


长形的东西从中间分开:~裂。~层。~面。截~。~肠。~魂。~线风筝。不继续,禁绝:~粮。~水。~炊。~奶。~档。~流。~种(zhóng )。~交。~片。~续。~子绝孙。判定,决定:判~。诊~。~狱(审理和判决罪案)。一定,绝对:~乎不可。~……





汉语拼音:duàn cháng



形容伤心悲痛 到极点。



  1. 割开或切断肠子。


  2. 谓肠断折。参见“ 断肠猿 ”。

  3. 形容极度思念或悲痛。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《燕歌行》:“念君客游思断肠,慊慊思归恋故乡。” 唐 李白 《清平调》词之二:“一枝红艳露凝香,云雨 巫山 枉断肠。” 宋 苏轼 《次韵回文》之二:“红牋短写空深恨,锦句新翻欲断肠。” 郭沫若 《牧羊哀话》:“像这样断肠地方,伤心国土,谁还有铁石心肠,再能够多住片时片刻呢?”

  4. 秋海棠花的别名。

    清 黄宗羲 《小园记》:“至於丽春、款冬……断肠、洗手、红姑、虞美,丛生砌下,递换疄间,非盆盎之所收拾也。”



  1. Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend--if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own.


  2. In a moment they will strike a light, and then will follow that which it would break your heart to hear.


  3. Heartbroken sorrow, this desire to sorrow sorrow more sorrow. Came flowers smile, original is asked for source-contacting margin.


  4. After those who leave other heartbroken is painful, how can ability walk out of the shadow of lose?


  5. A rain cloud, tells the story of a heartbroken should be said of having sexual intercourse be disappointed!


  6. Everybody is at the end of the world, why not because of pain, give up the former pledge?


  7. The "heartbroken Journeyer" in the poetry symbolizes Han nation and the intellectuals dominated by foreign nation.


  8. Cicada without some trouble, people naturally worry in vain heartbroken.


  9. When they get to the part, Where he's breaking her heart, It can really make me cry, Just like before, It's yesterday once more.


  1. 断肠字点点

    The heartrending lines word by word.

  2. 花落人断肠,

    Saddened by the falling petals

  3. 也不过是断肠二字。

    Is nothing but the word heartbroken.

  4. 那是令人断肠的痛楚。

    And it was gut wrenching.

  5. 悲伤的往事令人断肠。

    The sad past is heartbroken.

  6. 夕阳西下, 断肠人在刷牙!

    Sundowners, heartbroken people in brushing!

  7. 我听到你的声音,断肠崖在线。

    I hear you voice on the line.

  8. 人们非常难过,把这种草称为断肠草。

    People were sorry to hear his death, they call the plant as Gelsemium elegans.

  9. 宋代诗人朱淑真和她的断肠诗词

    Female Poet Zhu Shuzhen in Song Dynasty and Her Anthology of Heartbroken Poetry

  10. 断肠无语问苍天, 天不语, 唯有泪徘徊。

    Heartbreak nowhere to turn, day in silence, only tears hovering.

  11. 蝉声无一些烦恼, 自是愁人枉断肠。

    Cicada without some trouble, people naturally worry in vain heartbroken.

  12. 是谁剪断了琴弦, 弹着如此断肠的曲。

    Who cut the strings, so Duanchang impact of the song.

  13. 断肠人懒揩流泪眼?若如此,可否译作。

    I am too heartbroken to wipe tears out at all?

  14. 一曲相思,两种惆怅,万般妩媚,终究断肠。

    Acacia, two kinds of melancholy, worth of charming, after all heartbroken.

  15. 夕阳西下, 泪洒红尘里, 人断肠, 在天涯。

    The sun was setting west, along with tears of someone at the edge of the world.

  16. 离别的断肠之痛后, 怎么才能走出失落的阴影?

    After those who leave other heartbroken is painful, how can ability walk out of the shadow of lose?

  17. 在右结肠动脉下离断肠系膜上动、静脉。

    Under the right colonic artery, cut the superior mesenteric artery and vein.

  18. 离别得断肠之痛后,怎么才能走出失落得阴影?

    After those who leave other heartbroken is painful, how can ability walk out of the shadow of lose?

  19. 因此, 耶稣那椎心断肠之痛, 是无法用笔墨形容的。

    Accordingly, Jesus'heartrending feelings were beyond description.

  20. 酸性染料比色法测定断肠草总生物碱的含量

    Determination of Total Alkaloid of Gelsemium elegans Benth by Bromophenol Blue Colorimetry

  21. 基层实验室快速检测断肠草中钩吻碱的技术研究

    Research on rapid detection for gelsemine from gelsemium elegans benth in primary laboratory

  22. 如何去明白多情断肠,痴恨鬓霜,梦破离愁,谁能明白?

    How to understand affectionate heartbroken, and delusion hate applogized frost, dreams break sky, who can understand ?


  1. 问:断肠拼音怎么拼?断肠的读音是什么?断肠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:断肠的读音是duàncháng,断肠翻译成英文是 be heartbroken; be overwhelmed with grief

  2. 问:断肠花拼音怎么拼?断肠花的读音是什么?断肠花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:断肠花的读音是duànchánghuā,断肠花翻译成英文是 Beaumontia brevituba

  3. 问:断肠草拼音怎么拼?断肠草的读音是什么?断肠草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:断肠草的读音是duànchángcǎo,断肠草翻译成英文是 Graceful Jasmine Herb; Herba Gelsemii Elegan...

  4. 问:断肠草叶点霉拼音怎么拼?断肠草叶点霉的读音是什么?断肠草叶点霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:断肠草叶点霉的读音是duànchángcǎoyèdiǎnméi,断肠草叶点霉翻译成英文是 Phyllosticta gelsemii


