







汉语拼音:yōng dài








  1. 拥护推戴。

    《朱子语类》卷一三三:“众遂拥戴 汝为 ,势乃猖獗。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·内阁三·王文肃密揭之发》:“乃冒居发奸首功,取悦时贤,以为拥戴入阁之地。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·今上待和珅》:“丙辰元日上既受禪, 和珅 以拥戴自居,出入意颇狂傲。” 茅盾 《子夜》三:“就是不知道眼前这几个人是否一致把他当首领拥戴起来。”



  1. Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's ability to pamper those who keep him in power.


  2. I found him to be a big-picture visionary and a very supportive leader.


  3. A beer-bellied historian and a lover of Cicero, Mr De Wever is a respectable a sort of separatist.


  4. A year on, when he spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, he was favoured by 35% of Russians for president.


  5. Embraced by the people as a sweet, chocolate has been a nutrition and health value of the focus of attention.


  6. British shirt maker Thomas Pink is the brand of choice for young accountants and lawyers in London.


  7. But those things don't necessarily help you inspire your employees to be their best and commit to you as a leader.


  8. Beasts were care about Marx, and made him the king of the beasts.


  9. GM crops have been hailed as a 'pro-poor' technology, but the reality is much more complicated, says technology researcher Dominic Glover.


  1. 他们拥戴他为国王。

    They made him king.

  2. 我们拥戴他为国王。

    They hailed him king.

  3. 他们拥戴他为领袖。

    They acclaimed him their leader.

  4. 受到全国人民的拥戴

    enjoy the support of the whole nation

  5. 国王需要臣民的拥戴。

    The king demands allegiance of his subjects.

  6. 他被拥戴为国家救星。

    He was acclaimed savior of the country.

  7. 大家欢呼拥戴他为国王。

    They hailed him as King.

  8. 他们欢呼拥戴他为国王。

    They hailed him as King.

  9. 他们拥戴他为英国国王。

    They made him king of England.

  10. 受拥戴的当地侯选人

    favorite son

  11. 我是真心实意拥戴你的。

    I am really sincere about giving you my allegiance.

  12. 主角在这,孩子们拥戴的人。

    The master is here, the champion of children everywhere.

  13. 他们以欢呼声拥戴他为领袖。

    They hailed him their leader.

  14. 这群人拥戴讲演的人作领袖。

    The crowd acclaimed the speaker their leader.

  15. 这群人拥戴讲演得人作领袖。

    The crowd acclaimed the speaker their leader.

  16. 他以他的诗获得国际间的拥戴。

    He earned international acclaim for his poetry.

  17. 当官的庇护他, 公众也拥戴他。

    Authority respects him and public opinion protects him.

  18. 但拥戴这种课程的团体也大有人在。

    But the course has its defenders.

  19. 该报拥戴这位消防员为英雄。

    The newspapers acclaimed the fireman a hero.

  20. 对女皇忠诚, 拥戴女皇, 遵守加拿大法律

    To be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Queen and faithfully observe the laws of Canada

  21. 人们将会拥戴你,或者愿为你效力。

    People will want to promote you or work for you.

  22. 士兵们发出雷鸣般的欢呼表示拥戴。

    The soldiers respond with a thundering roar of allegiance.

  23. 他向来秉公执法, 深受当地群众的拥戴。

    He always executes the law justly, and is respected by the local people.

  24. 他向来秉公执法,深受当地群众的拥戴。

    He always executes the law justly, and is respected by the local people.

  25. 拥戴人民军队, 优待革命军人的家属

    Support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of revolutionary soldiers and martyr

  26. 拥戴某人当国王,封某人为伯爵,封某人为贵族

    make sb king, an earl, a peer, etc

  27. 当上国王后, 他不再受人民的拥戴。

    He fell out of favor with the people when he became king.

  28. 用秘密选举来决定政党纲领被拥戴的程度

    The popularity of the partys platform will be decided by the ballot box.

  29. 这位将军非常体惜士兵,得到了士兵们的拥戴。

    The general shows great understanding and sympathy for his soldiers, which is why all the soldiers love and respect him.

  30. 刚刚下台的那届内阁极不受人民拥戴。

    The Ministry that has just gone out had become very unpopular


  1. 问:拥戴拼音怎么拼?拥戴的读音是什么?拥戴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拥戴的读音是yōngdài,拥戴翻译成英文是 support



拥戴 意思:推举拥护;拥护爱戴。 拥护推戴某人做领袖,特指人。

反义词:反对 唾弃 抛弃

近义词:拥爱 出处:《朱子语类》卷一三三:“众遂拥戴汝为 ,势乃猖獗。” 明沈德符《野获编·内阁三·王文肃密揭之发》:“乃冒居发奸首功,取悦时贤,以为拥戴入阁之地。” 清0昭连《啸亭杂录·今上待和珅》:“丙辰元日上既受禅, 和珅 以拥戴自居,出入意颇狂傲。” 茅盾《子夜》三:“就是不知道眼前这几个人是否一致把他当首领拥戴起来。”