







汉语拼音:xīn yí








  1. 内心倾向。

    《汉书·外戚传上·孝宣许皇后》:“公卿议更立皇后,皆心仪 霍将军 女。” 颜师古 注引 晋灼 曰:“仪,向也。”

  2. 多指心中向往、仰慕。

    《清史稿·礼志五》:“﹝ 乾隆 ﹞四十三年秋,先后謁 永陵 、 福陵 ,因諭:‘睠怀 辽 瀋 旧疆,再三周歷,心仪旧绪,蘄永勿諼。’” 清 刘大櫆 《<陆宣公文集注>序》:“其平生读书穷极幽远,於古之硕德名贤嘉言美行,无不跂而望之,以为不可及;而所心仪不置,则尤在 唐 之 陆相 一人。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“ 裴伦 既喜 拿坡仑 之毁世界,亦爱 华盛顿 之争自由;既心仪海贼之横行,亦孤援 希腊 之独立。”



  1. Does it matter to you at all that God's spiritual Jerusalem, the church, is now married to the world?


  2. If whomever it is you're trying to impress likes you less with hat hair, this isn't someone worthy of your attention.


  3. This he considered sufficient encouragement, and the avowal of all that he felt and had long felt for her immediately followed.


  4. He meant to take the next train to the place that he had been keen on, which meant staying here another night.


  5. Because this has an attic that this admires in the heart, go making it according to oneself idea, became the dream of a lot of people.


  6. I picked up a few his right of fountain pen, and be jubilant followed his mother go ahead.


  7. So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action?


  8. No one appears to be missing their toys, and I can once more concentrate on my internet shopping wish list.


  9. Maybe I should go around with little paper tabs to pull off with my phone number ready to give to every suitable guy I see.


  1. 你是我的心仪。

    You are my lover.

  2. 他心仪爱丽丝。

    He has a crush on Alice.

  3. 吾常心仪, 汝之眼神

    How you shyly placed your eyes on me

  4. 超声多普勒胎心仪超声源

    Ultrasonic Source of Ultrasonic Doppler Foetal Meters

  5. 在买一点心仪的礼物送她。

    At one point favorite to buy her a gift.

  6. 投以热忱感情或心仪的对象。

    any object of warm affection or devotion.

  7. 你心仪的英雄和反派人物介绍

    Bios for your favorite heroes and villains

  8. 不然怎么买心仪的东西,是不是?

    How else are you gonna buy the things you want, right?

  9. 知道我最心仪纽约的哪一点?

    May I tell you what most interests me about new york?

  10. 他没在城里找到令他心仪的人。

    He didn't find any desirable partners in the city.

  11. 他没在城里找到令他心仪的人。

    He didn't find any desirable partners in the city.

  12. 还是收获来自心仪对象的节日礼物。

    Or receiving a present from that special someone.

  13. 单亲妈妈找到心仪的男士可不容易。

    It's hard to find a man when you're a single mom.

  14. 霍心仪一生追求爱情, 也追求财富。

    Huo admires the life pursue love, also pursues the wealth.

  15. 心仪的朋友不妨再耐心等待些日子。

    Admires friend might as well again patience waiting day.

  16. 这是我们所心仪已久的。也是我们梦寐以求的。

    That is what we've long expected and dreamed of.

  17. 我在各种各样的生活中找到我心仪的幸福感。

    I found happiness in the variety of life that fits me.

  18. 知道吗?放弃一个心仪却无缘分的朋友。

    Do you know? Give up but one heart appearance have no chance with the friend of one.

  19. 有什么比清晨的一杯咖啡更令人心仪。

    What's better than a cup of fresh coffee in the morning!

  20. 沙滩是我的最爱,不仅仅只是我心仪的婚礼场地。

    The beach is one of my favorite locations and not only for my wedding.

  21. 所以,对那些我心仪的东西,我得假装不感兴趣?

    So, Im to feign lack of interest in something Ive got my heart set on.

  22. 你能承受得起心仪的地方一套安全,固定的公寓么?

    Can you afford to live in a safe, secure apartment in your intended destination?

  23. 莲娜亦遇到心仪对象,与一英俊马术冠军堕入爱河。

    Elsewhere, Delinda meets and falls for Cody Barnes, a handsome Rodeo champion.

  24. 如果您准备找到自己心仪的伴侣,我们可以提供帮助。

    If you're ready to find your soul mate, we can help.

  25. 有没有过和别人竞争去赢得心仪的男孩或女孩?

    Did you have to compete with someone else to get the girl or guy you wanted?

  26. 我之前不知道他所心仪的对象是是我的女儿丹妮尔。

    What I didn't realize is that the object of his affection is my daughter Danielle.

  27. 你这心仪的石头会让你忘却红尘中的烦恼, 人世间的纷争。

    Your favorite stone will let you to forget the troubles in red dust, disputes of the world.

  28. 把相机装在三脚架上, 然后拍摄你得心仪之作。

    Mount your camera on the tripod and compose your image to your liking.

  29. 把相机装在三脚架上,然后拍摄你的心仪之作。

    Mount your camera on the tripod and compose your image to your liking.

  30. 寻找心仪的大学需要你花很多时间进行独立的调查研究。

    Finding that college will require hours of individual research from you.


  1. 问:心仪拼音怎么拼?心仪的读音是什么?心仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心仪的读音是xīnyí,心仪翻译成英文是 admire in heart; favorite; respect



“心仪”是个多义词,它可以指心仪(同名歌曲), 心仪(基本信息)。