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《明史·徐阶传》:“下儒臣议, 阶 独持不可。 孚敬 召 阶 盛气詰之。 阶 抗辩不屈。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷七:“是冬 张广泗 至京廷讯,责以挟私观望之罪,抗辩不服,怒斩之。” 李大钊 《史观》:“吾侪治史学于今日的 中国 ,新史观的树立,对于旧史观的抗辩,其兴味正自深切。”
His counter-argument was that if he were home he would have recorded it himself, so there was no difference.
他抗辩说如果他当时在家,他也会记录下来,因此没什么不同。Also included are "A Plea for the Poor" and "Considerations on Keeping Negroes" one of the earliest attacks on slavery.
还包括“抗辩为穷人服务”和“思考保持黑人的”关于奴隶制的最早的攻击之一。A practice is illegal if it restricts competition in some significant way and has no overriding business justification.
一种行为倘若其以某种明显的方式限制了竞争且没有免责正当的商事抗辩理由,那么它就是非法的。The defences of the buyer arising out of the sale contract do not concern the bank and in no way affect its liability.
买方对买卖合同的抗辩与银行无关,并不能影响银行在信用证项下的责任。She worries that this sort of defense is the wave of the future.
她担心,这样的抗辩,会成为未来的潮流。Vladimir Buyanov, BP's first secretary in Russia, said the court's decision "had no legal basis" and that BP would vigorously contest it.
BP俄罗斯第一秘书弗拉基米尔•布亚诺夫(VladimirBuyanov)称,法院的决定“没有法律依据”,BP将积极抗辩。The Judge told him that if he failed to enter a plea, he would almost inevitably be found guilty.
法官告诉他如果这次不进行抗辩,他将无法避免被定罪。They argue that none of them is named in the complaint and point out that the bank's robust defence means no heads will roll.
他们表示,证交会的起诉书中没有提到他们中任何一人的名字,而高盛的强力抗辩意味着,没有人会因此下台。When he mildly remonstrated, one of them raised a stool and with it gave him a blow.