







汉语拼音:liè yīng



  1. I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.


  2. The King got two mighty falcons. He had never seen such beautiful falcons before, so he gave them to his chief falconer for training.


  3. The incident happened shortly after he took off for a joyride with an experienced pilot from South Africa's Silver Falcons air display team.


  4. The young Emperor was stretched on a couch of dyed lion skins, and a ger-falcon perched upon his wrist.


  5. So I shut my eyes and my spirit took off, spiraling as high as the falcon and then beyond, so that I was looking down over the whole earth.


  6. As part of the pilot project, the falcons will be flying five days a week for the next five months.


  7. To be a Knight is to be the Heart and Sword of the Holy Falcon Empire !


  8. Now Citigroup has said it would not take delivery of a $42 million Dassault Falcon 7X jet that it had planned to buy.


  9. As a new dawn rises, an eagle takes to the sky, spreading his wings over a timeless land, a place of ceremony and sacred mystery.


  1. 国际猎鹰运动

    SEI Socialist Educational International International Falcon Movement Socialist Educational Movement

  2. 猎鹰镭射鼠论坛

    HP Falcon Laser White Mouse

  3. 在空中盘旋的猎鹰

    the eagle swirled in the air

  4. 马耳他猎鹰之地

    The falcon lands on malta

  5. 猎鹰会把你撕碎。

    The falcons is going to tear you apart.

  6. 一对短翅。一对猎鹰的短翅!

    Short wings A falcon's short wings!

  7. 关于或类似于猎鹰的。

    relating to or resembling a falcon.

  8. 守护肠脏猎鹰头形。

    Qebekhsennuef The falcon headed guardian of the intestines.

  9. 要有猎鹰般的短翼。

    You'd have a falcon's short wings.

  10. 看到猎鹰捕抓幼兔

    Watched the falcon pounce on the baby rabbit

  11. 黑羔羊与灰猎鹰

    Black Lamb and Grey Falcon

  12. 猎鹰者饲养和训练猎鹰的人

    One that breeds and trains falcons.

  13. 飞机被洪都命名被称为猎鹰。

    The aircraft was named by Hongdu as Falcon.

  14. 猎鹰一号,你看见她了吗?

    Falcon one, do you see her?

  15. 广泛分布的猎鹰, 被用来狩猎。

    a widely distributed falcon formerly used in falconry.

  16. 时常在沼泽活动的东半球猎鹰。

    Old World harrier frequenting marshy regions.

  17. 放鹰狩猎用猎鹰打猎的活动

    Hunting of game with falcons.

  18. 国王收到了两只威武的猎鹰。

    The King got two mighty falcons.

  19. 那可是哈萨克族老人驯养的猎鹰。

    Its a falcon raised by an elderly Kazak man.

  20. 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。

    The boys went hunting with their falcon.

  21. 这是猎鹰系列最近的一些作品

    Now, here's the most recent progression of, Falcons.

  22. 养猎鹰者一次放飞的一对鹰

    a pair of hawks released by a falconer at one time

  23. 猎鹰再也听不见主人的呼唤。

    The falcon cannot hear the falconer.

  24. 这样猎鹰才能完全像电影里一样

    in order so that the bird could properly be wrapped.

  25. 在猎鹰的旗帜下,我站在你面前。

    Under Falcon's banner I stand before you.

  26. 亲爱的,你知道猎鹰是怎样训练的吗?

    Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear?

  27. 如同一头自由的猎鹰, 沐浴在光辉之中。

    Like a strong and free falcon bathed in radiance.

  28. 阿拉伯人喜欢在沙漠中用猎鹰捕猎。

    The Arabs like to falcon in the desert.

  29. 理查德,你要像猎鹰一样看着她

    Richard, watch her like a hawk.

  30. 猎鹰急速俯冲,直朝着猎获物扑去。

    The Falcon went into a rapid dive, swooping to a kill.


  1. 问:猎鹰拼音怎么拼?猎鹰的读音是什么?猎鹰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猎鹰的读音是lièyīng,猎鹰翻译成英文是 African Harrier-Hawk; Polyboroides typicus...

  2. 问:猎鹰站拼音怎么拼?猎鹰站的读音是什么?猎鹰站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猎鹰站的读音是,猎鹰站翻译成英文是 Boramae Station

  3. 问:猎鹰航空公司拼音怎么拼?猎鹰航空公司的读音是什么?猎鹰航空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猎鹰航空公司的读音是Lièyīng hángkōnggōngsī,猎鹰航空公司翻译成英文是 Falcon Air, an airline company based in Sweden...

  4. 问:猎鹰9号运载火箭拼音怎么拼?猎鹰9号运载火箭的读音是什么?猎鹰9号运载火箭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猎鹰9号运载火箭的读音是,猎鹰9号运载火箭翻译成英文是 Falcon 9

  5. 问:猎鹰空空导弹改进计划拼音怎么拼?猎鹰空空导弹改进计划的读音是什么?猎鹰空空导弹改进计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:猎鹰空空导弹改进计划的读音是liè yīng kōng kōng dǎo dàn gǎi jìn jì huà,猎鹰空空导弹改进计划翻译成英文是 Falcon Improvement Program



“猎鹰”是个多义词,它可以指猎鹰(驯服老鹰), 猎鹰(2002年韩赤飞执导电视剧), 猎鹰(日本电视剧《血色星期一》男主角别称), 猎鹰(2012刘小锋主演电视剧), 猎鹰(睡莲品种), 猎鹰(美国太空战舰计划), 猎鹰(马文强著图书), 猎鹰(2000年张晓强执导电影), 猎鹰(军事小说作者), 猎鹰(足球鞋名称), 猎鹰(吉林大学创业团队名称), 猎鹰(中国L-15教练机), 猎鹰(格斗游戏《街头霸王》角色)。