







汉语拼音:xīn gān








  1. 心与肝。

    宋 丁谓 《丁晋公谈录》:“须是活取心肝进呈。” 许杰 《惨雾》下:“就好像把自己的心肝割了出来。”

  2. 指情思;心思。

    汉 王粲 《七哀》诗之一:“悟彼下泉人,喟然伤心肝。” 唐 李白 《古朗月行》:“忧来其如何,悽愴摧心肝。” 宋 苏辙 《读旧诗一首》:“饱食餘暇尽日眠,安用琢句愁心肝。”

  3. 喻真挚的情意。

    唐 杜甫 《彭衙行》:“谁肯艰难际,豁达露心肝。别来岁月周,胡羯仍构患。” 朱自清 《论老实话》:“不看什么人就掏出自己的心肝来,人家也许还嫌血腥气呢!”

  4. 良心;正义感。

    《南史·陈纪下·后主》:“ 隋文帝 曰:‘ 叔寳 全无心肝。’” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·义犬》:“世无心肝者,其亦愧此犬也夫!” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·脸谱臆测》:“富贵人全无心肝,只知道自私自利,吃得白白胖胖,什么都做得出,于是白就表了奸诈。”

  5. 喻最亲切、心爱的人。

    《晋书·刘曜载记》:“ 陇上 壮士有 陈安 ,躯干虽小腹中宽,爱养将士同心肝。”《红楼梦》第四十回:“ 寳玉 滚到 贾母 怀里, 贾母 笑的搂着叫‘心肝’。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“以后跟妈在一块儿,没有人会欺负你,我的心肝孩子。”

  6. 喻精华。

    康有为 《大同书》甲部绪言:“又当大地之交通,万国之并会,薈东西诸哲之心肝精英而酣飫之。”



  1. When they got back, Jessica immediately 'phoned her mother and her mother obviously asked, 'How was the honeymoon, dearest?


  2. but, in the sound of weeping parents to save their "precious darling" , and that voice is so distraught, even though, only to see the lips!


  3. You're a heartless creature, but that 's part of your charm . You know you've got more charm than the law allows.


  4. Therefore it that the heart of Liver Depression-depression, Yu Granule and the treatment of a Prozac.


  5. Oh, you'll get over it, sweetheart, you'll get over it; it was only fun, you know. Come, let's be going.


  6. It would be wrong to stereotype, to say that Russians are fatalistic or heartless.


  7. Poor me, my sweetheart will leave me for her new boyfriend.


  8. I feared he would think it heartless if I read, so I sat by the window, smoking a pipe, till he felt inclined to speak.


  9. I suppose the baby is so precious that I worry about her all the time.


  1. 请别哭,心肝。

    Don't cry, sweetheart, please.

  2. 心肝宝胶囊

    Xinganbao Jrao nang.

  3. 只要再有点儿耐心, 心肝。

    A little more patience, sweetheart.

  4. 他把她称为他的心肝。

    He called her his darling.

  5. 噢, 这些没心肝的坏蛋!

    Oh, the heartless, treacherous scoundrels!

  6. 我的心肝,我的挚爱,我美丽的妻。

    My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife.

  7. 你是我的心肝宝贝。

    You are my sweet heart.

  8. 我是他的心肝宝贝。

    And I am his sweetheart.

  9. 肺肾同病兼及心肝

    the lung and kidney being ill simultaneously with affecting the heart and liver

  10. 你是精神上的,亲爱的心肝。

    You're spiritual, dear soul.

  11. 谈失眠从心肝论治

    Discussion on treatment of insomnia from heart and liver

  12. 心肝宝贝。就坐在这里。

    Sweetheart Sit down right here.

  13. 孩子们是我的心肝宝贝。

    The children are precious to me.

  14. 他是一个没有心肝的畜生。

    He is an unfeeling brute.

  15. 帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。

    Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast.

  16. 你是我的心肝, 我不能没有你。

    You are in my heart. I can never lose you.

  17. 那太罪过了,也太没有心肝了!

    That would be wicked, as well as heartless!

  18. 要让他心肝情愿给钱给我们。

    Because giving Danny the money has to be his idea.

  19. 马鲁络说钱是没有心肝的。

    Marullo said money has no heart.

  20. 好一个没有心肝,自私自利的小丫头!

    Unfeeling, selfish girl!

  21. 心肝合治论失眠118例疗效分析

    The effect of orthodox medicament about the heart and liver on 118 cases with vigilance

  22. 凯罗兰做人怎麽可以这麽没心肝

    Caroline How could anyone be so heartless

  23. 吉姆的新车是他的心肝宝贝。

    Jim's new car was the apple of his eye.

  24. 这婴儿是全家的心肝宝贝。

    The baby is the family darling.

  25. 治疗上以清泻心肝之火为主。

    Clearing away the fire of heart and liver is main treatment.

  26. 赫斯渥眼看着他得心肝宝贝。

    Hurstwood looked at his lovely prize.

  27. 赫斯渥眼看着他的心肝宝贝。

    Hurstwood looked at his lovely prize.

  28. 他只是狡猾, 善于计谋, 而且没有心肝。

    He was just shrewd and calculating and heartless.

  29. 扎克,你妈妈拿你当心肝宝贝。

    Your mother loved you so much, Zachary.

  30. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。

    Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her.


  1. 问:心肝拼音怎么拼?心肝的读音是什么?心肝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肝的读音是xīngān,心肝翻译成英文是 conscience; darling

  2. 问:心肝的拼音怎么拼?心肝的的读音是什么?心肝的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肝的的读音是xīn gān de,心肝的翻译成英文是 cardiohepatic

  3. 问:心肝三角拼音怎么拼?心肝三角的读音是什么?心肝三角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肝三角的读音是xīn gān sān jiǎo,心肝三角翻译成英文是 cardiohepatic triangle

  4. 问:心肝毒素拼音怎么拼?心肝毒素的读音是什么?心肝毒素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肝毒素的读音是xīn gān dú sù,心肝毒素翻译成英文是 cardio hepatic toxin

  5. 问:心肝肿大拼音怎么拼?心肝肿大的读音是什么?心肝肿大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心肝肿大的读音是xīn gān zhǒng dà,心肝肿大翻译成英文是 cardiohepatomegaly



“心肝”是个多义词,它可以指心肝(汉语词语), 心肝(图书)。