugees and political asylum holders

  6. 领土庇护和政治庇护

    Territorial asylum and political refuge

  7. 保护或支持庇护

    Protection or supportpatronage.

  8. 为着风雨中的庇护

    For the shield from the storm

  9. 成为彼此的庇护所。

    You shall be each other's sanctuary.

  10. 不同的意见,庇护案。

    Dissenting opinion, Asylum case.

  11. 住宿庇护工场。庇护工场及宿舍

    hostel cum sheltered workshop

  12. 可移动的防弹的庇护所。

    portable bulletproof shelter.

  13. 作为难民寻求政治庇护

    as a refugee seeking political asylum.

  14. 为得庇护我走向佛。

    I go to the Buddha for refuge.

  15. 医学乞求玄学的庇护。

    Physic of Metaphysic begs defence.

  16. 你为什么还庇护他呢

    Why do you still take him under your wing

  17. 他撒谎以庇护他的兄弟。

    He told a lie to shield his brother.

  18. 虔信乃尔等之庇护。

    Faith is your shield.

  19. 置于庇护所中或提供庇护所

    To put into or provide with a haven.

  20. 我最可靠的庇护之所

    My safest place to hide

  21. 恶事总有庇护者。

    No vice but has its patron.

  22. 庇护由避难所提供的保护

    The protection afforded by a sanctuary.

  23. 十字及人形标示庇护。

    Cross Chevron Protection.

  24. 人缘可以庇护我们的人。

    With enough shady friends around who can possibly hide us.

  25. 而他一直都庇护着我

    And that he has his hands on my life.

  26. 海滩也许是最好的庇护所。

    The beach might be the best place to hide.

  27. 庇护某人使其不受责骂

    to shelter somebody from blame

  28. 领土庇护公约草案专家组

    Group of Experts on the Draft Convention on Territorial Asylum

  29. 他的宗主会庇护他的利益。

    His overlord will protect his interests.

  30. 同时,他们庇护申请中断了。

    Meanwhile, their application for asylum had been discontinued.


  1. 问:庇护拼音怎么拼?庇护的读音是什么?庇护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护的读音是bìhù,庇护翻译成英文是 shelter

  2. 问:庇护所拼音怎么拼?庇护所的读音是什么?庇护所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护所的读音是bìhùsuǒ,庇护所翻译成英文是 sanctuary; shelter

  3. 问:庇护人拼音怎么拼?庇护人的读音是什么?庇护人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护人的读音是bì hù rén,庇护人翻译成英文是 patron

  4. 问:庇护凳拼音怎么拼?庇护凳的读音是什么?庇护凳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护凳的读音是bì hù dèng,庇护凳翻译成英文是 frithstool

  5. 问:庇护国拼音怎么拼?庇护国的读音是什么?庇护国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护国的读音是bì hù guó,庇护国翻译成英文是 asylum-offering country

  6. 问:庇护权拼音怎么拼?庇护权的读音是什么?庇护权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护权的读音是bìhùquán,庇护权翻译成英文是 right of asylum

  7. 问:庇护场所拼音怎么拼?庇护场所的读音是什么?庇护场所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护场所的读音是bì hù chǎng suǒ,庇护场所翻译成英文是 privileged places

  8. 问:庇护工场拼音怎么拼?庇护工场的读音是什么?庇护工场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护工场的读音是,庇护工场翻译成英文是 Sheltered workshop

  9. 问:庇护所策略拼音怎么拼?庇护所策略的读音是什么?庇护所策略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护所策略的读音是bì hù suǒ cè lüè,庇护所策略翻译成英文是 refuge strategy

  10. 问:庇护权答辩拼音怎么拼?庇护权答辩的读音是什么?庇护权答辩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护权答辩的读音是bì hù quán dá biàn,庇护权答辩翻译成英文是 plea of sanctuary

  11. 问:庇护新闻秘密法拼音怎么拼?庇护新闻秘密法的读音是什么?庇护新闻秘密法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护新闻秘密法的读音是bì hù xīn wén mì mì fǎ,庇护新闻秘密法翻译成英文是 shield laws

  12. 问:庇护十二世与中国拼音怎么拼?庇护十二世与中国的读音是什么?庇护十二世与中国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庇护十二世与中国的读音是,庇护十二世与中国翻译成英文是 Pope Pius XII and China



“庇护”是个多义词,它可以指庇护(2010年美国电影), 庇护(2009年法国电影), 庇护(汉语词语), 庇护(同名wp游戏)。