


1. 属 [shǔ]2. 属 [zhǔ]属 [shǔ]同一家族的:亲~。眷~。烈~。类别:金~。吾~。有管辖关系的,归类:~于。~下。~地。归~。直~。附~。隶~。生物群分类系统上,“科”下有“属”,“属”下有“种”。系,是:~实。纯~谣言……





汉语拼音:shǔ shí





确系事实,合乎实际。清 史致谔《同治元年闰八月廿二日禀曾国藩等》:“各清册前来,均经委员检点属实。”廖仲恺《致饶潜川黄德源函》:“如果属实,自当先行劝令辞职,另举廉能为妥。”毛泽东《中国人民解放军布告》:“如有民族工商农牧业家私人股份经调查属实者,当承认其所有权。”



  1. 确系事实,合乎实际。

    清 史致谔 《同治元年闰八月廿二日禀曾国藩等》:“各清册前来,均经委员检点属实。” 廖仲恺 《致饶潜川黄德源函》:“如果属实,自当先行劝令辞职,另举廉能为妥。” 毛泽东 《中国人民解放军布告》:“如有民族工商农牧业家私人股份经调查属实者,当承认其所有权。”



  1. Again, if true, it seems incredible that the governor of the Bank should not have been consulted on the forthcoming white paper.


  2. If the charges prove true, they may likely end any prospects of him running against French President Nicolas Sarkozy next year.


  3. The White House said North Korea appeared to be telling the truth, an assessment shared by China and South Korea.


  4. If true, such a tactic would serve as a stern warning to those who see change in the air that it remains far off.


  5. It may be reckless of me to apply for a visa without a detailed travel plan ready, but all the information I have mentioned is true.


  6. If that were true in 1972 when China's economy had been laid low by mad collectivist experiments, how much truer it is today.


  7. Moreover, if that is true, how much talking could be going on within that relationship regarding how sex can best be expressed and enjoyed?


  8. There is just no reason to think that this is going to be a good measure of whether someone is telling the truth.


  9. U. S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said the U. S. government will take action if the allegations are proven true.


  1. 情况属实。

    The story is perforce true.

  2. 审查属实。

    The fact was established after investigation.

  3. 反之也属实。

    The converse is also true.

  4. 证明所述属实

    to attest the truth of a statement

  5. 情况并不属实。

    Things didn't turn out like that.

  6. 我证明此事属实。

    I certify this to be true.

  7. 证明某说法属实

    manifest the truth of a statement

  8. 证明某人的话属实

    attest the truth of somebodys words

  9. 真的吗,句句属实

    Really? No kidding. Listen to this.

  10. 因此, 三角形计数属实。

    Thus the triangle count is substantiated.

  11. 加伯尔证明属实。

    Citizen Gabelle was called to confirm it, and did so.

  12. 此事後来得知不属实。

    This, it later transpired, was untrue.

  13. 此事后来得知不属实。

    This, it later transpired, was untrue.

  14. 记者可以查证数据属实。

    This reporter was able to verify these data.

  15. 他讲的情况完全属实。

    He told the strict truth.

  16. 他讲的情况完全属实。

    He told the strict truth.

  17. 以上信息属实, 特此证明。

    I hereby certify that the above information is accurate and true.

  18. 传闻二和传闻三报道属实。

    Two and three hearsay hearsay reports are true.

  19. 控方未能证明所控属实。

    The prosecution hashave failed to prove itstheir case.

  20. 上帝为我作证,一切属实!

    As God is my witness, thats the truth!

  21. 责任之言属实则有刺。

    The sting of a reproach is truth of it.

  22. 我经打听方知事情属实。

    On inquiry I found it was true.

  23. 我保证以上信息完全属实。

    I certify that the information above is complete and correct.

  24. 他怀疑这件事是否属实。

    He has his doubtto this being true.

  25. 她讲的情况是否查对属实?

    Does her story check out?

  26. 我发誓, 我说的话句句属实。

    I have said nothing that I am not ready to attest.

  27. 律师的辩解已被证明属实。

    The lawyer's allegation was proved.

  28. 魏兹曼的话只是部分属实。

    Weizmann's words were only partly true.

  29. 情况属实,我调查很多次了。

    It is ture. I looked into it many times.

  30. 不, 我这次说的句句属实。

    No, I'm telling the truth this time.


  1. 问:属实拼音怎么拼?属实的读音是什么?属实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:属实的读音是shǔshí,属实翻译成英文是 To accord with the truth.

