


对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……





汉语拼音:ài dài








  1. 敬爱拥护。

    《旧唐书·懿宗纪》:“﹝ 王景崇 ﹞洽三军爱戴之情,荷千里折衝之寄。” 明 唐顺之 《请皇太子受朝疏》:“内外官僚之众,四夷朝贡之臣,咸於快覩争覲之餘,兴起其爱戴趋附之忱。” 李準 《马小翠的故事》:“她在学校里是个非常受同学爱戴的红领巾。”



  1. Many higher Beings are involved with these changes including your beloved St. Germain, who has been at the heart of it since its inception.


  2. Wu Hong was a great and respected leader, a good and honorable man in every sense. He was beloved by his co-workers and his friends.


  3. M's wife, a modest and devoted woman, was glad to see her husband relieved of his daily rounds.


  4. John, from the beloved disciple, had been a favorite name for centuries all over Christendom .


  5. He's been a great manager, as we all know, of the club as well as an iconic figure beloved by all the supporters.


  6. 'I've developed a huge respect and affection for the people there. It's a real honour to be an elder, ' he said.


  7. Following his coffin was his eldest son, the handsome, much loved, Prince of Wales. He was about to be proclaimed the next king of England.


  8. Mr. Phay Siphan called King Sihanouk a "well-respected politician" and the "godfather of Cambodia. " But he said the nation had moved on.


  9. Yanjian was a strong and brave young man who fight off the enemies of Dai and respected by his fellowman.


  1. 爱戴高帽子

    be fond of flattery.

  2. 非常爱戴某人。

    Have the great love and esteem for sb.

  3. 他为众人所爱戴。

    He is beloved of all.

  4. 受臣民爱戴的国王

    a king loved by his people

  5. 她受到大家的爱戴。

    She is beloved of all.

  6. 他引人注目,受人爱戴

    A remarkable,devoted man.

  7. 他受到朋友们的爱戴。

    He enjoyed the love and esteem of his friends.

  8. 俯伏敬拜祂,爱戴敬仰祂。

    Bow down before Him, Love adore Him.

  9. 他是众人所爱戴的。

    He is beloved by all.

  10. 诚实是通向爱戴之桥。

    Honesty is the bridge to love.

  11. 我博得了学生们的爱戴。

    I have won the love and esteem of my students.

  12. 她的学生都十分爱戴她。

    She was held in deep affection by all her students.

  13. 老师博得了同学们的爱戴。

    The teacher has won the love and esteem of his students.

  14. 老师博得了同学们得爱戴。

    The teacher has won the love and esteem of his students.

  15. 年老的国王极受爱戴。

    The old king was held in great affection.

  16. 我爱戴茜和杰西叔叔。

    I love Daisy and uncle jesse.

  17. 黛安娜王妃受英国人民爱戴。

    Princess Diana is loved by the English.

  18. 我们深受尊敬和爱戴的医生。

    My highly esteemed and deeply beloved doctor.

  19. 村民们都爱戴这个好心的牧师。

    The villagers all loved the kind pastor.

  20. 要爱戴兵器, 爱戴它宁静的微笑。

    knives glisten like testimony of a witness love weapons, love its quiet smile.

  21. 周总理深受世界人民的爱戴。

    Premier Zhou is adored by people all over the world.

  22. 这位市长倍受人民爱戴。

    The mayor was in favor of the people.

  23. 人们对我的爱戴如此地强烈。

    The love that people have for me is so strong.

  24. 他受到我们大家的爱戴和敬佩。

    He was loved and admired by all of us.

  25. 在上题献词表示尊敬或爱戴。

    To address or inscribe to another as a mark of respect or affection.

  26. 林肯是位受爱戴的美国总统。

    Lincoln was a popular president of America.

  27. 这位老教师很受大家的爱戴。

    The old teacher was much loved and esteemed.

  28. 我们每个人都爱戴和尊敬他。

    And every one of us loves him and respects him.

  29. 那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。

    The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.

  30. 学生会颁授最受爱戴的先生奖

    TO SIR WITH LOVE in Appreciation to His Dedication to Students


  1. 问:爱戴拼音怎么拼?爱戴的读音是什么?爱戴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爱戴的读音是àidài,爱戴翻译成英文是 love and esteem



“爱戴”是个多义词,它可以指爱戴(歌手), 爱戴(汉语词语)。