


地位或辈分高:~长(zhǎng )。~卑。~贵。~严。敬重:~敬。自~。~重。敬辞,称与对方有关的人或事物:~府。令~。~姓。~驾。量词:一~佛像。古同“撙”。……





汉语拼音:zūn chóng








  1. 尊敬推崇。

    《春秋·僖公五年》“诸侯盟于 首止 ” 晋 杜预 注:“ 齐桓 行霸,翼戴天子,尊崇王室。” 宋 范仲淹 《遗表》:“尊崇贤良,裁抑侥幸。”《明史·太祖纪赞》:“昭揭经义,尊崇正学。” 孙犁 《秀露集·左批评右创作论》:“这些大作家也没有一个不衷心地尊崇与他同时代的伟大的批评家。”

  2. 庄严高大,用以形容庙宇、宫阙等建筑。

    明 陈所闻 《驻马听·吴山拜伍相庙》曲:“庙貌尊崇,独佔 吴山 第一峰。” 明 李东阳 《天津卫城修造记》:“瞻宫闕之尊崇,览畿甸之高腴。”

  3. 显贵。

    清 朱克敬 《瞑庵杂识》卷二:“道府所辖地方,远者或千餘里,其本任有表率之责,职位又较尊崇。”



  1. Norcom. 'When Greenspan was more admired, people walked in, looked at him and made positive comments about him, ' says Mr.


  2. This appears to have been the first Christian execution for heresy and caused him to be venerated as a martyr, especially in Galicia.


  3. And the loftiness of men shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be humbled, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.


  4. That such a respected statesman is in their crosshairs is a sign that the red-shirts' agenda contains the seeds of a social revolution.


  5. This hope is realizable; and because it is realizable, China deserves a foremost place in the esteem of every lover of mankind.


  6. As a woman, a mother and a wife, I hold sacred for some specific values and oaths. I choose this faith to proceed with my life.


  7. I will exalt you, O Lord , for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.


  8. What gives anyone to believe that a golfer (yawn) could ever hold such a revered place in the echelons of sports history?


  9. That day I began to develop a great respect for the power of the ocean-and a genuine fear.


  1. 尊崇高尚的道德,

    Kneeling on the heights of virtue

  2. 崇拜或尊崇的地位

    A position of high regard or adoration.

  3. 他一点也不尊崇权威。

    He has no respect whatsoever for authority.

  4. 商人应该尊崇自己的内心。

    Merchant should aways venerate his heart.

  5. 我要尊崇你,我要称赞你的名。

    I will give praise to you, I will give honour to your name.

  6. 但他还是很尊崇三国时期

    But he still held in high esteem the great writer

  7. 迈向建立国际尊崇的企业

    Towards Building an Internationally Respectable Enterprise

  8. 我们尊崇他们的英勇和决心。

    We honour their courage and resolve.

  9. 受到其他音乐家尊崇的小号手

    a trumpeter revered by fellow musicians

  10. 他们尊崇他为他们的领导政治家。

    They honored him as their leading statesman.

  11. 总统受到他同胞的衷心尊崇。

    The president is enthroned in the hearts of his countrymen.

  12. 让我们尊崇祂, 高举祂的名!

    Let us honor and lift his name up high!

  13. 意大利人对文化有着无上的尊崇。

    Italians have enormous respect for culture.

  14. 查理与我都很尊崇且信赖他

    Charlie and I like, admire and trust John.

  15. 她觉得,她对爱德华尊崇备至。

    She felt that Edward stood very high in her opinion.

  16. 十一奉献是尊崇神的行为表现。

    Tithing is an act of worship.

  17. 他鞠躬向阵亡的无名英雄表示尊崇。

    He bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldier.

  18. 他向阵亡的无名英雄鞠躬表示尊崇。

    He bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldier.

  19. 它居然被尊崇为蛇鱼类的长者。

    It is by homage unexpectedly the better of anguine fish.

  20. 而这位朋友得死尊崇着这他得罪行。

    A friend. And the death of this friend would sanctify his crime.

  21. 而这位朋友的死尊崇着这他的罪行。

    A friend. And the death of this friend would sanctify his crime.

  22. 我们尊崇独立固执, 给它们错误得称号。

    We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name.

  23. 我们尊崇独立固执,给它们错误的称号。

    We deify independence and wilfulness and call them by the wrong name.

  24. 这样一个心灵将如何再尊崇正义呢?

    How shall such a soul any more respect the right?

  25. 只有尊崇独一的真神才会蒙福。

    Worshiping the true God is only way to be blessed.

  26. 金钱和时髦是现代社会人们所尊崇得。

    Money and fashion are the sacred cows of modern society.

  27. 金钱和时髦是现代社会人们所尊崇的。

    Money and fashion are the sacred cows of modern society.

  28. 驳尊崇屈原政治活动的种种理由

    Reasons for Refuting Revering QU Yuan Political Activities

  29. 牛津和剑桥是备受国际尊崇的大学。

    Oxford and Cambridge universities are internationally respected institutions.

  30. 我高举双手来尊崇你, 我高声歌颂主我爱你。

    As I raise my hands to honor You, as I lift my voice to adore You.


  1. 问:尊崇拼音怎么拼?尊崇的读音是什么?尊崇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尊崇的读音是zūnchóng,尊崇翻译成英文是 revere



简介 词目:尊崇

拼音:zūnchóng 基本解释 [worship;revere;venerate;respect;honour] 敬重推崇