




看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……



汉语拼音:zhēn shì








  1. 珍惜重视。

    邹韬奋 《对苏联的态度问题》:“我们对同情和援助 中国 抗战的各友邦,当然都感谢,当然都珍视。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·一幅古画的风味》:“我想这幅令人喜爱的古老的帛画,它所体现的艺术手法,值得我们珍视。” 碧野 《忆吕荧》:“我们都踏上中年,人生的阅历多了,对年轻时的纯洁友情更为珍视。”



  1. If God did not accept the baptism, she did not value His Heaven, either for herself or for her child.


  2. No cherished freedoms would be threatened. Just a few changes in the tax code would suffice.


  3. I treasure those I cherish, however, to treasure does not mean trying to occupy something forever but to make the most of it.


  4. I believe that there is a little valise to which you are attached, I have fixed upon a corner of honor for that.


  5. China cherishes the long-term friendship with ASEAN countries and would like to be a good neighbor, friends and partner of ASEAN countries.


  6. I cherish the future. And I was taught some strange thing as a kid, like, you've got to make something good out of something bad.


  7. We treasure building a relationship with you, developing an understanding of your changing financial needs at different stages of your life.


  8. I value the education I received, and I know how much better it might have been with more resources.


  9. Time may be never-ending, space can be infinite. Just give me a moment of glow, and I will treasure you for a life.


  1. 重视尊重或珍视

    To value highlyesteem or treasure.

  2. 我珍视别人的幸福。

    The comfort of others was dear to me.

  3. 他们珍视理性的论述。

    They prize rational discourse.

  4. 我最珍视的是友情。

    It is friendship that I value most.

  5. 他们珍视自由甚于一切。

    They value their freedom above and beyond all else.

  6. 保卫你所珍视的一切!

    What you value, you will defend.

  7. 她非常珍视那幅古画。

    She sets great store by this old picture.

  8. 他失去他所珍视的一切。

    He lost everything that he held dear.

  9. 我非常珍视这些旧照片。

    I prize these old photographs.

  10. 她极为珍视自己的特权。

    Shes jealous of her privileges.

  11. 珍视和同学们之间的友谊。

    Cherish the friendship of classmates.

  12. 我将珍视与杰姆的友谊。

    I'll value the friendship with Jim.

  13. 这也是我所珍视得态度。

    This is an attitude which I endorse.

  14. 这也是我所珍视的态度。

    This is an attitude which I endorse.

  15. 要珍视劳动, 珍视人才, 人才难得呀!

    We should cherish able people and value their labour. They are indeed hard to come by!

  16. 我的贞洁是我最珍视的财富。

    My virginity was my most cherished possession.

  17. 我珍视我和同学之间的友谊。

    I valued my friendship with my classmates.

  18. 我珍视我和同学们之间的友谊。

    I valued my friendship with my classmates.

  19. 我们都非常珍视和平与安全。

    We all cherish peace and security.

  20. 智力是非常值得珍视的特质。

    Intelligence is a highly prized trait.

  21. 可见神是何等爱你, 珍视你!

    This is much God loves and values you!

  22. 马西珍视这一带的讨厌鬼。

    Marcy is nothing but bad news around here.

  23. 赢得了每一朵鲜花的珍视。

    From every flower the beauty's prize obtained.

  24. 所以,珍视你拥有的每时每刻。

    So, treasure every moment that you have.

  25. 所以,珍视你拥有得每时每刻。

    So, treasure every moment that you have.

  26. 有人认同并珍视洗练之美。

    Some recognize and cherish the beauty of simplicity.

  27. 她珍视那段快乐时光的记忆。

    She treasures her memories of those joyous days.

  28. 我珍视我们之间兄弟般的情谊。

    I value the brotherhood between us.

  29. 珍视你如同这世上唯一的至宝

    Value you as the only and rarest treasure on the earth

  30. 为了你珍视的人,我建议你接受。

    For the sake of everyone you hold dear, I suggest you take it.


  1. 问:珍视拼音怎么拼?珍视的读音是什么?珍视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:珍视的读音是zhēnshì,珍视翻译成英文是 value




【读音】zhēn shì


【示例】邹韬奋 《对苏联的态度问题》:“我们对同情和援助中国抗战的各友邦,当然都感谢,当然都珍视。”