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1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……
汉语拼音:qiè jì
《旧唐书·忠义传上·夏侯端》:“但主上晓察,情多猜忍,切忌诸 李 ,强者先诛, 金才 既死,明公岂非其次?”
宋 戴复古 《论诗十绝》之四:“须教自我胸中出,切忌随人脚后行。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话》卷一:“诗笔固不宜直率,尤切忌刻意为曲折。” 毛泽东 《<中国工人>发刊词》:“我希望这个报纸好好地办下去,多载些生动的文字,切忌死板、老套,令人看不懂,没味道,不起劲。”
Whatever you think you know to be certain is probably a lot more flexible than you think.
你经过思考而得到的结论,切忌那么的肯定,任何事情都比你想象的更有弹性。Good "elastic persuasion" , to put ourselves for the sake of their children, to understand children's needs, should not alarmist.
善于“弹性说服”,要设身处地为孩子着想,了解孩子的需要,切忌危言耸听。She didn't know I was John Jr. 's dad; she was just trying to teach them a lesson about making bad choices.
她不知道我就是小约翰的父亲,她只是在努力教训孩子们切忌选择不当。Eat not to produce sound, not talking, not in public with a toothpick, don't bring your own cutlery set to another location.
吃东西时不要发出声音,不宜说话,不要当众用牙签剔牙,切忌把自己的餐具摆到他人的位置上。Make sure that your slides are readable. Do not go overboard with your fonts, colors, and background graphics.
必须保证你的幻灯片内容清晰、易读。切忌大肆地使用字体、颜色以及背景图案。Life is like a coin. It's the only coin you have, only you can decide how it well be spent . Don't let others spend it for you .
生活好像一枚硬币,我们自己才是它真正的主人,我们自己才有权决定如何花掉它,切忌不能让别人替你支配。A clear understanding of whether the brand identity, note the name of manufacturer, address, avoid purchase of three non-commodities.
认清有无品牌标识,注意制造企业的名称、地址,切忌购买三无商品。Keep your rear end firmly planted on the surface of the seat. When you lean forward, use your back without moving your bottom.
记得把屁股牢牢地贴在座位上;如果身体要前倾,切忌挪动屁股,动后背就行了。Be careful with advice. Assume your friend wants to let off steam, not necessarily ask for a plan of action.